By Dick Bryant
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George Nafziger has written to say that he is no longer carrying Raider Game publications. He is working on developing a new publisher and will be announcing some new products in the not too distant future. WRONG PRICE GIVEN FOR NAPOLEONIC RULES
In VIII-4 we erroneously gave the price for NAPOLEONIC RULES FOR A LARGE SCALE WARGAME WITH SMALL SCALE MINIATURES by Peter Dennis and Cliff Knight in association with George Jeffrey. These rules incorporating many of George's ideas first promulgated within these pages cost $4.95 and are available from Howard Whitehouse, Apt. G1, Amberidge Apts., 11031 Scott Blvd., Decatur, GA 30030. - DICK BRYANT HARD TO FIND PUBLICATIONS FROM LOU ZOCCHI
If you can't find them anywhere else, Lou is sure to have them. Oldies but goodies recently received: 1944 (4th Edition) The original WWII rules by Arnold Hendrick; WRG 1000BC to 1000AD, the 4th Edition! for $4.; En Avant, Napoleonic Rules for $4; Zulu Miniature rules for $4; Imperial Guard; Basic Fighter Combat Manual and Advanced Fighter Combat Air rules for miniatures for $5 and $8 respectively. All these rules go back to the 70's.Gamescience Corp., 7604 Newton Drive, Biloxi, MS 39532. GEO-HEX MOVES TO LARGER QUARTERS
Geo-Hex has advised The Courier that they have moved into quarters four times as large as those they previously occupied. We can expect further expansion of their terrain line soon. The new address is Geo-Hex, 609 N.E. Schuyler, Portland, OR 97212. CATALOGS RECEIVED
Games Extraordinaire Empire Miniatures, Minifigs, RAFM, Ral Partha, GHQ, Greenfield Garrison, In-Service Miniatures, board games, fantasy games and figures, books, etc. 68 pp. 109 Donelson Pike, Nashville, TN 37214 Tel. (800) 777-GAME. Zocchi Distributors Mostly board and role-playing games. A monthly newsletter with one-paragraph descriptions of new items is available for $5.50/yr. 1512 30th Ave., Gulfport, MS 39501. Tel. (601) 863-0215, FAX (601) 863-0323. Soldier World USA featuring a 50% off sale of Garrison 25mm figures and of other lines as well. They also carry Hinchliffe (remember them?) and many reference books & rule sets. P.O. Box 175, Shrewbury, PA 173610175. Modeler's Mart New color illustrated 160+ page catalog covers just about every manufacturer and every period. $4.00 from Modeler's Mart, 1183 Cedar St., Safety Harbor, FL 34695. Courier Dispatch Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VIII No. 6 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1989 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles covering military history and related topics are available at |