Publications and 1982 Conventions
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Nexus (Published Bimonthly, $10.00 for 6 issues) Task Force Games, 1110 N. Fillmore, Amarillo, TX 79107. A brand new magazine that plans to cover all facets of the hobby. The premier issue has in depth reviews of several boardgames (not all published by Task Force) as well as an article on Role-Playing games in general and several articles giving background details on the 'Star Fleet Universe' series. Nexus is a nicely produced magazine. If you enjoy Task Force Games then I'm sure you'll find something of interest and you will be kept up to date on future releases. Fire & Movement (Published Bimonthly, $21.00 for 12 Issues) POB 18957-T, Austin, TX 78760-8956. F & M was recently purchased (rescued from oblivion) by Steve Jackson Games. The issue at hand (No 27) is the second issue to be published under the new auspices. Happily the new owners do not intend to change the highly successful format that has won F & M the Charles Roberts award for Best Magazine every year since 1978. This issue has in depth reviews of several games including 'Suez '73', 'Campaigns of Napoleon' and 'A House Divided'. There is also a computer game review section and short notes on many other games. Boardgamers will be glad to know that F & M is back on an even keel and will be published more regularly than in the recent past. Slingshot (Published Monthly, Free to Members of the Society of Ancients) information from Bill Thurlow, 'Courtenay', 15 Longfleet Road, People, Dorset BH15 2HN. Our Slingshots had been unaccountably delayed so I hadn't seen the new cover until very recently. I hadn't expected a disembodied Greek! However, it is very striking, a definite improvement. The July issue has some excellent articles on wargame tactics. Conversion ideas for the Rospaks Plastic Greek figures and several pieces on various ancient nations amoung many other interesting articles. Slingshot is practically required reading for Ancient gamers even if you don't use WRG rules. Military Modelling (Published Monthly, $31.50 for 12 issues) MAP Ltd, POB 35, Bridge Street, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP11EE. Without doubt the best thing about this magazine is the artwork. As an example the issue to hand (August 1982), which is typical, has everything from line drawings to color photographs and lots of them. Altogether a most professional publication. As to the content is seems to me that M.M. is maintaining the level of garneing related, as opposed to modelling Related, articles, although the end of the 'Table Top Teaser' column would be a great loss. Of interest in this issue are articles on navies in the Punic Wars, heavy dragoons of the K.G.L., Prussian Landwehr uniforms and collecting new toy soldiers. As always the various review columns cover new figures and many wargaming accessories. M.M. also begins a series on the recent Falkland Islands War in this issue. This series will examine chronologically and in detail the events of the conflict. Military Modelling is recommended. OTHER MAGAZINE NOTESBob Cordery, the treasurer and collector of subscriptions for The Nugget Wargame Developments Newsletter reviewed last issue) has moved. All enquires should be directed to him at 50 Booth Close Thamesmead, London SE 28. Also the price is L6, not $6 as shown in last issue. The March issue of Different Worlds has an excellent article on Heraldry by Robin Wood. The magazine is published by Chaosium Inc., POB 6302, Albany, CA 94706.The Heliograph is a newsletter that has been recently started by Tony Adams. Tony wishes to bring gamers interested in playing THE SWORD AND THE FLAME together by publishing accounts of battles fought by wargame groups and letting everyone know who is actually playing and what types of games they usually run. Hopefully the newsletter will evolve into a forum where rules discussions, painting and uniform information and figure availability will be published in addition to battle reports. Initially the newsletter will be free for the asking but eventually it may be necessary to charge a minimum fee to cover costs. If you are interested write to Tony Adams, 301 N. Wille Street, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056, or call (312) 893-2456 (except Mondays and Fridays) between 11:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. THE SWORD AND THE FLAME is a popular set of Colonial Period rules for miniatures published by Yaquinto Publications. They are available to subscribers through the Courier Supply Depot.) ERRATA AND APOLOGIESThrough an unfortunate error in the previous issue of The Courier, Lynn Bodin of Savage and Soldier magazine was subjected to a doublewhamee- firstly the special on the Sudan (1884-98) published by Savage and Soldier is 40 pages for $6.00 PLUS $1.25 postage and handling. Secondly the subscription price for Savage and Soldier is $10.00 for 4 issues not $3.00 as reported in the last issue. Would those of you who sent the $3.00 to Lynn Please send on the other $7.00? Savage and Soldier magazine is devoted to the Colonial Period. The latest issue (Vol. XIV No 1) has articles on Australian Light Horse and the Massacre at Benin as well as a review column and a piece by Jack Scruby on fighting a Napoleonic - Colonial Wargame. More relevant articles are required and should be sent to Lynn Bodin, 14219 NE 74th St., Redmond, WA 98052. CONVENTION CALENDAROct 8-11, 1982 RheinCon 82 Wiesbaden, W. Germany
CONVENTION NOTESFourth Historical Wargame Weekend: Several Wisconsin wargame groups have pooled their resources to produce this wargame weeke nd. Attendees will be able to participate in numerous historical miniatures wargames from ancient to modern times. A special event in the form of a 'Bring your own' 20mm to 30mm Napoleonics Tournament will be staged. In this multi-round tournament players will compete using their own wargames units. Any miniature to real man ratio can be made comatable, Additionally there will be a painting competition, seminars, an auction and vendors. OKTOBER GAMEFEST This CWA Sanctioned Convention will take place October 2 and 3 at the Willow Creek Howard Johnson's Hotel. Rte 14 and Rte 53 in Palatine Ill. Historical Miniature events include the "largest ever game of The Sword and the Flame with 3000+ Zulus at Isandlwana! There are special guests and seminars, a Historical Painting Competition and an Auction. Wargamers Weekend: Scheduled events include Dungeons and Dragons, WWII, Medieval, American Revolution, Napoleonic, Ancient and Seven Years War miniature games and boardgaming. MDG Winter Garnefest: Over 250 events will be featured including many tournaments and Boarclgames, Miniatures and Role-Playing Games. There will also be three game auctions, a figure painting contest, a video arcade room with tournaments, an art show and auction and seminars. Write to the calendar address for pre-reg form. More Courier Dispatch Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. IV #1 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1982 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |