Courier Dispatch

Product News

by Dick Bryant

Wargaming Weekends at the Smithsonian Institute and the Army War College

Fred Hubig, ( was asked by the Smithsonian Institute’s Associate Program Director to propose several programs: Commemorations of WW II and the American Civil War plus the National Security Decision Making Game (NSDM). Also, The Georgetown Center for Living History and the Army Heritage Center Foundation are partnering to host The American Civil War in Miniature Series - Chapter One: Gettysburg on September 9 - 12th.

The Commemoration of WW II - Weekend of 11 - 13 Jun 04 , 2004: This event would coincide with the WW II Memorial Dedication to be held in Washington on Memorial Day. The proposal was enthusiastically received and we are finalizing plans for making “WW II in Miniature” a memorable experience for the 80 attendees. The following DC area GM’s are working with me on this project which will promote our hobby and providing visibility to an important audience. Todd Kauderer - Pacific (Guadalcanal) Naval Battle Mike Pierce - 15 mm Eastern Front Tom Garnett - 20mm Airborne Assault on Crete Rich Hasenauer - 15mm France 1944 Fred Haub - 45mm Urban Battle (Tentatively) Hal Dyson - Air Force Battle Friday evening - They will present a general overview of WW II, explain wargaming history, how it works, present the scenarios, ask the attendees to prioritize their scenario interests and assign the attendees into table groups. Saturday AM, they will have one round of 3 hour games. Have lunch and switch the groups to a different table and another experience for Saturday PM. Sunday AM - A third round of games, Lunch followed by an AAR and Prizes to the MVP’s ;-) Media attention is expected and perhaps a few new hobbiests will result from this effort. In the Fall, they will present The National Security Decision Making Game (NSDM) hosted by Dan and Mark McDonagh. They are working on a date and would like to hear any Washington area GM’s who would volunteer to be game controllers. Also starting in the Fall or early in 2005, they will program a series of miniatures events to commemorate the American Civil War. This is expected to be about a 6 session series and follow the course of the war with selected battles and discussions. This series will complement a series of lectures and battlefield tours that have been very popular at the Smithsonian by former Director of the National Park Service, Ed Bearrs.

On September 9 - 12, 2004 The Georgetown Center for Living History will partner with the The Army Heritage Center Foundation to host the first of an annual series of programs to commemorate the American Civil War. These will be held at the Army War College at located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Several well known authors will be speaking and tours to the famous Army War College Research Library and Museum will be conducted.The Battle of Gettysburg in 25mm will be our first event of the series. Lee Burger, Pete Panzeri, Ron Prillaman, Dave Waxtel and Fred Hubig are providing most of the figures. Joe Brimer of the Battle Barn in Williamsburg, Virginia is creating the magnificent scenery and terrain (remember JodieCon’s Borodino ‘02?), Rich Hasenauer and Tony Figlia are fine tuning Fire and Fury Regimental Rules. Be sure to join in the Fire and Fury Regimental event to be held at Cold Wars, Historicon, Little Wars and other conventions this year to gain experience. Lee Burger will be General Robert E. Lee guiding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and Dave Waxtel will be leading the Union Army of the Potomac. The event will be topped off on Sunday with an Awards Luncheon, a guided tour of the Gettysburg Battlefield and a Farewell Dinner at Farnsworth’s Historic Restaurant. Pete and Jodie Panzeri are handling the communications at:

You can discuss the rules, etc. at: http:// phorum/list and you can enlist at:http:/// gettysburg.htm

Havoc XX

Editor's grandson Ricky (left) and his buddy Cory enjoy a Vietnam game put on by Pete English at Havoc.

Havoc 20 was held this past March and attended by approximately 200 people playing in over 90 miniatures games. Armies and navies of many historical periods, fantasy forces and futuristic actions were all present. Some absolutely wonderful terrain and models, made specifically for games run at the con, were an inspiration to all.

This year’s “Dave Award” winner, (our best of show award), went to Et Tu Gregor, hosted by Jim Hatch, Ed Sztramski, Ed Petrilak. Set in 15th century Eastern Europe, the king has died without a clear successor. Players representing various factions vied politically, financially and militarily to be the power on or behind the throne. Having tabards with the coat of arms for each of the players to wear visually enhanced the game, as did the standards that were placed at their chairs. When alliances were formed these standards were moved together to indicate who was allied with whom.

