French Expeditionary Corps
Italy 1943-1944

Corps Troops and Morroccan Goums

by Greg Novak

The Allied Invasion of North Africa and the subsequent liberation of the French colonies there allowed the French Army to serve again against the German foe. Using the elements of the colonial forces garrisoned there and those forces already serving under the Free French banner, it was decided to organize a new French Army for use in the liberation of the French homeland.

As the United States was to provide the equipment and weapons for the rebirth of the French Army, it was decided to use, though with some modifications, the American TO&Es for the new units. Three Light Armored Divisions-the 1st, 2nd and 5th-were organized, though the 2nd was sent to England to take part in the landing there. The new Infantry Divisions were the 1st Motorized, 2nd Moroccan, 3rd Algerian, 4th Moroccan Mountain and 9th Colonial Infantry.

Additional non-divisional units-such as supporting artillery, tank destroyers and Moroccan Goums were raised and equipped as well.

While waiting for the invasion of France, elements of the newly raised force were offered for service in Italy. General Alphonse Juin and elements of his 1st French Army started to arrive late in 1943, only to find that a third Allied Army was not needed in Italy. He renamed his force the Corps Expeditionaire Franqais (CEF) and served under the command of the American 5th Army. Four Infantry Divisions saw service in Italy with the CEF, as did three groups of Goums. The 9th Infantry Division saw service in Corsica and Elba during this time. The remaining two armored divisions, the 1st and 5th, were offered but not sent to Italy due to the nature of the terrain there.

After serving with distinction in the Rome campaign of 1944, the CEF was withdrawn for the invasion of southern France. Its removal was a sad loss to the Allied forces in Italy, as the majority of the Allied Mountain troops then serving in Italy went with them.

Corps Troops

7th Regiment Chasseurs De Afrique
Troop Quality: Experienced Morale: 8

Regimental Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 M-20 command armored car

Headquarters Company, with:

    1 medium ammo truck with trailer and AAMG
    1 ARV
    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 medium fuel truck with trailer
    1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
    1 medium general supply truck with trailer
    1 light truck
    1 support stand with bazooka

Reconnaissance Company, with:

    1 M-20 command armored car
    1 recon M-8 armored car
    3 recon jeeps with MG
    1 recon jeep with AAMG
    1 engineer stand
    1 light truck

3 Tank Destroyer Companies, each with:

    1 M-20 command armored car
    1 recon M-8 armored car
    3 M-10 SP 76mm guns

8th Regiment Chasseurs De Afrique, with:
As 7th Regiment above.

Moroccan Goums
Troop Quality: Veteran
Morale: 8

1st Groupe de Tabor, with:

    Grouppe Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 staff radio stand
      1 light truck
      1 81 mm mortar stand (ds)
      1 MMG stand
      1 light truck
      1 gun crew stand
      1 57L52 AT gun
      2 support stands
      6 pack mule stands

    2nd Tabor, with:

      Tabor Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 81 mm mortar stand (ds)
        2 MMG stands
        1 recon cavalry stand
        2 support stands
        6 pack mule stands

      51st, 61st and 62nd Goums, each with:

        1 command mountain infantry stand
        1 recon mountain infantry stand
        2 mountain infantry stands

    3rd Tabor, with:

      as 2nd Tabor, above
      4th, 65th and 101st Goums, with: as 51st, 61st and 62nd Goums, above

    12th Tabor, with:

      as 2nd Tabor, above
      12th, 63rd and 64th Goums, with: as 51st, 61st and 62nd Goums, above

3rd Groupe de Tabor, with:

    as 1st Groupe de Tabor, above

    9th Tabor, with:

      as 2nd Tabor, above
      81st, 82nd, and 83rd, Goums, with: as 51st, 61st and 62nd Goums, above

    10th Tabor, with:

      as 2nd Tabor, above
      84th, 85th, and 86th Goums, with: as 51st, 61st and 62nd Goums, above

    17th Tabor, with:

      as 2nd Tabor, above
      14th, 18th and 22nd Goums, with: as 51st, 61st and 62nd Goums, above

4th Groupe de Tabor, with:

    as 1st Groupe de Tabor, above
    5th Tabor, with:
      as 2nd Tabor, above
      41st, 70th, and 71st, Goums, with: as 51st, 61st and 62nd Goums, above

    8th Tabor, with: as

      2nd Tabor, above
      78th, 79th, and 80th Goums, with: as 51st, 61st and 62nd Goums, above

    11th Tabor, with: as

      2nd Tabor, above
      88th, 89th and 93rd Goums, with: as 51st, 61st and 62nd Goums, above

