"Our Enemies the French"
Invasion of Syria:
June 15th, 1941

Commonwealth Set-Up

by Greg Novak

6th Australian Divisional Cavalry Experienced; Morale: 9

Regimental Headquarters, with:

    1 command Mk VIB tank

1 Squadron, with:

    1 command universal carrier
    2 recon carriers
    2 Mk VIB tanks

Attached Troops (Experienced; Morale: 9)

    Peach's Company, 2/33rd Infantry Battalion, with:
      1 command infantry stand
      2 infantry stands

    Troop, 2/2nd AT Regiment, with 1 2lb portee AT gun

    10th Battery, 2/5th Field Regiment, with:

      1 command stand
      1 car
      2 25lb field gun
      1 gun crews (ds)
      2 quad prime movers 1 medium supply truck with trailer
      1 support stand

Scots Greys (Regular; Morale: 8)

    Regimental Headquarters, with 1 command stand and 1 car
    2 Squadrons, each with
      1 command infantry stand
      1 infantry stand
      1 recon infantry stand
      3 light trucks

Attached Troops (Regular; Morale: 8)

    Squadron, Staffordshire Yeomanry
      1 command infantry stand
      1 infantry stand
      1 recon infantry stand
      3 light trucks

Attached Troops (Experienced; Morale: 9)

    Mayberry's Company, 2/33rd Infantry Battalion, wit
      1 command infantry stand
      2 infantry stands

    Troop, 2/2nd AT Regiment, with 1 2lb portee AT gun
    Troop, 57th LAA Battery, with

      1 gun crew
      1 40L56 AA gun
      1 light truck


1. The units under the command of the 6th Divisional Cavalry Regiment are to set up in the area so marked.

2. The units under the command of the Scots Greys are to set up in the area marked along Balate Ridge.

3. The command stand of the 10th Battery, 2/5th Field Artillery can act as an FO for its battery.

4. All command or command/infantry stands have integral Boyes AT rifles.

5. Mayberry's Company of the 1/33rd Infantry may start at Merdjayoun if the British playerso wishes.

6. Commonwealth personnel stands may start the game emplacd.

More Invasion of Syria: June 15th, 1941: "Our Enemies the French"

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