Reviewed by Dick Bryant
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RSM, Ltd., 513 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, KY 40508 has released a number of new additions including 20mm ACW gunners and mounted/dismounted cavalry; a 25mm Highlander for the Jacobite Rebellion; and a number of 25mm SYW figures. Russian musketeer and grenadier infantry, Prussian gunners and officer, Austrian grenadiers, musketeer and jaeger; and Austrian Panclours and officer comprise the recent SYW releases. It should be mentioned that the designer of the SYW figures, although not the original sculptor of the line, did a nice job in staying with the formality and character of the poses of the original line. SYW foot are .70 while 20mm ACW foot are .35 each and cavalry are .85. Alliance Miniatures, P.O. Box 2347, Des Moines, Iowa 50310, announces they are now carrying 25mm Medievals produced by Military Miniatures of New Zealand. This company produces figures encompassing the mid14th C. to the mid-15th C. and they report that additions to the line will be forthcoming. The list is quite extensive and includes 39 foot figures. five mounted personalities includinga standard-bearer, herald,and trumpeter, and 15 mounted knights. In addition, they offer 28 different medieval weapons. Foot figures are priced at .70; mounted at $1.75. The American Quarter Horse Association, P.O. Box 200, Amarillo, TX 79168 (806) 376-4811) offers a guide to the coloration of quarter horse breeds. The price is unknown. The Soldier Shop, Inc., 1222 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10128 has a catalog of 54mm figures as well as an extensive listing of books on aircraft, herald ry/mecla Is/flags, military music, uniforms, weapons, and offerings concerned with most military periods. It is reported that Peter Gilder of Connoisseur Figures will be working on a 25mm line for the American Civil War in 1987. He has recently released 25mm Napoleonic Russian artillery consisting of a 6 pounder and light Licorne as well as four Russian Guard Horse Artillerymen. Available stateside from Connoisseur Figures USA, 2625 Forest Glen Trail, Riverwoods, Illinois 60015. 15mm Battle Honours figures are now available through Battle Honours America, 17 Ridge Road, Budd Lake, NJ 07828. The Waterloo British, Portuguese and Russians have been released and artillery (French & British) should be available bythe time you read thisaswell as limbersand firing and loading gun crews. Hinchliffe has released a Russian 12 pound cannon in 25mm with a short barrel; a British 3and 6 pound battalion gun & limber and a set of draught horses/outrider/attendant for the above. Frei Korps 15 has made available figures for the American Indian Wars including a number of mounted and dismounted Indians in different poses as well as US 7th Cavalry also mounted and dismounted. They also offer six packs of figures for the Seminole War (2 packs of Seminoles): 18 packs of figures for the Moghul Army (1630-1840) in India and 8 packs of British and French (1750-65) in India; and 30 packs for the Roman Empire range. All above mentioned lines are in 15mm and can be obtained in the U.S. from Ulster Imports Ltd., Box 1748, Champaign, Illinois 61820or dirct from Freikorps 15, 25 Princetown Road, Bangor, Co. Down, BT20 3TA, Northern Ireland. Wargamers looking for palm trees can check out Party Express, 1238 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92804 (large 7-8" and small 4-5") or Walter Mol/ahn & Co., 1050 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60614 (31/.," tall). Frontier Miniatures, 7343 Branding Iron, Canutillo, TX 79835, has a number of booklets which should be of interest to historical miniatures wargamer~. Their latest releases include "A Wargamer's Guide to the Boxer Rebellion" by Lynn Bodin and a rules set for the Franco-Prussian War by Larry Brom (author of The Sword and The Flame). Other titles include the "Moro War", "Pershing Expedition", "Franco-Prussian War", "The Second Seminole War", "Mexico 1861-1867", "The Crimean War", including "The Alamo and Texas War for Independen(e". Each booklet is pitted at $5.00. Frontier also has recently released a line of 25mm ACW figures (10 foot, 5 cavalry): 25rurn French Foreign Legion for N.W. Africa (3 foot legionnaires and one pack of Mounted/dismounted as well as three Bedouins on foot and two mounted; and 1 15mm line for the American Revolutionary War thus far comprised of 32 foot packs, 4 guns, a mortar, wagons and limbers. The 25mm figures are priced at $5.50 (8 foot or 4 borse) while the 15mm line is $4.00 (20 foot). Falcon Miniatures, Suite 102, 1 High Street. Medford, Mass. 02155 says they will be carrying the Gallia Reproductions buildings in 15nim , 25rnru, and 1/285th Scale. They have also made a number of addition to their 25mm SYW line including Prussian cavalry (Hussars with mirliton & busby, Dragoons & Cuirassiers) and in extensive line of Austrians comprised of Musketeers, Grenadiers, Hungarians, Grenze infantry, artillery crews and Cavalry (Hussars, Dragoons, Cuirassiers, and Horse Grenadiers). Their first artillery pieces consist of a battalion gun and 6 and 12 pounders. Six infantry or three cavalry are priced at $4.00. More Courier Dispatch: News
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