Ambush In Alsace Lorraine

August 22, 1914

French Forces

by Greg Novak

Regular; Morale: 10

    Divisional Headquarters, with 1 command stand

    79th Infantry Brigade, with:

      Brigade Headquarters, with 1 command stand
        154th Infantry Regiment, with:
          Regimental Headquarters, with:
            1 command stand
            1 recon cavalry stand

          1st Battalion, with:

            Battalion Headquarters, with:
              1 command stand
              1 MG stand (1 die)

            4 Infantry Companies, each with:

              1 command infantry stand
              3 infantry stands

            2nd Battalion, same as 1st Battalion
            3rd Battalion, same as 1st Battalion

        155th Infantry Regiment, same as 154th

        40th Artillery Regiment, with:

          Regimental Headquarters, with 1 command stand
          1er Groupe, with:
            1 command stand
            1 Spotter
            3 gun crew stands (ds)
            3 light limbers
            3 75mm field guns
            3 supply wagons

          2e Groupe, same as 1er Groupe
          3e Groupe, same as 1er Groupe

          40th Engineer Company

            1 command engineer stand
            3 engineer stands
            1 wagon

French Notes

At the start of the game (0830), the 154th Regiment, minus the 2nd Battalion, is placed in column along the road back from Point B (see map on page 58). The Regimental Headquarters is at the head of the column, followed by the 1st and 3rd Battalions. The 154th must remain in column until the enemy is sighted, or the column is fired at. The regimental recon stand may placed in advance of the column at Point A.

Reinforcements arrive in the following order at Point C:

    0900: Brigade Headquarters ' and 2nd Battalion, 154th Infantry
    0915: Regimental Headquarters and 1er Groupe,40th Artillery
    0930: 2e Groupe, 40th Artillery
    0945: 3e Groupe, 40th Artillery
    1000: 155th Infantry Regiment, Headquarters and 1st Battalion
    1015: 155th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion
    1030: 155th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Battalion
    1045: 40th Engineer Company

The spotters for the artillery groupes may only control their own units, and must set up within 12" of their parent unit. Both the artillery unit and the spotters must be on the same side of the river.

Ambush In Alsace Lorraine August 22, 1914

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