by Dick Bryant
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The Caisson From Richard Lawrence, 30 Acre Lane, Eccleshill, Bradford, BD2 2EH UK. 4 issues/year, 9 pounds US (airmail),6 pounds Europe and 5 pounds in UK. This nicely done magazine caters to Miniature Gamers who use EMPIRE Rules and describes various aspects and rules interpretations of those rules; battle reports; campaign systems, etc. It would be a useful read for anyone gaming in the Napoleonic period and perhaps each club should consider at least one subscription. Wargames Illustrated (Available at many hobby stores for $3.75/issue or contact The Armory, 4145 Amos Ave., Baltimore, MD for subscription info) - Duncan MacFarlane's new publication since leaving MINIATURE WARGAMES and a most worthy effort it is indeed!! Issues 1, 2, and 3 on hand for review. Quickly now, #1 has a nice piece on Zulu firepower; Ian Weekley's hints on building a Vauban gateway; a highly recommended piece by Arthur Harman (I like his stuff!) "Can We Introduce Generalship Into the Tabletop Wargame?" (we all should read this one); good ideas on wargaming night actions; a complete set of American War of Independence wargaming rules; the Siege of Durban (1842); Part 1 of a series on the Prussian Army in the SYW which features artillery; how to construct Renaissance defenses by Ian Weekley; and great ads offering you the latest information on new figures/wargames products. #2 has articles on constructing caravels, cogs and carracks; another complete set of rules, this one for the Roman period; an historical piece on Monmouth's Campaign (ECW); rules for sea wargames for the 18th/early 19th Century; another nice piece by Arthur Harman on morale; Franco-Prussian wargaming; and constructing an ECW watermill. #3 has a scenario for modern 1/300th microarmor; an historical piece on the Battle of Brienne which also offers wargaming considerations; a set of rules for solo gaming (1942-44); battles of the Jacobite Rebellions which also provides rules for5mm wargaming; a fairly complete article (contains historical and wargaming information) on the "Storming of Ghazni" (1838); reviews of figures/rules; a mostly historical account of the Battle of Navarino (1827); and a choose your own adventure article. Of course WI contains the usual high standard of color photos which are very nice and provide me with a lot of modeling/terrain tips but WI really has quality articles! Most highly recommended and my congratulations to you, Duncan! Miniature Wargames (Available at many hobby shops for $3.75/issue or contact Wargames) - #54 has a nice book/rules review; a well-written piece on the Romanian War of Independence which concerns itself mostly with the Battle of Plevna; Ian Weekley provides modelling information on constructing a castle forthe ECW period; an interesting piece detailing how one wargamer put together a wargames club and campaign; a WWII battle report; Ticonderoga (1758); a short set of rules for Celtic warfare; Battle with the Baluchis, Napier's 1842 Campaign; Lord Loughborough's Army (ECW); and Spy Catcher, a choose your own adventure. The wargames photos are not quite as good as when Duncan MacFarlane was the editor but I still find MW a quality publication very worthy of continued support. Slingshot (Mark Gilby, 230 Rempstone Rd., Merley, Wimborne, Dorest BH21 1SY; subscription info unknown) - #133 has a set of rules for 350-550AD along with scenario; a short piece concerning a wargamer's visit to Rome and Trajan's Column; Part 1 of a series on Warfare of the Anglo-Norman period 1066-1181; an interesting article on medieval warfare; the Battle of Pelagonia (1240AD) which also includes the scenario and order of battle; "How to Win Wargames" (worthwhile); a letters and reviews section; an interesting piece on the religious and moral meaning of theCrusades; a well-done article concerning observations of an reenactment group interested in the Roman Legionaries (rules writers might be interested in this one!); and Ian Greenwood's "Wagon Train", which details the Roman defense of a baggage train. As usual, Editor Greenwood has put together another good issue! Highly recommended for the Ancients gamer and for those who enjoy reading good wargaming ideas! Computer Gaming World (P.O. Box 4566, Anaheim, CA 92803-4666; 9 issues/$24.00; foreign subs $26.00 airmail) This is a 56-page professionally produced magazine which, as the title implies, specializes in computer games. Several of the articles were concerned with historical computer games (B-24 and Theatre Europe). I must admit to not having much knowledge about computer wargaming but this appears to be a quality product worthy of support from those interested in such. The Courier (P.O. Box 1863, Williamsville, NY 14221; 6 issues/$10 in U.S., $13 in Canada, $18 overseas) This is NOT our magazine THE COURIER, but rather an ACW newspaper of 44 large pages with an amazing amount of information. THE COURIER is published by Fred Hoffman and it must be a labor of love as he is the only person involved in the production. It contains hundreds of ads requesting information on individuals who served in the ACW as well as memorabilia for sale and requested. What wargamers may find of interest would be to advertize for information pertaining to uniforms/flags/specific unit information as I rather suspect someone isgoingto respond to your request. Very well done publication! The Zouave (605 Sadie Ave., Metairie, LA 70033; 6 issues/$12; overseas $18) - Vol 1, #5 of the Magazine of the American Civil Wargaming Society has figure reviews; an in-depth piece on "Stonewall" Jackson; an historical article on the Battle of Brawner Farm (August 28,1862) as well as a scenario, Orders of Battle, and deployment for a wargame; a review of ON TO RICHMOND; and a nice piece on painting wargames figures. A nicely printed/well-done publication! Platoon Fire (6 Whelden Lane, Acushnet, MA02734; quarterly/$5) -This is an amateur publication dealing with the rules set THE COMPLETE BRIGADIER - Number 1 on hand consists of an eight-page nicely-done effort and features an article on "1580-1680 Rules"; "The Complete Umpire" which concerns itself with an explanation of how one gamer uses THE COMPLETE BRIGADIER; and a book review section. Seth Owen, the Editor, reports he would like to have more battle reports, scenarios, and historical articles. Nice first effort, Seth! More Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby.
CITW Announces Spring Wilderness Project Fred Vietmeyer Honored by MWAN Wargame Product News 1987 Gleanings: 1987 Magazines Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VIII No. 1 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1987 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |