by Dick Bryant
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FALCON MINIATURES HAS MOVED Falcon Miniatures' mailing address has changed to P.O. Box 444, Medford, MA 02155. (617) 488-3541. Please make a note of it. INTERNATIONAL MILITARY BOOKS CATALOGS Pete Hofschroer of International Military Books, 76 Prestfield Road, lillingham, Kent HE7 4HF, England, has two extensive catalogs of -ktori(A military books available. Send $1 each in currency for the ,Modern Warfare or Napoleonic catalog. Many hard-to-find books are listed. SPACEGAMER-FANTASY GAMER RETURNS The SPACEGAMER-FANTASYGAMER magazine is once again being published. Number-77 and 78 are currently available under the editorship of Anne Jaffe, who formerly was associated with GAME NEWS magazine. It has increased from 48 to 64 page while still maintaining the same cover prize of $3.50. A three- issue trial subscription can be obtained at the present time for $9.50; 6-issue sub for $18.00; and a two year 12-issue sub for $35.00. This publication has been concerned with science fiction and fantasy gaming. 3RD EDITION HARPOON NOW AVAILABLE Game Designer's Workshop (GDW) has re-released Harpoon, the awardwinning modern naval wargame covering 1967 to the near future. Harpoon simulates modern naval actions using detailed rules covering all aspects of naval warfare, including ASW, surface engagements, and aircraft. The 3rd edition contains the latest updated rules, counters, current ship statistics, and ready to play scenarios from the best-selling novels "The Hunt for Red October" and "Red Storm Rising" by Tom Clancy. Available for $20.00. GDW has also released Bastogne, the first campaign booklet designed for use with Command Decision, their WWII miniatures rules. The 48 page booklet is concerned with the German offensive in the Ardennes in December, 1944, and comes with force organizations, historical background, and a map of the region. Cost is $8.00. ANGLO-ZULU WAR BATTLEFIELD TOUR '87 The new tour will set off on Friday, 9th October '87 from London's Heathrow Airport, returning on Saturday 24th October '87. In between this-15 day tour will visit all the important sites of the 1879 Anglo-Zulu War, including: Isandlwana, Rorke's Drift, Ulundi, Prince Imperial's death site, Eshowe, Khambula, Hlobane, Fort Pearson, Gingindlovu, KingCetshwayo's grave, the Zulu War Monument, Intombi Drift, Melvill and Coghill's grave, Fort Pine, Durnford's grave, Inyezane and the Ultimatum Tree, etc. The tour will also visit the non-1879 sites of Majuba Hill, Blood (nCome) River, Talana Hill and King Shaka's grave/monument. In addition we will visit the two reconstructed Royal 'Kraals' at Ondini and Dingaanstat and many interesting museums. The tour also offers the chance to meet such experts as John Laband and Paul Thompson of 'Field Guide' fame. At the end of the tour there will be free time in the I ndian Ocean resort city of Durban, with its sunshine, surf and golden beaches. The cost of this tour should be as little as £ 950.00 per person, including: flights, accommodation, transport in Zululand and Natal, breakfast and dinner, picnic lunches on all days in the field, museum entrance fees, the services of a highly experienced local driver/guide, porterage, and my own services as Tour Leader and Historical Advisor. If you are interested in joining the tour this October please contact Ted Brown, Anglo-Zulu War Tour, c/o 671/2C, Port St, Stirling, Central Scotland, FK8 2ER, Great Britain. (Telephone-0786-78979.) Please enclose a large S.A.E. or International Reply Coupon. You will receive full details of the tour by return of post. More Courier Dispatch: News
Historicon 87 Sets Another Attendance Record News 1987 Wargames Figures News 1987 Gleanings: Magazines 1987 Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VII #6 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1987 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |