by Jamie Fish
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Quality Judges Wanted for GenCon 89 Wanted: Quality judges to put on well run, well thought-out games at a large gaming convention in August. Should have patience and be willing to answer questions by very interested spectators and garners. Little pay, much work but the chance for bringing new opponents into the hobby is always present. Also wanted: Quality garners to play in these games. If interested read on. The Gen ConŽ 89 Game Fair is rapidly approaching and with it come the deadlines for submitting the needed forms for judging and running quality historical miniature games, tournaments, or seminars. The convention is being held August 10, 11, 12 and 13 at the Mecca Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This huge center gives us the ability to provide miniatures and boardgaming with the largest allotted area as we have over 40,000 square feet to fill. This last weekend I had the pleasure of attending HMGS Cold Wars in my unofficial capacity as event coordinator for Gen ConŽ 89 Game Fair. One of the most frequently repeated statements that I heard when I mentioned Gen Con was that people weren't interested because it was "only a fantasy convention". This couldn't be further from the truth. Those of you who attended Gen Con/Origins know that historical games accounted for 150 of the 237 total miniature events. Even more convincing is Gen ConŽ Game Fair for 1987, in which over 67 of 120 events were historical in nature. This in spite of the fact there was no additional draw by a historical convention. If you would like to be a judge, there are a few things that you may be interested in: 1. If you are an HMGS member, or a Gamemaster's Guild member, there is no judges fee, and there is a discount in the actual convention fee. 2. Games are traditionally the heaviest on Friday and Saturday. Please think about Thursday or Sunday whenever possible for running events. This will allow me to set games up for everyone to enjoy every day. 3. Get the games into us as soon as possible. The sooner we get your event, the more exposure you will have. 4. With 3 games, you receive free admission into the convention. There is a lot of other information that I would like to get out to the potential judges and players, but I simply do not have the room to give you at this time. I thank Dick Bryant for his graciousness in allowing me room in THE COURIER to share this information with you. I hope to see you in both the gaming and judging capacity at the Gen ConŽ 89 Game Fair; while I know it is a long distance for some of you, give us a chance. If you want information on judging and have not received it at this time, orwish to be put on the list for pre-registration, please write to either: Gen ConŽ 89 Game Fair, c/o TSR, P.O. Box 756, Lake Geneva, WI 53147, or Robert Bigelow, c/o Friend's Hobby Shop, 1411 Washington St., Waukegan, IL 60085. (312) 336-0790 (M, W, Th, F - 2pm to 10pm; S & Su - 10am to 5pm). Gen ConŽ is a registered trademark owned by TSR, Inc. GENGIS CON X Gengis Con X was held February 17-19,1989 in Westminster, Colorado, a suburb of Denver. The venue was the Ramada Inn which provided all of the desired amenities. The show was cabably organized by a large team of courteous volunteers of the Denver Garners Association assisted by The Colorado Military Historians. The latter group put together the fine slate of historical miniatures presentations. There was a large selection of role playing, computer, military and railroad boardgame and historical events. The show has a broad appeal to historical miniatures wargamers for several reasons: 1. There were approximately 50 historical presentations; 2. Many of the historical presentations were quite innovative and creative and will serve to broaden and strengthen the means of presenting historical wargames adding new concepts and methods; 3. Lots of vendors; 4. Denver's Gengis Con has a double appeal for family oriented wargamers. While the fairspouse perhaps skis in the mountains orshops, the other can participate in a day or two of games; later joining his better half on the slopes ortrails; 5. Well organized! Excellent accommodations and food. Probably the most exciting time was had by the charioteers who played in several games of Thundering Chariots moderated by Larry Sturgeon. Perhaps with thoughts of Juda Ben Hur and the Roman Marsalla in mind, miniature chariots raced around a 24' track complete with three dimensional structures and dolphins to count the laps. The clever presentation was based on the Circus Maximus game. Elsewhere there were several compelling British colonial wargames, an appealingJohnny Reb tournament played on realistic looking green sawdust easily contoured in minutes before game time, an age of sail game utilizing an innovative card system for movement by Dave Manley and Doug Wildfongand aSeven Years' Warbattle conducted undera creative new rules system by Larry irons called "Linear Tactics". Space prohibits description of more than these few events. However, there was miniature combat to excite and entertain any historical miniatures wargamer from ancient to modern times. Consider attending Gengis Con XI next year. Write: Denver Gamers Association, P.O. Box 11369, Denver, Colorado 80211, USA. - BILL PROTZ MODELERS MART MOVES We are happy to announce that it looks like our new office-storewarehouse will be completed around March 1, 1989. The new building will more than double our capacity, and we will be adding a toll-free number for convenience in ordering. We hope our customer friends will bear with us during the confusion of the move. The new address and phones are: MODELERS MART, 1183 Cedar St., Safety Harbor, FL 34695.1-800-725-5260 (for ordering only); 1 - 813-725-5168 (for all other calls). PENDRAGON MINIATURES DROPS SOME LINES 1. Pendragon Miniatures will no longer carry Bellona Vacuform terrain pieces. We have lost contact with the manufacturer. If anyone knows their current business address or if they are still in business, please get in touch with Pendragon Miniatures. 2. Pendragon Miniatures will no longer carry Knight Designs 6mm line as shipments are too unreliable. 3. Concerning Wargames Foundry figure releases: We usually receive new releases within 2 weeks of their release in England. If a customer sees a new release advertised in an English publication they can order direct from Pendragon by listing the pieces they desire as we use the same coding system. (The customer need not send payment with order- they will be billed later only for items sent.) REVO FLAGS NOW AVAILABLE FROM WARGAMES Wargames: Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059 now carries REVO FLAGS and sent several samples for review. They have been reviewed in these pages recently so I will only say that the superb quality is maintained and several new flags have been released. 25mm and 15mm Spanish and Portuguese Napoleonic period flags, for instance. Medieval standards in 15mm and much more. Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby.
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