by Dick Bryant
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Adler Miniatures, 129 Bonchurch Rd., Brighton, Sussex, England, has a range of 1/300th French cavalry and Russian infantry. There are plans to expand the line to cover the entire Napoleonic period. Battle Honours has added more Russian cavalry including Hussars, Dragoons, and Uhlans, as well as a mounted Russian Officer to their Napoleonic 15mm line. They have also branched out into ancients with Sassanid infantry (levy spearmen, foot archer, and foot slinger) and cavalry (Clibanarius archers). Available in the USA from Battle Honours America, 17 Ridge Rd., Budd Lake, NJ 07828. Life-Like, a name which many wargamers are probably aware of, has a rather extensive line of buildings, trees, landscaping materials, and accessories in HO, N, and 0 scale. They recently released some new N scale buildings (good for 15mm scale) including some nice rural American houses and a general store, all of which would fit very will into the ACW period. I have seen their grass mats (50"x33" and 50"x99") used in wargames terrain. They also have a new line of landscaping materials called "Scene Master" which looks as though it would function well for terraining bases. There are 14 different textures available. In their "BuildA-Scene" line, they have added a rock quarry which has some nice looking rock hills and it appears as though they would look quite effective on the wargames table. in the HO line, they have released a three- story rooming house appropriate for the ACW period. Essex Miniatures, available from Wargames, Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059, has just released 25mm Ottoman Turks from the 14th-17th Century; Turk and Persian Auxiliaries, Early Imperial and Middle Imperial Romans, Islamic Persians (1405-1502) and Bactrian Greeks. Iron Brigade Miniatures, 2121 W. Shawnee, P.O. Box 1705, Muskogee, OK 74401, has plans to produce a small range of 25mm Zulus which are supposed to include Zulu boys and women. Warrior Miniatures has a new address, 14 Tiverton Ave., Glasgow, G32 9NX, Scotland. They produce an extensive line of 15mm and 25mm wargames figures including some most interesting 25mm Colonial figures for the Sudan and Zulu War as well as the Boer War. The Alamo, P.O. Box 2599, San Antonio, Texas 78299, offers an extensive list of items, including books, on the Alamo. Ahketon, available from Ahketon, USA, RD #1, Sanclyhollow Rd., Philadelphia, NY 13673, has some new structures available including 25mm Incas buildings, 15mm Napoleonic period structures, 25mm mealie bag and biscuit box wall sections for the British Colonial period, and 20mm WWII Soviet infantry and cavalry. They will soon be releasing a 15mm line for the Spanish- American War. Bataillenfeur Games, 14 Parkview Ave., Jamestown, NY 14701, has a new line of 15mm SYW figures (12 foot or 6 cavalry for $2.50). Thus far they have Austrians (16); Saxons (6); Hanoverians (1); Hussars (4); Prussians (16); British (16); and personalities. They also have militia which they report is suitable for the American War of Independence. Alliance Miniatures, P.O. Box 2347, Des Moines, Iowa 50310, will be producing the 20mm modern "Elite Forces" range from Heroes Miniatures in the U.K. They will alsosoon have Hungarian knights, stradiots, hussars, a Delli, and various infantry types to add to their Ottoman Turk line in 25mm. Britannia Miniatures (available from Asp Import Minidtures,1021 107th St. West, Bloomington, MN 55431) has released more 25mm French (Napoleon, Soult, Lt. Gen., Cuirassier, and Carabinier Standard Bearers) and British (Heavy Dragoons and Scots Grey), Vikings (4 figures),and have also added to their Little Big Horn range (supply wagon, horse holder, two trooper casualties, and a cavalry horse). The Victorian Military Society has released THERE WILL BE AN AWFUL ROW ABOUT THIS AT HOME, their Special Zulu War issue which was first published in 1979 and has been redone with revisions. Available from Savage and Soldier, 23902 SE 42nd St., Issaquah, WA 98027, for $9.00. Frontier Miniatures, 7343 Branding Iron, Canutillo, TX 79835, is offering Hank Martin's SOLDIERS OF THE QUEEN rules for $7.00. These rules were very well received at a recent HMGS convention. Ral Partha, 5938 Carthage Court, Cincinnati, Ohio 45212, has a new catalog out which covers both their fantasyand historical lines ($2.00). All of their historical figures are 25mm and encompass Hoplites, Samurai, their 1200A.D. series, Conclottieri, and Colonials for the Zulu War, Sudan, Northwest Frontier, and Boer War. Andrew Preziosi of 11017 SW 125th Ave., Miami, FL 33186, has orders of battle available for the colonial period covering the 19th and 20th Centuries. Lyzard's Grin, P.O. Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK 73113, has released a number of new items including Fuzzy Wuzzies, Dervish, Zulus, Frontier Light Horse dismounted firing (the onlycompany to have this figure), an Egyptian, British, and Boer artillery crew, a Colt Browning 1895 machinegun (for the Boxer Rebellion), a French 75mm Puteaux field gun (M-1897), and a 7" Armstrong 100 pdr fort gun on barbette carriage - all in 25mm. They also have an extensive line of 1/1200 ACW ships and WWII weapons (1/76th scale). They also offer 1/76th scale metal Russian, British, Italian, German, French, and Japanese figures. Peter Gilder has released British, French, and Russian Napoleonic gunners in 25mm as well as guns forthese three countries. Austrian Grenz infantry, Prussian Cuirassier, Portuguese infantry, and four figures for the Italian Wars have also been added. Peter will be releasing 25mm Sudan late this year and 25mm ACW figures next year. Available stateside from Connoisseur Figures USA, 2625, Forest Glen Trail, River Woods, IL 60015. Stone Mountain Miniatures, Box 594, Broomfield, CO 80020, has come out with a new 15mm line for the American Revolution. Each pack of foot contains 16 troops, two officers, a drummer and a flag bearer with several flags including a blank one which can be painted to represent a state or special unit flag. Packs are also available without command. They also offer bareheaded and bandaged figures as well as negro troops and many special unit figures. Thus far they have 12 infantry packs (can be used for British, American line or Continentals); four British infantry packs, nine American infantry, one Iroquois pack, four Hessian, two French, three cavalry, two field guns, one limber set, and two different sets of artillery crew. Each pack is $4.75. Friends of the Foreign Legion Newsletter (Wayne R. Braby, P.O. Box 789, Hollywood, CA 90078) is available for those interested in the history, campaigns, uniforms, insignia, etc., of the Foreign Legion from 1831 to present. A large SASE will provide you with additional information. Falcon Miniatures, Suite 102,1 High St., Medfird, MA 02155, has a 25mm Model 1914 Rolls Royce Armored car kit in metal available for $12.00. Wargames Foundry, 21 Villiers Rd., Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4FB, England, has released an ECW surgeon with assistant, casualty and surgeon's box (1.60 pounds; 50% postage). They have an extensive line of 25mm ECW (32 foot, 40 horse); Franco-Prussian War (250 figures) as well as a painting guide (2.95 pounds) and a rules set for the period (3.50 pounds); and Marlborough's Army. Dixon, available from Wargames, Box 278, Route 40 East,Triadelphia, WV 26059, has released 15mm Monks in a pack of five as well as Marlburian cavalry (I assume also in 15mm). RAFM, 19 Concession St., Cambridge, Ont., Canada N1 R 2G6 has added a number of figure packs to their Flint & Feather line including Iroquois Warrior; Scottish Highlander (1759), Highlander Grenadier (1759), and Highlander command pack (1759); British/American General officers (Wolfe & Washington); French/Canadian General officers (Montcalm & Captain); French artillerists; British/American artillerists; Colonial infantry firing; and French cavalry in bearskins. To their All the King's Men line, also in 25mm, they have added an 8 lb. artillery piece; a 4 lb. regimental gun; swivels and hand cannon; a 6 lb. gun; and a British galloper gun. The figures come six to a pack for $4.00 except for the general officers which come in packs of two, and each pack of guns has two cannon except for the swivels and hand cannon which has 16. Each pack is $4.00. Gallia has added a 15mm Spanish Peninsula/North European house to their range. Gallia is being sold by The Armory in the U.S. 4145 Amos Ave., Baltimore, MD 21215. A. Chadburn, 2 Raventhorpe Cottages, Bygot Lane, Cherry Burton HU17 7RE, has a range of 20mm WWII figures encompassing some 40 figures priced at 20 pence each. Bill Protz, 5690 West Glenbrook Rd., Brown Deer, Wisconsin 53223, will soon release his "Drums of War Along the Mohawk" wargames rules which is billed as a skirmish or brigade level historical game for the French and Indian War of 1755-1760 with adaptions for continental European battles and 17th Century North American skirmishes. These rules will be suitable for 15mm/25mm/30mm figures. Estimated cost is $11.00 including postage. Chariot Miniatures carries a line of 15mm figures encompassing Sumerian, Hittite, Minoan Greek, Late Hebrew, Burmese, Old Kingdom Egyptian, New Kingdom Egyptian, Midianite Arab, Sea Peoples, Early Assyrian, Babylonian, Canaanite, Kushite Egyptian, and Han Chinese. They are available through Stone Mountain Miniatures, 7130 West 117th Ave., Unit D3, P.O. Box 594, Broomfield, CO 80020. Hinchliffe has released some new 20mm 1/76th scale WWII metal kits including Russian quad AA m.g. mounted on Gaz truck & crew; AA ground mount and crew; 4x4 and 4x6 Gaz truck; and U.S. 57mm anti tank gun; 76mm field howitzer; and 76mm pack howitzer. Also new through Triton are some additions to their 1/1200 naval line including a British bomb ketch, Spanish Xebec frigate 36 gun; and Mediterranean galley. These items are available stateside through S.G. Simulations, Inc., 2071 Range Rd., Clearwater, FL 33575. Minifigs is now making available 15mm WRG 1,500 point armies of which there are currently 42 available with another 