Levant Colonial Artillery Regiment
Troop Quality: Regular
Morale: 8

Regimental Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 staff radio truck
    1 light baggage truck with field kitchen
    1 light truck
    1 support stand

1st Artillery Battalion, with:

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 command car
      1 staff radio light truck

    Headquarters and Service Battery, with:

      1 medium ammo truck with trailer and AAMG
      1 medium ammo truck with trailer
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer
      1 light truck
      1 support stand

    3 Firing Batteries, each with:

      command stand
      1 jeep
      1 medium truck with AAMG
      1 105L23 howitzer
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 light truck
      1 support stand

2nd and 3rd Artillery Battalions, each with:

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 command car
      1 staff radio light truck

    Headquarters and Service Battery, with:

      1 medium ammo truck with trailer and AAMG
      1 medium ammo truck with trailer
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer
      1 light truck
      1 support stand

    3 Firing Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 tractor with AAMG
      1 155LA5 gun
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 light truck
      1 support stand

64th African Artillery Regiment
Troop Quality: Regular
Morale: 8

Regimental Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 staff radio truck
    1 light baggage truck with field kitchen
    1 light truck
    1 support stand

1st and 2nd Artillery Battalions, each with:

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 command car
      1 staff radio light truck

    Headquarters and Service Battery, with:

      medium ammo truck with trailer and AAMG
      1 medium arnmo truck with trailer
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer
      1 light truck
      1 support stand

    3 Firing Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 medium truck with AAMG
      1 105L23 howitzer
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 light truck
      1 support stand

3rd Artillery Battalion, with:

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 command car
      1 staff radio light truck

    Headquarters and Service Battery, with:

      1 medium ammo truck with trailer and AAMG
      1 medium ammo truck with trailer
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer
      1 light truck
      1 support stand with bazooka

    3 Firing Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 tractor with AAMG
      1 155LA5 gun
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 light truck
      1 support stand

17th Groupe De Forces Terrestres Antiaeriennes
Troop Quality: Regular
Morale: 8

Groupe Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 command car

Headquarters Battery, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    2 support stands
    2 light trucks with searchlight trailers
    1 medium ammo truck with trailer and AAMG
    1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
    1 medium general supply truck with trailer
    1 light truck
    1 support stand

4 AA Batteries, each with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 tractor with AAMG
    1 90L50 AA gun
    1 gun crew stand (ds)
    1 M16 MGMC

23rd Groupe De Forces Terrestres Antiaeriennes, with:

    as 17th above

32nd Groupe De Forces Terrestres Antiaeriennes, with:

    as 17th above

34th Groupe De Forces Terrestres Antiaeriennes, with:

    as 17th above

40th Groupe Colonial De Forces Terrestres; Antiaeriennes, with:

    as 17th above

101st Engineer Regiment
Troop Quality: Regular
Morale: 8

Regimental Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 staff radio truck
    1 light baggage truck with field kitchen
    1 light truck
    1 support stand

1st and 2nd Battalions, each with:

    Headquarters and Service Company, with:
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      2 engineer stands
      12 bulldozers
      12 tractor trailers for bulldozers
      1 medium truck with trailer and AAMG
      1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer
      1 compressor truck
      1 light truck
      1 support stand

    3 Engineer Companies, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 medium truck with AAMG and trailer
      2 medium dump trucks
      3 engineer stands

180th Engineer Battalion
Troop Quality: Regular
Morale: 8

    Headquarters and Service Company, with:
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      2 engineer stands
      1 bulldozer
      1 tractor trailers for bulldozer
      1 medium truck with Class IV Bridge
      1 light truck with assault boat trailer
      1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer
      1 compressor truck
      1 light truck
      1 support stand

    3 Engineer Companies, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 medium truck with AAMG and trailer
      2 medium dump trucks
      3 engineer stands

201st Pioneer Regiment, with:
Troop Quality: Regular
Morale: 8

    Regimental Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 staff radio truck
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 light truck
      1 support stand

    2 Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters and Service Company, with:
        1 command stand
        1 jeep
        1 medium supply truck with trailer and AAMG
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
        1 medium general supply truck with trailer
        1 light truck
        1 support stand

      3 Engineer Companies, each with:

        1 command pioneer stand
        3 pioneer stands

202nd Pioneer Regiment as 201st but with three battalions

14th to 22nd Mule Transport Companies, each with:
Troop Quality: Regular
Morale: 8

    1 mounted command support stand
    2 mounted support stands
    16 pack mule stands

French Expeditionary Force Italy 1943-1944

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