Ambush In Alsace Lorraine

August 22, 1914

German Forces

by Greg Novak

Regular; Morale: 10

16th Uhlans, with:

    1st Squadron, with:
      1 command cavalry stand
      2 cavalry recon stands
      1 cavalry stand

    86th Infantry Brigade, with:

      Brigade Headquarters, with 1 command stand

      30th Infantry Regiment, with:

        Regiment Headquarters, with 1 command stand
        Regimental Machinegun Company, with 1 NWG stand (ds, 3 dice)
        1st Battalion, with:
          Battalion Headquarters: 1 command stand
          4 Infantry Companies, each with:
            1 command infantry stand
            2 infantry stands

        2nd Battalion, same as 1st Battalion
        3rd Battalion, same as 1st Battalion

    16th Jager Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarter, with 1 command stand
      4 Infantry Companies, each with
        1 command infantry stand
        2 infantry stands

      Machinegun Company, with 1 MMG stand (ds, 3 dice)
      Bicycle Company, with

        1 command bicycle infantry stand
        1 recon bicycle infantry stand

    69th Field Artillery Regiment, with:

      Regimental Headquarters, with 1 command stand
      1st Abteilung, with:
        1 command stand
        1 spotter
        3 gun crew stands (ds)
        3 light limbers
        3 77mm field guns
        3 supply wagons

      2nd Abteilung, with:

        1 command stand
        1 spotter
        3 gun crew stands (ds)
        3 light limbers
        3 105mm howitzers
        3 supply wagons

German Notes

At the start of the game, 0830, the Germans may set up subject to the following restrictions:

The 16th Uhlans may start in Fillieres, either mounted or dismounted.
The 16th Jager Battalion may set up anywhere along a line from Hill 340 to Point E.
The 30th Infantry Regiment may set along a line from Point E, to Hill 374, to Point D.
The 69th Field Artillery Regiment may set along a line from Point E, to Hill 374, to Point D. The spotters may be set up up to 12" away from their respective battalions. They may only control their own battalions.

Ambush In Alsace Lorraine August 22, 1914

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