By Dick Bryant
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Battle Honours has now released 15mm figures for the 1808 Royal Spanish Army, with infantry, cavalry, artillery, and command figures available. Other additions to their Peninsular range include French fusiliers, grenadiers, and drummers (two poses) all in greatcoats, and a British line infantryman in greatcoat. On another front, more 1809 Austrians are now available, as are Prussian artillery and charging French cavalry has been seen in increasing variety. The first Austrians for the Revolutionary Wars have been released, including German and Hungarian fusiliers and grenadiers, and some Grenz. Rumors about ACW figures persist. The rate at which new figures are being released will put this badly out of date by the time you read it; send a large SASE (with 50(t postage) forthe latest listing. Battle Honours America, 17 Ridge Rd., Budd Lake, NJ 07828. Falcon Miniatures has released a batch of new figures for 15mm Napoleonic campaigning in Egypt. These include Mamelukes armed with sword, pistol, lance, spear, or blunderbuss; natives with spear, spear and shield, or sword and shield; Arab cavalry, Turk command group, three poses of Turkish infantry, Janissary command group, and two poses of Janissary infantry. Also in 15mm, the ACW line has been extended with a Garibaldi Guard, infantryman in kepi with pack, zouaves with turban or kepi, infantrymen in overcoat and kepi with or without pack, and cavalry in overcoat with pistol or sword. New WWII figures in 20mm include a German radio group, US radio group, infantry with SMG, and combat engineers. The 25mm SYW line has been expanded with the addition of several Russians: a grenadier in march attack, three musketeer poses, resting dragoons, dragoon command group, and an artillery crew. Falcon Miniatures, P.O. Box 444, Medford, MA 02155. Tel. (617) 488-3541 MC or VISA. Simtac has announced the availability of 15mm Napoleonic Ottoman Turks, including Nizam-I-Jedid infantry, Albanian mercenaries, and Anatolian Sekhan infantry, command groups for each, Suvalieri Cavalry, Suvalieri mounted officer, Suvalieri Guard Cavalry, Sipahi Cavalry, sappers, and Topiji arillery. These figures are part of their updating of the Jacobite line. Simtac Inc., 20 Attawan Rd., Niantic, CT 06357. Napoleonic Campaign Map A ten-mile hex grid map of all of Europe and the Mediterranean theater, including major rivers, mountain ranges, road systems, cities, towns, village, and political boundaries, is being offered by C.P. Geisert for $27. On the way are a similar map of the US and Northeastern Canada during 1812-1815, and one of the West Indies. He will also make custom maps. C.P. Geisert, 209 Washingotn Park, Brooklyn, NY 11205. Borodino Map David Naquin is reproducing a map produced by the Russian Military Topographical Depot of the battlefield at Borodino as it was in 1839 on the occasion of Army wargames recreating the battle. The 4 by 5 foot map (reproduced in six 16 by 24 inch black and white sections) is drawn at a scale of 1400 feet to the inch, showing roads, paths, slopes, hill tops, tree cover (by type), gun emplacements, fortifications, and individual buildings. All text, of course, is in Russian. The map costs $52.50; notes on the probable extent of woods in 1812, along with other topographic information can be had for an additional $12. Borodino Maps, RT 1, Box 92-A, Efland, NC 27243. The Redcoat Journal "An occasional publication devoted to the American War of Independence and French Revolutionary Wars for military students, wargamers, and re-enactors", this half-A4 format magazine is the work of the newly formed Redcoat Society. This group intends to coverthat part of the 18th Century notaddressed by the Seven Years' War Association. The Spring 1989 issue has an article on the formation and uniform of DeLancey's Corps, a description of a small action in which it fought with notes on gaming possibilities, an eyewitness account of the blockade and siege of Gibraltar 1779-1783, an account of Morgan's Rifles, and a piece on a slave rebellion in Jamaica in 1730-1738, again with notes on gaming possibilities. The British point of view on the AWl is worth the reading, even if there was nothing else offered: the activities of DeLancey's Cowboys appear in a quite different light from the other side of the Atlantic. Promising stuff. Michael Butterfield, P.O. Box 12, Axminster, Devon, England, UK. 20 pages, $12/4 issues and membership. Seven Years' War Association continues to publish their excellent journal, and has decided not to expand to cover the AWI, now that the Redcoat Society has been formed, but is considering the Marlboroughian period. Highlights of issue 4:3 include a short history of Pontiac's rebellion, an analysis of fire discipline, an account of the American Provincial units in the SYW, and an article on the Battle of Mehr. 50 pp. 81/2x5'12, $12/4-5 issuesand membership. William Protz, 5690 West Glenbrook Rd., Brown Deer, WI 53223. Accurate Figures has begin producing a line of 54mm plastic figures. The first releases are two boxes, British Infantry and American Militia of the AWL Each box contains 20 figures in 10 positions, and sells for £3.95. Accurate Figures Ltd., 25 Alderbrook Rd., Balham, London SW-I2 8AF, UK. Battalionfeuer Games has had three 25mm American Provincial infantry designed for the French and Indian War to fill gaps in other lines. These figures are standing firing, standing loading, and advancing. All have tomahawks rather than bayonets and are dressed in shortened coats. They are compatible with RSM 25s and are priced at 70¢ apiece. Battalionfeuer Games, Hap Jordan, 14 Parkview, Jamestown, NY 14701. RAFM has released a new line of WWII vehicles in 20mm, all kits to be assembled with up to a dozen pieces. These include a Universal Carrier MKII ($4.00), British 6 lb AT gun MKIV ($3.50), Willys Jeep, and US 3" AT gun with both 1944 and 1945 versions of the shield. RAFM Co., Inc., 19 Concession St., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N1 R 2G6. Lyzard's Grin has a half dozen additions to their 25mm Colonial offerings: Maxim MG on small infantry carriage, hand-pulled ($2.00), two-barrelled Gardner gun on cone mount ($1.50), three-barrelled Nordenfeldt gun on cone mount ($1.50), Hotchkiss 1897 mMG on tripod ($1.50), Light Horse kneeling firing dismounted (Zulu Wars, $2/6 figs.), British seaman in sennet hat 1879 ($2/5 figs., all different). Lyzard's Grin, P.O. Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK 73113. Thistle and the Rose have released several additions to existing lines. These include an early German bowman, mounted early Frank general, mounted western infantry, dogs, mounted Picts, Scott medium and heavy cavalry, mounted early Germans, mounted Irish, re-released Franks, re-released Viking command, heavy infantry, huscarles, and new heavy foot bowmen. The Thistle and the Rose Miniatures, 3079 Bridgeton Court, Woodbridge, VA 22152. Tel. (703) 450-4753, 7 to 11 EST. Howard Hues has recently released ten new colors, bringing their line of paints to a total of 70 different water-based colors. Of particular interest are three flesh tones: Native American, Fair Maiden, and Nubian. The other new hues are Jaeger Green, Russian Green-Black, Blue-Black, Japanese Uniform Green, Italian Uniform Grey, Royal Purple, and Orange. Howard Hues, P.O. Box 20915, Oklahoma City, OK 73156. Humbrol paints are once again becoming widely available after being absent from the US market for several years. Those of you as partial as I am to enamels in funny little tins should check your local hobby shops as they begin to get back into the distribution channels. Scenics is producing a range of 15mm cut-out card structures, printed in black and white. Three ACW sets are already available, each of 10 sheets (10-14 buildings) with houses, barns, sheds, storehouses, a church, cotton mill, and railroad station. At $9.95 a set, these are an inexpensive way to put together a whole town. La Haye Sainte ($7.95), Hougoumont ($9.95), a Napoleonic/SYW set and a Colonial set should be out by the time you read this. Scenics, 209 Henrich Drive, Kettering, OH 45429. Ahketon has released a 25mm Boer War blockhouse. It features an interior and a separate roof, and is available with ($8.00) or without ($7.50) a base. Akheton, USA, Box 125, Philadelphia, NY 13673. Minifigs has produced two new 15mm ranges and added to several more. For those of you inspired by the French and Indian theme year, they now offer Rogers' Rangers, Hobbs'/Speakman's Rangers, Gorham's Rangers, British Light Infantry, and British Provincial Infantry advancing or marching. Each pack contains 22 men and two officers. The French are packed the same way, represented by Colony Marines and Canadian Militia. The Indians come in four varieties: roached hair, scalplocks, braids, and mission Indians dressed in European clothing. Each of these fou r types has four variants, with 6 of each variant in the package. The final package contains three each of eight figures: four different Coureurs de Bois, an Indian Chief for each of the three Indian hair styles, and a Jesuit with musket for the mission Indians. Regular infantry are available in the SYW range. Also new are the figures of the Hussite Wars range. The Hussites include armored halberdiers, spearmen, warflailmen, swordsmen, crossbowmen, and handgunners; peasants with halberds, warflails, flails, scythes, clubs, handguns, and bows; Bohemian militia archers, command figures, priests, artillerymen, camp followers; Moravian lancers in heavy, medium and light varieties; Hungarian light cavalry and mounted command figures. Their characteristic wagons are in two packages. The first contains awarwagon, a four-horse team, and two large pavisses, while the second substitutes anarillery wagon and bombard for the war wagon. The opposing Catholic Imperialists have German halberdiers, spearmen, crossbowmen, and handgunners; Hungarian spearmen; dismounted knights, infantry command, German, Hungarian, and Austrian knights with lances; German men-at-arms, mounted crossbowmen, and a mounted command group. The Aztec range has been augmented with four packs of Tlaxcalans (spears, maquahuitl, bow, command). The American Revolution range has command figures added. Cavalry has joined the Crimean War range, in the form of British heavy and light dragoons, hussars, lancers, and the Scots Greys, French Chasseurs and Spahis, Russian heavy and line dragoons, hussars, cossacks, and Caucasian lancers, Sardinian heavy and light cavalry, and Turkish cavalry. English, Scots, and Irish have been added to the Renaissance II range. These figures include English bowmen and billmen, Scots Highlanders, pikemen, and bowmen, Irish Kern bowmen and Gallowglas, Border Horse, English Demilancers, and Irish Horse. There are now Italian Guardsmen, Stradiots, and knights, and Burgundian knights. Filling out the common-dress Eurpeans are pikemen, both armored and unarmored, halberdiers, crossbowmen, arquebusiers, and mounted crossbowmen. Finally, there is an animal pack of 3 cows, 3 burros with panniers, 3 goats, and 6 camp dogs. Minifigs says that they are in the process of redesigning their entire 15mm horse inventory. The new ranges have the new horses, and medieval and ancients ranges are under construction, with musket-era ranges due next. Minifigs has an approximately bimonthly newsletter announcing their releases and various odds and ends of interest. Write to get on their mailing list. Miniature Figurines Ltd., Box P, Pine Plains, NY 12567. Tel. (518) 398-5166. Courier Dispatch Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VIII No. 6 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1989 by The Courier Publishing Company. 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