Another game was set during the Korean War. “Hell Thy Name is Hill 812” was based on the personal notes of a recently deceased Marine Lieutenant (a friend of the GM’s father) who was there. The terrain was made using topographic maps of the actual area where the fighting took place, talk about some serious hills and gullies.

Another visually pleasing scenario was “Winter Getaway”. Set in Russia in the winter of 1942. It featured ‘Snow, Ice, Spies, Tanks, Aerosans and Aircraft’.

Overall a good time was had by all and the new location got 2 thumbs up, except for the directions on how to get there (sigh). Next year’s Havoc 21 is already scheduled for the same location on March 18th-20th, 2005. For more information follow the link at

Changes in Saga Magazine

Terry Gore, SAGA editor reports that the SAGA editorial staff met to discuss several proposals each dealing with the future publication of SAGA. the results are as follows:

1. SAGA and Sabretache would be combined into a single hard-copy newsletter covering the entire period of history spanned by the SAGA rules, from Ancient Warfare to Victorian Warfare. This will allow us to expand the current SAGA newsletter to 80 pages from the current 44. It will be MWAN size (the same as it has always been) to faciliitate ease and cost of mailing.

2. Current e-version subscriptions will be honored until they run out. Once a member has his e-version subscription run out, he can either subscribe to the ‘new’ hard copy version or sign up for MAGWEB to still get an e-version through them.

3. Each issue will be broken down into sections as per Miniature Wargamer magazine. Each section will cover a specific period of the SAGA rules; i.e. Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, etc. Editors will be responsible for their individual periods. I will handle AW and MW. Jeff will handle RW and Skirmish Warfare. Bruce and Jeff will do NW. Perry will handle the army lists for AW/MW as well as Lace Warfare in conjunction with Bruce and so on.

4. There will be sections for letters, reviews and such as well.

5. We will also have new scenarios and army lists, historical ‘lore’, game mechanics and rules addenda in addition to new optional rules, historical articles and after action reports from cons and local events.

As I mentioned before, this is too much for me to do anymore. I will remain on as Senior Editor, but all other functions will be handed over to a new publisher and distributor. In two to three weeks, we will make a formal announcement as to who this is.

This is going to quite a change. It will require a commitment on the part of the SAGA supporters as well to subscribe and help us keep the rules system growing. I’m actually very excited about this. By making significant strides to improve the quality and content of SAGA, we should be able to provide a much better product both physically and distribution wise to a larger segment of the hobby than we have been able to before. SAGA’s website credit card payments, use Paypal receiver of funds

Front Rank Price Increase

Received from Doug Carroccio - Miniature Service Center, via internet. (

As of March 1st 2004, Front Rank will have a price increase. We have absorbed the last two increases they had but are not able to do that again.

Three factors are involved: 1. They have raised their prices. 2. The cost of overseas shipping has gone up. 3. The dollar’s slide in value. (The biggest reason).

We have had to come to these conclusions: 1. The cost of a figure will be raised to $ 1.85. 2. The cost of a horse will be raised to $2.75.

3. We must eliminate our selling to Retail Stores. We would have to raise the prices more if we continued to sell to Retailers. We don’t have a choice in this matter. We cannot effect the dollar slide, the postage rates nor can we convince Front Rank not to raise their prices (They have expenses too). However, we can help those of you who intend to build large armies.

1. We will give 10% discounts on all orders over $100.00.

2. We will give 15% discounts on all orders over $250.00.

3. We will reduce the rates should the Dollar gain strength again on the market and will adjust the prices at that time.


Five Forks, Inc. announces the publication of Napoleon’s Battles, a comprehensive set of historical miniatures rules for warfare during the Age of Napoleon, from 1792-1815. The authors of this Second Edition of the rules are Craig Taylor and Robert Coggins, creators of the original rules set.

First published by The Avalon Hill Game Company in 1989, Napoleon’s Battles was reputedly the best-selling Napoleonic miniatures rules set of all time. The new, revised Second Edition is bigger, better, and more appealing to the eye.

