"Our Enemies the French"
Invasion of Syria:
June 15th, 1941

Vichy French Set-Up

by Greg Novak

Entry Point 1

6th Chasseurs D'Afrique (Experienced; Morale: 8)

    1st Squadron, with:
      1 command R-35 tank
      2 R-35 tanks
      2 recon P-178 armored cars

8th Algerien Spahis (Regular; Morale: 8)

    Regimental Headquarters, with 1 mounted command stand
    2 Squadrons, each with
      1 command cavalry stand
      1 recon cavalry stand
      1 cavalry stand

Levant Mountain Artillery Battalion (Regular; Morale: 8)

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 mounted command stand#
      1 mounted spotter stand
      1 supply wagon#

    3 Batteries, each with

      1 gun crew stand#
      1 limber#
      165/19 mountain gun#

Entry Point 2

6th Chasseurs D'Afrique (Experienced; Morale: 8)

    3rd Squadron, with:
      1 command R-35 tank
      2 R-35 tanks
      2 recon P- 178 armored cars

3rd Battalion, 6th Regiment of the Foreign Legion (Veteran; Morale: 9)

    Battalion Headquarters, with 1 command stand
    2 Companies, each with:
      1 command infantry stand
      2 infantry stands

    Machinegun Company, with 2 machinegun stands
    Detachment, Weapons Company, with 1 81 mm mortar stand (ds)

1st Battalion, 22nd Tirailiers Algerien (Experienced; Morale: 8)

    Battalion Headquarters, with 1 command stand
    3 Companies, each with 1 command infantry stand and 2 infantry stands
    Machinegun Company, with 2 machinegun stands
    Detachment, Weapons Company, with 1 81mm mortar stand (ds)

1st Battalion, 86th Artillery Battalion (Regular; Morale: 8)

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 mounted command stand*
      1 mounted spotter stand
      1 supply wagon*

    3 Batteries, each with:

      1 gun crew stand*
      1 limber*
      1 75L36 field gun*


1. French units enter at their respective entry points starting at 1500.
2. Those stands marked with a * or a # remain off-board.
3. The 8th Algerien Spahis may dismount and operate as infantry.

More Invasion of Syria: June 15th, 1941: "Our Enemies the French"

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