Kuwait International Airfield

American Marine Forces

by Frank Chadwick and Greg Novak, with David Nilsen

Task Force Papa Bear

Veteran, Morale: 12
    Headquarters, 1st Marines, with:
      1 command stand
      1 AAVC7A1 TOC
      1 FO Stand from 1st Battalion, 11th Marines
      2 HMMWVs

    1st Battalion, 1st Marines , with: (Attached, Company B, 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion)

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 command AAVC7A1
        1 recon infantry stand
        1 HMMWV
        1 HMMWV with HMG
        1 5-ton ammunition truck
        1 maintenance van with trailer
        1 support stand

      3 Rifle Companies, each with:

        1 command stand

        3 infantry stands
        1 SMAW team
        3 AAVC7A1s

      Weapons Company, with:

        1 command stand
        2 81mm mortar stands
        1 HMMWV with HMG
        1 HMMWV with 40 AGL
        6 Dragoon teams
        4 HMMWVs
        2 5-ton trucks

    1st Marine Tank Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command M60A1
        1 AAVC7A1 TOC
        2 M-88A1 ARVs
        1 10-ton ammunition truck
        1 maintenance van with trailer
        1 support stand

      3 Tank Companies, each with:

        1 command M60A1
        2 M60A1s

      Antitank Company (-), with:

        1 command stand
        1 HMMWV with HMG
        3 HMMWVs with TOWs
        1 ammunition HMMWV with trailer

    1st Battalion, 11th Marines, with:

      (Off-board Artillery, Direct Support)
      1 radio locator stand (attached)
      6 M198 155mm howitzers
        per weapon
          1 round smoke
          2 rounds BE (2"x2" 7)
          4 rounds DPICM (4"x4")

    Detachment, TF Shepherd, (1st LAI Battalion)

      1 command LAVC2
      3 recon LAV-25s
      1 LAV-TOW
      2 recon infantry stands
      1 SMAW team

    Detachment, HMLA-369, with:

      2 AH-1Ws, each with 4 Hellfires

    Battalion, 12th Marines, with:

      (Off-Board Artillery, General Support)
      1 counterbattery radar set
      3 M110A2 203mm howitzers
        per weapon
          3 rounds DPICM (6"x6" 8)
          2 rounds HE (2"x2" 8)


    1. The 3rd/9th Marines, with the same organization as the lst/lst Marines, was also part of TF Papa Bear. It was operating to the right war of the battlefield screening the movement north of TF Taro.

    2. The Marine players may cross attach commands prior to the start of the game if wished, with the exception of TF Shepherd.

    3. The HMMWVs with the HMG and AGL may dismount their weapons. Replace the vehicle with a standard HMMWV, and a stand with the weapon type,i.e., an HMG stand and an AGL stand.

    4. The M60A1s have reactive armor. In addition, count them as being "stabilized" for game purposes. (These M60AIs were part of the pre-positioned package, and were brand new. The crews had a chance to train extensively with these taiiks on their arrival in the Gulf, and were up to an extremely high standard of training.)

    5. The LAV-25s are equipped with thermal imaging sights (CDII Rule 4.55).

    6. The general support artillery can be pre-plotted to fire missions on Iraqi-held areas. These missions must be pre-plotted as to their target and time. They do not deviate or have their effect halved-they are not H&I missions, but pre-plotted fire. The missions cannot be changed once the game starts; they can only be canceled. The general support artillery can also be used for counterbattery fire.

    7. The AH-1s have a maximum time over the board of four turns. There is not sufficient time for them to re-arm, re-fuel, and return. The time that they are present must be planned in advance. Any Marine command stand can act as an FAC for these helicopters. The Hellfires are being painted by FLIR- (treat as Thermal Imaging, CDH Rule 4.55) and laser designator-equipped UH-1N Hueys. These Hueys are considered to be integral to each AH-1W stand, thus the stands are self-designating.

Marine Setup

With the exception of TF Shepherd, all Marine units may set up anywhere south of the Marine Start line. TF Shepherd, at the Marine player's discretion, may enter on the west edge of the board anywhere south of the Iraqi start line. If this option is used, the actual location and time of arrival must written down prior to the start of the game.

Kuwait International Airfield February 27, 1991

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