Liberation of Clark Field
Luzon, Philippines

Japanese Briefing

by Allen Ray Garbee

In the 129th sector, the Eguchi detachment consisted of the following units:


(Troop Quality: Experienced, Morale: 8)


    1 command stand 1 car 1 staff radio truck 1 recon infantry stand

4 Light Infantry Battalions (provisional), each with:
(Troop Quality: See note 1)

    Headquarters 1 command stand
    Autocannon Company, with: 1 20L70 Type 98 AA/AT gun 1 gun crew (ds)
    4 Companies, each with: 4 Laborer stands 1 LMG stand

Infantry Battalion (provisional), with:
(Troop Quality: Experienced, Morale: 10)

    Headquarters, with: 1 command stand 1 patrol stand 1 81mm mortar (ds)
    LMG Company, with: 2 LMG stands
    3 Infantry Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand 2 infantry stands 1 weapons stand

Naval Antiaircraft Battalion
(Troop Quality: Regular, Morale: 9)

    Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command stand 1 car 1 spotter stand 1 medium supply truck
    3 Batteries, each with: 1 120mm Naval AA gun 1 gun crew (ds)

(Troop Quality: Veteran/tanks Experienced, Morale: 10)

3rd Battalion, 2 Mobile Infantry Regiment

    Battalion Headquarters
      1 command stand 1 car 1 37L45 Type 97 AT gun 1 gun crew stand 1 MMG 1 light truck

    3 Infantry Companies, each with: 1 command weapons stand 2 infantry stands 3 light trucks

    Infantry Gun Company, with: 75mm infantry gun 1 gun crew (ds) 1 medium truck

    Independent Tank Company, with: 1 command medium tank 1 medium tank

Japanese Notes

1. Light Infantry Battalions: These formations were formed from the airfield construction and maintenance workers at Clark Field. The troops were mainly Okinawan and Korean workers. The battalions have the following quality and morale ratings:

    1st: Green, Morale 6, 2nd: Green, Morale 8; 3rd: Green, Morale 6: 4th: Green, Morale 8.

2. 20mm Autocannons and LMG Stands: The construction troops at Clark Field cannibalized and converted a variety of aircraft cannon, machineguns and antiaircraft autocannons to the ground­support role. These are represented by the various autocannons and LMG stands listed in the orders of battle.

3. Naval AA Battalion: The 120mm AA guns were utilized for ground support during this campaign. The guns are emplaced in mountain caves in the Zambales Mountains to the west. The AA guns may not be used against aircraft.

Japanese Setup

The Eguchi Detachment troops were deployed in two lines: the outpost line of resistance (OPLR), approximately one battalion, and the main line of resistance (MLR), composed of all remaining troops. except the Yanagimoto detachment. The Japanese players may select any one battalion, except the Yanagimoto Detachment, to deploy on the OPLR. The Yanagimoto Detachment sets up within the Fort Stotsenburg complex. The remaining troops are deployed along the MLR. The OPLR runs north to south approximately three feet from the east edge of the table. The MLR runs approximately north to south 4.5 feet from the west map edge. The artillery is deployed off board, or alternatively, on the heights at the western area of the map. The Japanese have available sufficient entrenchments for all their infantry. LMG. HMG and light guns are deployed in bunkers or weapons pits at the owning players option. The Japanese have five pillboxes available. These pillboxes may be placed at the Japanese player's discretion. Additionally, the Japanese have 36 minefields available, along with 36 dummy minefields. These minefields may be placed anywhere, at the Japanese player's discretion.

Liberation of Clark Field: Luzon, Philippines CDII Scenario: January 29-31, 1945

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