by Dick Bryant
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QUALITY CASTINGS, Inc., P.O. Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312 has released the following 15mm models/figures: German Sdkfz 250 HTRK, German Sdkfz 250/9, German Sdkfz 250/10, German Hummel 15cm SP Art, German Nashorn 88mm SP A.T., Soviet STZ Troop Carrier Version, British MK VIB Lt. Tank 1940, Partisans Advancing, Partisands Defending, U.S. Modern M901, and USSR Modern models BRDM2 Recon, command vehicle, BRDM w/SA9 Gaskin (AA) Missiles, BRDM w/AT5 Spandrel Missiles. AHKETON, RD#1, Box 125, Philadelphia, NY 13673 (315-642-3235) has released their new line of 15mm Napoleonic era structures. These include a stone barn w/thatched roof, destroyed stone barn w/partial thatched roof, straight stone wall section, arched stone bridge, stone farm house w/thatched roof, log artillery redoubt, straight section of log redoubt, and 90 degree corner section of log redoubt. INTERNATIONAL MILITARY BOOKS, 76 Priestf ield Rd., Gillingham, Kent ME7 4RF, England has a 32-page catalog offering books for the period 1618-1900. ABRAHAM LINCOLN BOOK STORE, 18 East Chestnut St., Chicago, IL 60611 (312-944-3085) offers hard-to-find books on the U.S. Presidency, AWI, Frontier & Indian Wars, U.S. Military History, and Women of the ACW era. ARTICLES OF WAR LTD, 8806 Bronx Ave., Skokie, IL 60607-1823 has an excellent selection of historical military books being especially strong in the Colonial period, ACW, WWII, and Napoleonics. I note that the WEST POINT MILITARY HISTORY SERIES is available. I believe these are reprints of the original series though I cannot be sure. Available are Definitions & Doctrines of the Military Arts; Ancient & Medieval Warfare; The Wars of Napoleon; Atlas to the Wars of Napoleon; The Dawn of Modern Warfare; Early American Wars & Military Institutions; ACW; Atlas to the ACW; The Great War; Atlas to the Great War; Second World War: Europe & the Mediterranean; Atlas to WWII: Europe & the Mediterranean; WWII: Asia & the Pacific; Atlas to WWII: Asia & the Pacific; Arab-Israeli Wars; Chinese Civil War & Korean War; Atlas to the above; Challenge of Command; TheWar Managers. All except the last two are $18-20; last two are $9.95. MINIFIGS, Box P, Pine Plains, NY 12567 offers these books although I have seen them at a number of hobby/book stores. Quality Castings Inc. has now added Modern U.S. and Soviet Armor and Infantry to its line plus more World War II as follows: German Sdkfz 250 HTRK, German Sdkfz 250/9 (2cm gun turret), German Sdkfz 250/10 (3.7cm PAK AT), German Hummel 15cm SP Artillery, German Nashorn 88mm SP A.T., Soviet STZ Troop Carrier Version, British MK VIB Lt. Tank (1940), Partisans Advancing (15 ea.), Partisans Defending (15 ea.), U.S. Modern M901 (M113 TOW), USSR Modern BRDM2 Recon., USSR Modern BROM2U command vehicle, USSR Modern BRDM w/SA9 Gaskin (AA) Missiles, and USSR Modern BRDM w/AT5 Spandrel Missiles. The total line now includes over 150 WWII and Modern AFV's plus three dozen infantry sets all in 15mm scale. They cover U.S., German, Soviet, British, and Japanese forces. All items are white metal castings of unusual quality and detail. They are sold only by mail order. Anyone interested should send an SASE for a price list and other information to QUALITY CASTINGS INC., P.O. Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312. GREENFIELD GARRISON has a number of new items including a 25mm Medieval Cog, 25mm Log Cabin, and a 25mm keep/small castle. In 15mm they offer a log cabin; farmhouse; long farmhouse, and brick barracks. Also new is a 25mm Buried Vauban-type fort which has been modelled somewhat after Ft. Wayne and is suitable for 18th-19th C. It is three inches high and consists of four bastionsand four walls and can mount28 cannon being 43" along each side. The bastion can be purchased alone as well as can the wall section. MINIFIGS BULLETIN #2 offers two barbarian units, each of 24 different figures from their various ancients and dark ages range. Also they have a Barbarian bowman unit of 8 figures; chainmail heavy infantry, and chainmail heavy cavalry. New