Liberation of Clark Field
Luzon, Philippines

US Briefing

by Allen Ray Garbee

The 129th was composed of the follow­ing troops:


(Troop Quality: Experienced. Morale: 8)

129 RCT (Illinois National Guard)

    Headquarters Company
      1 command stand 1 jeep 1 staff radio light truck 1 recon infantry stand

    Service Company
      1 medium ammo truck with trailer

    Regimental Cannon Company, with: 1 command stand 1 jeep 1 M-7 Priest SP howitzer 1 medium truck ammo with AAMG and trailer 1 support stand
    Antitank Company
      1 command stand 2 gun crew stands 1 bazooka stand 1 jeep 2 light trucks 1 light truck with ammo trailer 2 57L2 AT guns

    1st/129th Infantry Battalion

        1 command stand l jeep
        Headquarters Company, with: 1 command stand 1 jeep 1 gun crew 1 57L52 AT gun 1 light truck 1 bazooka stand 1 flame-thrower stand 1 assault flame-thrower stand
        3 Rifle Companies, each with: 1 command stand 3 infantry stands 1 weapons stand
        Heavy Weapons Company, with: 1 command stand 1 jeep 2 jeeps with light ammo trailers 1 81mm mortar stand (ds) 2 medium trucks 2 MMG stands

    2/129th RCT, with: as 1/129th

    3/129th RCT, with: as 1/129th

    Company A, 117th Engineer Combat Battalion

      1 command stand 1 jeep 1 engineer flame-thrower stand 2 engineer stands 2 dump trucks 1 dump truck with engineer supply trailer and AAMG

    6th Field Artillery Battalion

        1 command stand 1 command car 1 staff radio medium truck

      Headquarters and Service Battery, with: 1 FO stand 1 jeep 2 medium ammo trucks with trailers
      3 Firing Batteries, each with: 1 command stand 1 jeep 1 medium truck with AAMG 1 105L23 howitzer 1 gun crew (ds) 1 light truck 1 support stand with bazooka

    Company, 637th Tank Destroyer Battalion

      l command M20 armored car 1 recon M8 armored car 3 M 18 tank destroyers

    2 Companies, 754th Tank Battalion, each with: 1 command M4 medium tank 2 M4 medium tanks

    Company, Chemical Battalion, with: l command stand 1 jeep 3 4.2" chemical mortars 3 gun crews (ds) 3 medium trucks with trailers l medium ammo truck with trailer

US Notes

1. Subordination: All units are subordinate to the headquarters, 129th RCT.

2. Chemical Mortars: The command stand may also serve as the FO stand for the company. Chemical mortars treat smoke as a standard round.

3. General Support Artillery: There are two battalions of 155mm howitzers and an additional battalion of 105mm howitzers available for use. In addition, one light observation aircraft is available at any point in the game. These guns are assumed to have an associated staff stand for indirect fire purposes.

US Setup

The US troops deploy within two feet on the eastern map edge. The 1/129th RCT is deployed in the northern third of the setup area. The remainder of the 129th RCT may set up anywhere within the remaining southern two­thirds of the setup area. Units attached directly to the 129th RCT must set up on board. General support artillery is considered off board and need not be modeled. The US has no entrenchments, weapons pits or other fortifications available. The Japanese had deployed the Eguchi Detach­ment in the Fort Stotsenburg area. A scratch-built force, it was formed using the airfield construction troops at Clark Field, as well as the few regular army and navy personnel available.

Liberation of Clark Field: Luzon, Philippines CDII Scenario: January 29-31, 1945

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