Kuwait International Airfield

Iraqi Forces

by Frank Chadwick and Greg Novak, with David Nilsen

3rd Armored Division

Regular, Morale: 8 (unless noted)
    Headquarters, 3rd Armored Division, with:
      1 command T-72G
      1 staff radio truck
      1 support stand
      1 light truck

    1st Brigade, 3rd Armored Division, with:

      Brigade Headquarters, with:
        1 command T-55
        1 BTR-PU TO-C
        1 support stand
        1 light truck

      Brigade Recon Company, with 3 recon ERC-90s

      Brigade AA Company, with:

        1 ZSU-23
        1 SA-9
        1 support stand
        1 light truck

      2 Tank Battalions, each with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command T-55
          1 support stand
          1 medium ammo truck

        3 Tank Companies, each with 2 T-55s

      Tank Battalion, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command T-62
          1 support stand
          1 medium ammo truck

        3 Tank Companies, each with 2 T-62s

      Mechanized Battalion, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 support stand
          1 medium ammo truck
          1 82mm mortar stand (ds)
          1 B-11 107mm RR stand (ds)
          2 medium trucks
          2 SA-7 stands
          2 light trucks
          1 MILAN stand
          1 BTR-60RB

        3 Mech Infantry Companies, each with:

          3 infantry stands
          3 BTR-60PB

        1 Artillery Battalion, with:

          Battalion Headquarters, with:
            1 command stand
            1 UAZ-469
            1 support stand
            1 ACRV-2
            1 light truck
            1 medium ammo truck with trailer

          3 Batteries, each with 1 S1 122 SP howitzer

    2nd Brigade, 3rd Armored Division, with Regular, Morale: 7

      Brigade Headquarters, with:
        1 command T-54
        1 BTR-152U
        1 support stand
        1 light truck

      Brigade Recon Company, with 1 recon BRDM-1
      Brigade AA Company, with:

        1 ZU-23
        1 gun crew stand
        2 SA-7 teams
        2 light trucks

      2 Tank Battalions, each with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command T-54
          1 support stand
          1 medium ammo truck

        3 Tank Companies, each with 2 T-54s

      Mechanized Battalion, with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 UAZ-469
          1 support stand
          2 SA-7 teams
          1 medium ammo truck
          1 82mm mortar stand (ds)
          1 B-10 82mm RR stand (ds)
          2 medium trucks
          2 light trucks
          1 AT-3 stand
          1 BTR-152

        3 Mech Infantry Companies, each with:

          3 infantry stands
          3 BTR-152


    1. The Iraqi players may cross-attach commands prior to the start of the game if wished, but all stands cross-attached must be in the same brigade.

    2. The Iraqi T-62 tanks are class VI AFVs. T-54s, T-55s, and S-1s are class V, while the APCs are class IV. Vehicles in a building may use either their normal modifier for indirect fire, or the building modifier, whichever is better. They do not combine both.

    3. The Iraqi Artillery Battalion may have up to 6 points pre-plotted for fire missions. If the FO can see this point, then any fire ordered on that point will fall on that turn. If the Iraqi artillery moves after the start of the game, the ability to fire automatically on these points is lost.

    4. All Iraqi infantry, gun crews, and support stands have RPG-7s as their LAW. They are limited to two shots per stand.

Iraqi Setup

Iraqi units may be placed anywhere behind the Iraqi Setup Line. Vehicles and stands may be placed in buildings subject to size limitations.

Kuwait International Airfield February 27, 1991

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