releases for the 15mm Napoleonics include Russian infantry (musketeers, chasseurs, grenadiers, & guard heavy and light infantry, as well as levee-en-mass infantry w/command), Russian cavalry (lancers, cuirassires, dragoons, hussars, and command figures); Russian Artillery & crews (foot artymen & horse artymen, and gunshorses-riders). Also new are a vivandiere cart and regimental wagon. In 15mm as well they have released WWI additions including British cavalry w/command; artillery (lewis guns & crew); and a British Mk A Whippet, British Mk IV A and a German Super Kampf-Wagen. They are also releasing a new Renaissance 15mm line covering the Barbary Pirates & Moors; Spanish; and Knightsof St. John. Included in Bulletin #2 was a very nice painting guide. IN THE GRAND MANNER, Peter Gilder's 25mm Napoleonic wargame rules, are available for 3.95 pounds (does not include postage), from Selly Oak & District Society for Wargaming, 44 Mulberry Rd., Bournville, Birmingham, England B30 1TA. This is the second edition of the rules. DIE KAISERZEIT, 82 Atlantic Street, Keyport, NJ 07735, has what I believe are 20mm lead figures for WWI and the Franco-Prussian War. A quick look through their catalog reveals Bavarian & Prussian infantry (1870); German Infantry (1914 & 1916); Prussian Cuirassiers (1870); German Cavalry (1870-1915); German Jagers & machine gunners, Singallers & pioneers, colonial troops, guard infantry. Saxon Jagers; German Storm Troopers (1917); English infantry (1914 & 1916); Highland & Australian infantry; English gunners & mortar crews; English & Dominion cavalry; English dismounted cavalry; English infantry in tropical kit& sun helmets; French infantry (1870 to 1914 & post 1915) & cavalry, gunners; Russian infantry, gunners & cavalry (may be used for Russo-Japanese War); Austro-Hungarian Infantry; as well as multi-national officers. BATTLE HONOURS AMERICA, 17 Ridge Road, Budd Lake, NJ 07828 has released additions to their 15mm Napoleonic line. These consist of Austrians as well as Confederation of the Rhine infantry and cavalry. They have also expanded into Ancients in 15mm with Sassanid figures. Future releases include Republican Romans, Sammites and Etruscans. Battle Honours also has cut-out card stock 15mm buildings for the European area. THISTLE AND THE ROSE MINIATURES, 3079 Bridgeton Court, Virginia, 22192 has released some 90 additional 15mm figures for Scots, Welsh and Franks for the Dark Ages. Also released were twelve mounted Norman knights. FRONTIER MINIATURES, 7343 Branding Iron, Canutiollo, Texas 79835 recently released a very extensive line of 15mm Boxer Rebellion figures covering the U.S. (5 foot, 2 horse); Chinese (10 foot, 2 horse), Japanese (4 foot, 1 horse); British (6 foot); Russia (4 foot, 2 horse); France (6 foot); Italians (2 foot); civilians (1 foot), and Germans (5 foot and 2 horse). The command packs,which are also available, contain many different figures, thus expanding the line much more than outlined above. Command packs are $2.00 while others are $4.00 for 20 foot or eight cavalry. FALCON MINIATURES P.O. Box 444, Medford, MA 02155 (please note new address) has released 25mm Russians and Japanese which they report can be used for both the Russo-Japanese War and the Boxer Rebellion. cost is $4.50 for six foot or three cavalry. They also have just made available some 15mm American Civil War figures including infantry, cavalry and guns. Prices are $4.50 for 20 infantry/eight cavalry/four guns. Also available are terrain accessories including stone walls (12 three inch sections); rail fences (36 inches) and gabions (16) - each sell for $6.00 a pack. H-R PRODUCTS, Inc. P.O. Box 67, McHenry, Illinois 60050, has 30mm Napoleonic artillery and wagons available. They have a British 9 pounder, limber, and caisson (each for $4.00); a French 12 pounder ($4.00), and limber ($2.00) and Caisson & limber ($5.00) and Wurst Wagon ($5.00). Also available are HO (1/87 scale) tanks including a French Renault (1918 $2.50) and British Mark IV (1918 - $4.00). These are metal as far as I know. They have a lot of accessories for 54mm figures. MODELER'S MART, 2071 Range Rd., Clearwater, FL 34625, has The Men of the24th (94 pages- $17.95) which is concerned with the men from the regiment who took part in the Zulu War. REVO 25mm British Napoleonic infantry (1812-15) and 11th C. Normans are now available from Whittlesey Miniatures,6 St. Mary's St., Whittlesey, Nr. Peterborough, Cambs, England. ESSEX has released their 15mm Colonials for the Sudan Campaign (188198) encompassing British, Scots, Camel Corps, Mahdists, Ansars, FuzzyWuzzies, early & late period Egyptians, and equipment. The line looks most extensive and can be obtained from Wargames, Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059, as well as in hobby stores. HEROES MINIATURES, available from Alliance Miniatures, P.O. Box2347, Des Moines, Iowa 50310, has 20mm modern Germans(10 poses) aswell as U.S., Soviet, French, British, Israeli & Arab figures available. CHARIOT MINIATURES, available from Stone Mountain Miniatures, 7130 W. 117th Ave., Unit D3, P.O. Box 594, Broomfield, CO 80020, has released 15mm Tibetans. They also offer Sumerian, Hittite, Minoan Greek, Late Hebrew, Old and New Kingdom Egyptians, Midianite Arabs, Sea Peoples, Burmese, Early Assyrian, Babylonian, Canaanite, Kushite Egyptian, and Han Chinese. Stone Mountain also carries the fantastic Hovel line of buildings which has an extensive collection of 15mm ACW buildings. THE SPECIAL FORCES PEOPLE (P.O. Box 814, Chicago, IL 60691) are now offering river & road sections in addition to their other fine handmade items. Each river section is 6 inches by 3 inches with the width of the river varying between 2" & almost 3". You may purchase them for $3.50 for a straight section or $3.00 for a curved section or a package deal of 6 straight & 1 curved for $18.95 which breaks down to $2.71 per section. The road section I was given to review measures 8"x2" and I would say was modeled to represent a dirt road as might be found on the Russian Front or maybe a secondary road. According to the price list, you buy 6 feet and one curve for $39.95. The scale being 1/300 or smaller. CITADEL MINIATURES VILLAGE PACK: The package is called Village Pack One: Blood in the Streets. Designed as a module for their fantasy miniature rules Warhammer, the package contains 12(l) 25mm buildings, printed in full color on a thick card stock. ULSTER IMPORTS LTD., P.O. Box 1748, Champaign, IL61820 has available Granadoe! Mortars in the Civil War, the Jersey Campaign and theSiegeof Castle Elizabeth; andArmies of the Sedgemoor Campaign, both of course dealing with the English Civil War. Grenadoe! is by Stephen Bull, is the same format as MWAN & runs 40 pages. There are lots of well-done illustrations and an extensive amount of information about the subject at hand. Armies of the Sedgemoor Campaign is by John Tincey & runs 80 pages, again in MWAN's format. GHQ, 2634 Bryant Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55408, has released packs of infantry to complement their Advanced Squad Leader - range in 1/285th scale. The figures are cast in "troop blocks'. I am aware of German infantry and Soviet infantry releases but there might be additional packs available. The German set contains 17 blocks of ten figures each and ten half blocks of six figures for a total of 230 figures. Each set is priced at $6.00. RSM LTD., 188 Woodland Ave., Lexington, KY 40502, has a new address. They have published Volume 11 of Uniforms of the Seven Years War: A Painter's Guide CoveringFrance, Austria, Bavaria, Saxony& Wurttemberg. This is a 54 page painting guide by William Biles for $15.00 and it covers uniforms and standards. They are also offering a painting service for RSM figures only. RAFM, 19 Concession St., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N1R 2G6 has published thesecond edition of Richard Zimmerman's Unit Organizations of the American Civil War ($12.00). This is a 76-page booklet with the first 11 pagescovering organization of thetwo armies; pages12-25 devoted to specific unit organization; and the rest is concerned with orders of battle with unit strengths. THE SOLO WARGAMER'S ASSOCIATION (Bill Farley, 50 King Arthur's