27 in preparation. Howard Whitehouse, Apt. G1, Amberidge Apts., 1031 Scott Boulevard, Decatur, CA 30030 can provide the Peter Dennis and Cliff Knight army level rules for the American Civil War and Napoleonic periods ($3.00 each), both of which utilize George Jeffrey's variable length bound system. Also available are Howard's own rules for the Sudan,"Science vs. Pluck, or Too Much for the Mahdi" ($7.00); a naval wargames set, "Form Line of Battle" ($3.00), which utilizes a card sequence that eliminates written orders; and Paddy Griffith's "Battle in the Civil War" ($9.95). Standard Games, Arlon House, Station Rd., Kings Langley, Herts, England, has a new 15mm medieval line and a 25mm armies of the Holy Land range. Minifigs (Miniature Figurines Ltd., Box P, Pine Plains, NY 12567), after a ten year absence, is again offering a bulletin for their customers. It is available free of charge and I would suppose that you can be put on the mailing list by sending then) your name and address. I used to enjoy the old bulletin, I believe it was in mimeograph form, and this one is enjoyable. They announce that they are offering 15mm ACW "quick-start" sets covering infantry divisions, cavalry brigades, or siege sets, for $48.00 each. Each set includes figures, rules, siege supplement, painting instructions, organization guide, and scenarios (sounds interesting!). Napoleonic wargamers should be pleased to find out that Min if igs is again producing a number of 25mm Napoleonic sets which have been unavailable for a long time. These include the French Napoleonic Old Guard Band set ($20.00); the French Old Guard Corps of Drums ($15.00); French Mounted Chasseurs Band ($20.00); French Mounted Carabiniers Fanfare set ($20.00); British Napoleonic Infantry set ($24.00): British Drum & Fife Band ($15.00); and for any 25mm Musket period, a pontoon wagon with horse team ($8.00) and heavy supply wagon with horse team ($8.00). They are also offering 25mm weapons and shields sold separately. A great many additions have been made to the 25mm Napoleonics period encompassing many different countries. Since they are too numerous to mention here, I suggest that you contact Minifigs for further information. Premier Productions Limited, 46 Buchanan Rd., Walsall, West Midlands, England, WS4 2EN, which I believe has in the past limited their output to 54mm figures and larger. has released a 25mm wargaming line which thus far consists of a British drid French line infantry command pack. Each hasa mounted officer, drummer, standard bearer, and twenty foot figures for six pounds, not including postage. Single foot are 25 pence while mounted figures are 55 pence. Greenfield Garrisons, 2350 Burdette, Ferndale, Michigan 48220 (or available it many hobby stores), recently Put Out a catalog of their 15/25mm scenery, structures, sailing ships and iron clad ships. Some of the newer items, to me, included 15mm buildings (medieval shoppe, thatched roof, southern mansion, and half timbered house); 25mm sand bags; 15mm French walled farm, and 1/2400 iron clads. They have quite a wide selection for forts, roads/rivers, and other wargaming accessories. RSM Ltd., 188 Woodland Ave., Lexington, KY 40508 has a number of new items out for the wargamer. First of all, there are many additions to the 25mm SY\N,' line (35 figures) encompassing French, Jacobite, Prussians, Austrians, Russians and Hanoverians. Also in 25mm are six new American Revolution figures (American militia, British Grenadier, and Hessian Jager) as well as 25mm abatis. In their 20mm line they have added a dismounted cavalryman firing, two gunners in kepi, and a cavalry trooper in hat. For the 20mm Napoleonic line they added British fusiliers; Austrian line/grenadiers/gunners/cuirassier/dragoons/hussars; Brunswick line and Oels Jager; and Spanish Grenadiers and guerrillas. They also have a 20mm gabion available. RSM has printed "Painless Rules for Modern Armor Wargaming" ($5.00 including postage), a set of wargame rules for 1955-1987+ which were written by Timothy Wisner. These are fast-action, simple rules. William Biles has authored "Uniforms of the Seven Years War - A Painter's Guide", which covers Prussia, Britain, Hanover, HesseCassel, and Brunswick ($17.50 including postage). This is a no-nonsense printing effort without color plates but with a great deal of information within its 60 pages. Additional volumes on the SYW are planned. Note their new address. Whittlesey Miniatures, 6 St. Mary's St., Whittlesey, Nr. Peterborough, Cambs, England has a set of 25mm Napoleonic flags and 25mm Napoleonics, ECW, and Vikings available. They request several International Reply Coupons (available at your local post office) in return fora list of their products. Imperialism, the Fifth Edition of this set of Victorian Era wargames rules, is now available from Savage and Soldier, 23902 S.E. 42nd St., Issaquah, WA 98027, for $6.00, not including postage. These rules allow for larger actions to be fought out on the wargames table. More Courier Dispatch: News
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