The 1991 Persian Gulf War

United Kingdom

by David Nilsen and Greg Novak

The British Armed Forces were the only forces in the Gulf equal to the United States forces deployed there. It should be noted that the British formations listed below were brought up to strength from other units of the BAOR, with the result that many different British units can claim the honor of having troops in the Gulf.


All British Air Crews should be rated as Veteran, Morale 11


The British Army should be rated as Veteran, Morale 10.

1st Armored Division, UK, with:

Divisional Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 Sultan armored command vehicle
    1 TOC van

7 Armored Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 Sultan armored command vehicle
      1 TOC van

    Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Battle Group, with:

      Headquarters Squadron, with:
        1 command Challenger I Mk3
        1 Sultan TOC
        1 recon Ferret
        2 Recon Scorpion
        2 Striker
        1 Chieftain or Challenger ARV
        2 heavy ammo trucks

      3 Tank Squadrons, each with:

        1 command Challenger I Mk 3
        2 Challenger I Mk 3

      Infantry Company (A Company, 1st Staffords), with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        3 MCV-80 Warrior

    Queens Royal Irish Hussars, with:

      Headquarters Squadron, with:
        1 command Challenger I Mk3
        1 Sultan TOC
        1 recon Ferret
        2 recon Scorpion
        2 Striker
        1 Chieftain or Challenger ARV
        2 heavy ammo trucks

      3 Tank Squadrons, each with:

        1 command Challenger I Mk 3
        2 Challenger I Mk 3

    1st Battalion, the Staffordshire Regiment Battle Group, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command Warrior
        1 Sultan TOC
        2 recon Scimitar
        2 FV 432 81mm mortar carriers
        1 ammo FV 432 with trailer
        1 Warrior ARV
        4 Spartan or Warrior with Milan

      2 Infantry Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        3 MCV-80 Warrior

      2 Tank Squadrons (B Sqdn RSDG, C Sqdn QRIH), each with:

        1 command Challenger I Mk 3
        2 Challenger I Mk 3

    40 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, with:

      Regimental Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 FV-432
        1 recon Ferret
        1 Sultan TOC
        2 heavy trucks

      3 Firing Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        2 Warriors
        2 M109A2 SP 155 howitzers
        2 M548 ammo tractors

      10 Air Defense Battery, with:

        1 command stand
        9 Spartan APC
        9 Javelin stands

    21 Regtment Royal Engineers, with:

      Regimental Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 FV-432
        1 Samson ARV
        2 medium supply trucks with trailers

      3 Engineer Squadrons, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 engineer stands
        3 Spartan APC
        1 FV-432 with Ranger mine launcher
        1 FV-432 with minelayer trailer
        1 FV-432 with Giant Viper line charge trailer
        1 FV-180 combat engineer tractor
        1 earthmover
        1 entrenching machine

4 Armored Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with: as 7th Brigade Headquarters

    14th/20th Hussars, with:

      Headquarters Squadron, with:
        1 command Challenger I Mk 3
        1 Sultan TOC
        2 recon Scorpion
        1 Chieftain or Challenger ARV
        2 heavy ammo trucks

      2 Tank Squadrons (A & B Squadrons), with:

        1 command Challenger I Mk 3
        2 Challenger I Mk 3

      Infantry Company (Queen's Company, Grenadier Guards), with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        3 MCV-80 Warriors

    1st Battalion, the Royal Scots, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command Warrior
        1 Sultan TOC
        2 recon Scimitar
        2 SP 81mm mortars
        1 ammo FV-432 with trailer
        1 Warrior ARV
        4 Spartan or Warrior with Milan

      2 Infantry Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        3 MCV-80 Warriors

      Tank Squadron (A Squadron, the Life Guards), with:

        1 command Challenger I Mk 3
        2 Challenger I Mk 3

    3rd Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Fusillers, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command Warrior
        1 Sultan TOC
        2 recon Scimitar
        2 SP 81mm mortars
        1 ammo FV-432 with trailer
        1 Warrior ARV
        4 Spartan or Warrior with Milan

      3 Infantry Companies (including 2nd Company, Grenadier Guards), each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        3 MCV-80 Warriors

      Tank Squadron (D Squadron, 14th/20th Hussars), with:

        1 command Challenger I Mk 3
        2 Challenger I Mk 3

    2 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, with:
    as 40 Field Regiment~ Royal Artillery

    46 Air Defense Battery, with:
    as 10 Air Defense Battery, above

    23 Regiment, Royal Engineers, with:
    as 21 Regiments Royal Engineers

    Artillery Brigade, with:

      Brigade Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 FV 432 TOC

    16th/5th The Queens Royal Lancers, with:

      Regimental Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 Sultan command vehicle
        1 Samson ARV
        2 medium ammo trucks

      3 Squadrons, each with:

        1 command Scimitar
        1 recon Scimitar
        2 recon Scorpions
        1 Striker AT
        1 Spartan APC
        1 recon infantry stand

      A Squadron, 1st the Queen Dragoons Guards, with:

        1 command Scimitar
        3 recon Scimitars
        1 Spartan APC
        1 recon infantry stand

    32 Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery, with:

      Regimental Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 FV-432
        1 recon Ferret
        1 Sultan TOC
        2 heavy trucks

      3 Firing Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        2 Warriors
        1 M110A2 SP 203 howitzer
        1 M548 ammo tractor

      26 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, with:
      as 40 field Regiment, but only two firing batteries

      39 Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 FV-432
          1 recon Ferret
          1 Sultan TOC
          2 heavy trucks

        3 Firing Batteries, each with:

          1 command stand
          1 FO stand
          2 Warriors
          3 M270 MLRS
          3 HEMTT ammo tractors

      12 Air Defense Regiment, Royal Artillery, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 FV-432
          1 Sultan TOC
          2 heavy trucks

        2 Firing Batteries, each with:

          1 command stand
          1 FV432
          2 tracked Rapiers
          2 M548 ammo tractors

        2 Firing Batteries, each with:

          1 command stand
          3 towed Rapiers
          3 Land Rover or SUPACAT Rapier tractors
          3 Land Rovers or SUPACATs with ammo tractors

    4 Regiment, Army Air Corps, with:

      Regimental Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 Gazelle AH.Mk 1

      654 Squadron, with:

        1 command Gazelle AH.Mk 1 scout helicopter
        1 recon Gazelle AH.Mk 1 scout helicopter
        2 Lynx AH.Mk 7 with TOW

      659 Squadron as 654 Squadron
      661 Squadron as 654 Squadron

Divisional Troops:

32 Armored Regiment, Royal Engineers, "The Antique Road Show," with:

    Regimental Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 FV-432
      1 Samson ARV
      1 FoxNBC reconnaissance vehicle
      2 medium supply trucks with trailers

    3 Engineer Squadrons, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 Spartan APC
      1 FV432 with Ranger minelauncher
      1 minelayer trailer
      1 Stormer Minotaur mine launching vehicle
      1 FV432 with Giant Viper line charge trailer
      1 FV-180 CET with mine roller
      2 Chieftain AVLB with mine plows
      2 Centurion AVRE with line charge trailers
      1 Centurion ARV
      1 heavy supply truck with trailer

Armoured Delivery Group:

    Group Headquarters, with:
      1 command Warrior
      1 Sultan TOC
      2 recon Scimitars
      2 SP 81mm mortars
      1 ammo FV-432 with trailer
      4 FV-432 with Milan

    3 Infantry Companies (A, B, & C Companies, the Scots Guards), each with:

      1 command stand
      3 infantry stands
      3 MCV-80 Warriors

    3 Tank Squadrons (B, C, and D Squadrons, the Life Guards), with:

      1 command Challenger I Mk 3
      2 Challenger I Mk 3

Support Helicopter Force Middle East

    5 Puma HC.Mk 1
    4 Chinook HC. Mk 1B
    3 Sea King HC.Mk 4


Under Tactical Control of VII Corps from 26 January.

1. Both the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards and the QRIH had their organizations filled out by formed troops from the 17th/21st Lancers.

2. The 14th/20thHussars were brought up to strength by an entire squadron (A Squadron) from the Life Guards, plus personnel and equipment of the 4th Royal Tank Regiment. The regiment's C Squadron was serving as the Berlin Armoured Squadron.

3. The Royal Scots and 3rd RRF were both brought up to strength by the addition of a company from the Grenadier Guards (1st and 2nd companies).

4. The battalions of the 4th Brigade are shown in only one of their configurations; their task organization changed several times over the course of the short ground war. In the initial attacks on Objective Brass, the 14th/20th Hussars operated with three tank squadrons (A, B, & D) in addition to the Queen's Company, while 3rd RRF had no tanks at all. On Objective Brass 3, D Squadron went to the 3rd RRF, which is the configuration shown above. Finally, for the assault on Objective Tungsten, two squadrons of tanks were given to each infantry battalion, leaving l4th/20th with no tanks, but with one weary infantry company from each of the Royal Scots and 3d RRF.

5. The armored reconnaissance units in the artillery brigade were tasked with the identification of deep targets for the division's artillery and attack helicopters. Each squadron should have an FO stand attached to it from one of the artillery units. A Company, the Queen's Dragoon Guards was detached to 7th Brigade during the final dash to the Kuwaiti coast.

6. The Armoured Delivery Group was created for the purpose of battle casualty replacement allowing replacements to be made with fully formed units, rather than piecemeal. Headquarters elements of the Annoured Delivery Group were provided by A and B companies of the 1st Battalion Queen's Own Highlanders.

7. Elements of three battalions of infantry (1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, 1st Battalion, the Royal Highland Fusiliers, and 1st Battalion, the King's Own Scottish Borderers) were also sent to the Gulf for security and EPW service, and were not included in the forces listed above.

8. All Mk 1 and 2 Challengers brought into the theater (particularly by 14th/20di Hussars) were brought up to Mk 3 standards upon being unloaded at a pier-side modification facility at Al Jubail.

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