Rd., Exeter, Devon, EX4, England) has published Shoot, Shoot, Shoot! Naval Wargames Rules. It is a 19-page booklet written by David Horton based on a 4-minute move using a ground scale of 2" to the nautical mile with 1:3000 or 1:4800 models for WWII. Price is unknown. THE TOY SOLDIER LTD.,19 Inn St., Newburyport, MA01950, P.O. Box148 (617-462-8241) has released Knighthood and the Middle Ages ($7.00), a rules set. Ground scale is 1" = 10 paces for 25mm and 1" = 20 paces for 15mm. Each figure represents 20 men and one turn equals 15 minutes. They also offer Princes and Petty Kings, a rules set for grand tactical warfare in the 18th Century using a figure scale of 1-100 ($7.00). EMPIRE GAME COMPANY, P.O. Box5462, Arlington, TX 76005 announces that the 3rd Edition of Stars and Bars is now available at $22.95 - add $3.00 for postage in USA; $5 for others. The 3rd Edition uses an updated version of the telescoping time concept used first in Empire-3rd. Also available from Empire is Armies at Waterloo ($34.95); Prince Eugene at War ($24.95); Empire Campaign System ($24.95); Empire-3rd Edition ($22.95), and Redcoat ($14.95). They also expect to release an expanded and revised edition of Armies on the Danube 1809. New projects will include Armies of the American Civil War, Armies at Leipzig 1813, and Napoleon's Last Armies. FRONT RANK FIGURINES, 11, Southbourne Gardens, Westcliff-On-Sea, Essex, England, SSO OAG, has released a line of 25mm English Civil War figures covering the Royalist and Early Parliamentarians (17 foot and horse) and the New Model Army (15 foot and horse). They also have 25mm Jacobite Rebellion figures as well as25mm ACW and 15mmWarsof -the Roses. SIMTAC, INC., 20 Attawan Rd., Niantic, CT06357 (203-739-0665) announces they have acquired the entire line of 15mrn Jacobite figures which encompasses Napoleonics, Ancients, ECW, Feudal, Landsknechts, Italian Wars, and Fantasy. Currently they have available the Napoleonics figures and some Ancients figures. The entire line should be available within six months. They also plan to expand the linewith figures being done by the same sculptor who produced the current line. This is good news for wargamers - consider supporting them! WARGAMES, Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059, has Essex' 15mm ACW line (some 55 different packs of figures), 15mm Colonial Sudan (British, Scots, Camel Corps,Cavalry, Mahdists, and Fuzzy Wuzzies); 15mm Napoleonics (which I have heard very good things about!) as well as 25mm Napoleonics (I really like these a lot and have a number in my Napoleonic army), Ancients, and more. They have released more additions to their 25mm Napoleonic line including British infantry aswell as French and British gunners and guns. THE LEGIONARY, 823 Central Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091 (312-251-3677) just published their 87/88 catalog. John specializes in the Napoleonic and Ancients periods. Wargamers might be interested in Donald Featherstone's WARGAMER'S HANDBOOK OF THE AMERICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 1775-83 ($10.95) as well as many other offerings in John's catalog. He also has a nice offering of Colonial books and can search out 'hard-to-find' books for you! BICORNE MINIATURES: I recently attempted to order some 25mm Napoleonic Bicorne Miniatures as I had heard they are quite good. However, I received a note from E. Hinchliffe informing me that the business is for sale and they can no longer sell them. I hope that they will become available in the future. WARGAME MAPS: Steve Turner, 4 Wentworth Rd.,Ashton-in-Makerfield, Wigan, Lancs, WN4 9TU, England is offering an interesting service! Wargaming maps ranging in price from 25 to 50 pence. He will also produce maps to your specifications. PARTIZAN PRESS, 26CIiffsea Grove, Leight-on-Sea, Essex, England,offers a new set of ECW rules, FORLORN HOPE, for 15 and 25mm figures. Price is 2.95 pounds. DODO PUBLICATIONS, 82 Westbourne Rd., Sheffield S10 2QT, England has released PIKE AND SHOT ECW WARGAMES RULES for 1.20 pounds. it has been designed for both 15mm and 25mm figures and modifications are included for western