Poland is Still Free
A Guide to the Polish Army

Eastern Front 1943-44

by Greg Novak

The German attack on the Soviet Union changed the fate of the Poles who had been captured by the Soviets in the 1939 campaign. As plans were made to either use these troops in Russia or send them to the Mideast to serve with the British, the Germans released the news that the Soviets had murdered Polish officers at Katyn. (Poland found itself in a situation where both the German and Soviet government had embarked on a program to behead the Polish people by the systematic murder of any leaders, military, political, intellectual, who fell into their hand.) The Free Polish Government severed all ties with the Soviet Union, and ordered all troops under its control to leave.

The Soviet government set up its own Polish government in exile, and formed its own Polish Army. For those Poles in prison camps who wanted to fight back, the choice was to fight now with the Russians, or wait out the war. From their numbers a new Polish force appeared in action in 1943.

1st (Kosciuszko) Infantry Division

Experienced, Morale: 8

Divisional Headquarters Troops, with:

Divisional Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car
    1 command infantry stand
    1 light truck

Headquarters Company, with:

    1 Quad AAMG truck
    1 recon cavalry SMG stand
    1 light truck with towed field kitchen 1 support stand

Military Police Platoon, with: 2 motorcycle MP stands

Signal Company, with:

    1 staff radio truck 1 command stand
    1 car
    1 medium repair truck with trailer
    1 support stand
    2 lineman patrols
    1 telephone repair wagon
    1 support stand

Divisional Maintenance Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car
    1 medium parts truck with trailer
    1 support stand
    1 wrecker
    1 light truck

Divisional Supply Company, with:

    1 mounted command stand
    2 support stands
    6 supply wagons
    3 medium supply trucks with trailers

Divisional Recon Company, with: 3 recon cavalry SMG stands

Divisional Engineer Battalion, with:

    Headquarters and Service Company, with:
      1 command engineer stand
      1 engineer supply wagon
      1 baggage wagon

    3 Line Companies, each with: 3 engineer stands

3 Rifle Regiments, each with:

    Regimental Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 command infantry stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 recon cavalry SMG stand
      1 baggage wagon
      1 horse-drawn field kitchen

    Supply Company, with:

      1 ammo supply wagon
      1 support stand
      1 general supply wagon

    Regimental Gun Company, with:

      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 76L16 infantry gun
      1 limber

    Antitank Gun Company, with:

      1 gun crew 145L46 AT gun
      1 limber

    Regimental Mortar Company, with:

      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 120mm mortar
      1 medium truck

    Regimental Antitank Rifle Company, with: 3 PTRD AT rifle stands

    Regimental SMG Company, with: 3 SMG stands

    3 Infantry Battalions, each with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 command infantry stand
        1 PTRD AT rifle stand
        1 HMG stand (ds)
        1 gun crew stand
        145L46 AT gun
        1 limber

      3 Infantry Companies, each with: 3 infantry stands

      Machinegun Company, with: 3 MMG stands

      Mortar Company, with: 1 82mm mortar stand (ds)

Light Artillery Regiment, with:

    Regimental Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car

    3 Field Artillery Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command/FO stand
        1 staff telephone wagon
        1 support stand
        1 baggage wagon
        1 horse-drawn field kitchen

      Supply Column, with:

        2 ammo wagons
        1 mounted command stand
        1 support stand
        1 general supply wagon

      2 Gun Batteries, each with:

        1 gun crew (ds) 17609 field gun
        1 limber
        1 support stand

Divisional AT Battalion, with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 light ammo truck
      1 medium baggage truck
      1 support stand

    3 Batteries, each with:

      1 gun crew
      1 45L46 AT gun
      1 light truck

    Antitank Rifle Company, with:

      2 PTRD AT rifle stands
      1 medium truck

1st (Heroes of Westerplatte) Armored Brigade
Veteran, Morale: 9

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command BA-32 armored car
      1 recon motorcycle stand
      1 engineer stand
      l light truck
      1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 support stand

    Technical Supply Company, with:

      1 medium ammo truck with trailer
      1 heavy recovery tractor
      1 medium fuel truck with trailer
      1 support stand
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer

    Brigade Antitank Battery, with:

      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 76L39 field gun
      1 medium truck

    Medium Tank Battalion, with: 1 command T-34/43 tank and 5 T-34/43 tanks

    Light Tank Battalion, with: 1 command T-70 tank and 3 T-70 tanks

    Motorized Rifle Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command infantry stand
        1 PTRD AT rifle stand
        2 light trucks
        1 recon BA-32 armored car

      2 Rifle Companies, each with:

        2 infantry stands
        1 medium truck

      Tank Desant Company, with: 2 SMG stands

      Mortar Company, with:

        1 82mm mortar stand (ds)
        1 medium truck

Poland is Still Free A Guide to the Polish Army 1940-1945

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