European wars in the 17th Century. CONNOISSEUR FIGURES, available from CONNSOISSEUR FIGURES USA, 2625 Forest Glen Trail, IL 60015, has released additions to their great 25mm line in Napoleonics. New are Portuguese infantry, Brunswick infantry and Portuguese and Brunswick cavalry. Other new releases include Russian artillery crews and French artillery crews, British infantry and gunners for the Peninsula, French carabinier cavalry, and French, British & Russian guns. Soon to come are Nepoleonic personalities and limbers as well as 25mm Sudan War figures. LANCASHIRE GAMES, 8 Ducie St., Bardsley, Oldham OL8 2RD, England has just released 15mm Crimean War figures consisting of British (19 packs), French (9 packs), Russians (11 packs) and Pied mont/Sardi n ian IS packs). They also offer 15mm SYW and eastern Renaissance figures. WARGAMES FOUNDRY, 21 Villiers Rd., Woodthorpe, Nottingham NG5 4FB, England announces they have released a new 25mm line for the Indian Mutiny encompassing 12 British and 12 Mutineers, all foot figures. Cavalry and artillery are expected to be added soon. All foot figures are 35 pence each. They also offer 25mm ECW, Highlanders and Irish which can be used for the ECW and Jacobite Rebellion, Franco-Prussian War, and the Marlborough period. They also announce they are producing the Citadel lines for Wars of the Roses, Wars of Religion, Dark Ages, Huns, Early Imperial Romans, Romans, Medievals, and Samurai. These were some very nice figures. HOTSPUR MINIATURES, P.O. Box 8, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 1ER, England, has 25mm Medieval figures for the 14th/15th C and equipment for the period including a trestle mounted gun, ribaudequin, archers stakes, pavises, and mantlets. These figures are available from ALLIANCE MINIATURES, P.O. Box 2347, Des Moines, Iowa 50310. GEO-HEX HAS NEW COLOR CATALOG Geo-Hex has released their new catalog with a full-color cover showing their terrain pieces to very good advantage. At $3, the catalog lists all the Geo-Hex sets available with a detailed display of the pieces that come with each set. Also listed is the ever-expanding line of terrain pieces that Geo-Hex is offering: trees, buildings, paints, figure bases and more. GEO-HEX, 528 NE Hancock St., Portland, OR 97212. PENDRAGON MINIATURES SELLS WARGAME FOUNDRY FIGURES Pendragon is carrying the complete Wargames Foundry line of 25mm figures. The line of 25mm figures previously handled by Rai Partha (designed by Michael & Alan Perry of Citadel) are now being produced by Wargames Foundry and they will also stock these figures. The line includes Medieval, Wars of Religion, Wars of the Roses, Dark Ages, and middle imperial Romans. The figures will carry the same prefix codesthat Rai Partha used. Pendragon is also handling the Bellona Line of Vacuform terrain sections for HO, 1/285, and 20mm. This line was marketed under the old Mini Tanks label several years back. Just before we went to press we learned that they have added Knight Designs in 2mm and 6mm and are offering club discounts on many lines. Readers can have an illustrated listing of the above mentioned lines for $1.00 each listing requested. Pendragon Miniatures, 1549 Marview Dr., Westlake, OH 44145. SIMTAC ANNOUNCES ACQUISITION OF JACOBITE SIMTAC, Inc. has purchased all ofthe current lines offigures and hopesto be able to offer them here in the U.S. within the next few months. This is a friendly takeover and the plan is to continue expanding the Jacobite line with additional figures sculpted by Mr. David Summers, the previous owner. Mr. Summers has agreed to continue producing new master figures to help insure that the,lacobite line will continue to grow. Miniature wargamers will come to know Jacobite as a very high quality line. The figures in this line include an extensive selection of 15mm Napoleonics, Ancients, English Civil War, Feudal, Landsknechts, Italian Wars and Fantasy. In current release are the Napoleonic lineand selected Ancients figures. - STEVE DINSMORE, SIMTAC, Inc. More Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby.
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