Napoleon’s Battles contains more than 180 pages of rules and reference materials, and includes all of the original charts, tables, scenarios and features, as well as additional optional rules; five new battle scenarios; and an expanded list rating the abilities of more than 2,500 generals of the Napoleonic era. Over 350 combat units from 14 nations are rated in 13 categories of efficiency. Basic information on how to paint and assemble miniature armies and terrain is also included, as well as a scenario design toolkit, for the enterprising gamer. Napoleon’s Battles also includes a glossary of Napoleonic terms; descriptions of the various units; tactics; and formations of the period; and overviews of each of the 14 armies included in the rulebook. The book is also enhanced by the inclusion of eight full-color, full-page illustrations by renowned historical artist Keith Rocco.

Napoleon’s Battles will be available for retail and wholesale order in April, 2004. The retail price will be $40.00. Full ordering information is found at the product Web site, or gamers can call Five Forks toll-free at (888) 327-7995.

Five Forks, Inc., is an independent developer of computer games and rules for miniature war games. Napoleon’s Battles for the personal computer is slated for completion in late spring,

Retail and wholesale enquiries to Five Forks President B.C. Milligan, at (410) 683-8363, or email

Product News

Artizan has rounded out their 28 mm Medieval Moors with packs of African Infantry command, Hasham Guard Cavalry and Hasham Guard Cavalry command. They have also released a second section of British Airborne troops for WWII. Available from Brigade Games.

Brigade Games has added to their range of 28 mm figures for the Great War in Africa, with German Askari NCOs/Characters, Belgian Askari, British Infantry in Wolseley helmets, British officers, Sikh Infantry, and British Infantry Vickers HMG teams advancing and firing. Back on the Western Front are French Infantry, company command, and LMG, German LMG and company command, and U.S. Marine LMG. There are also some Arabs armed with rifles and pistols for Palestine and Syria. Brigade Games & Hobby Supply, 35 Brookvale Road, Kinnelon NJ 07405, tel:(973) 492-0347, web:

Britannia Miniatures has some new 20mm Pacific War figures including an Iwo Jima flag raising group. Other USMC figures include a 4 man AMTRAC crew with 2x50 & 2x30MGs, officer, NCO, radio operator. Japanese victory group with flag, officer with sword, NCO with company flag on rifle, bugler, and LMG team advancing. Combined Arms, P.O. Box 2057, Warminster, PA 18974, tel: (215) 635-2724.

Calpe Miniatures continues to issue some of the more specialized figures needed to complete your 25 mm Napoleonic army. These new additions are charging Prussian Landwehr Lancers of 1813-1815, with five trooper figures, an officer, a trumpeter, a couple of bareheaded troopers, and a casualty, along with six charging horse poses and a falling horse. Landwehr cavalry for the 1st and 2nd Brandenberg Regiments with stovepipe shakos are due by the time this sees print. Available from Miniature Service Center, 1386 Portofino Dr, Yuba City, Ca. 95993, tel: (530-673-5169), web:

Cannon Fodder Miniatures :Greg Blake has decided to sell his line of 15mm Austrians for the 1866 Austro-Prussian War, also useable for the Second Schleswig War. There are 11 poses of infantry and jagers, plus Kuirassiers, Dragoons, and Uhlans. P.O. BOX 786, Bendigo, Victoria 3552, Australia, web:

Corvus Belli has added to their line of 15 mm Numidians with two packs of warriors with shields, two of warriors with helmets and shields, one of archers, and one of slingers. Available in the US from Wargames, Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059, tel: (304) 547-000, web:

Crusader has released some new 28 mm Dark Age Normans. There are packs of unarmored command, characters and casualties, bowmen in chainmail, and William the Conqueror with Bishop Odo. New Byzantines include Psiloi with crossbows, Varangian Guard, Peltasts in Quilted Armor, Skutatoi advancing or standing, Kataphraktoi with bows or kontos, and Light Cavalry. Available from Brigade Games.

Curteys Miniatures is a new manufacturer which has begun by releasing 28 mm Sung Dynasty figures - 32 bags of them. Some examples include archers, spearmen, javelins, swordsmen, crossbows, light and heavy cavalry with a variety of weapons, and some specialty troops. Most are available with or without armor. A line of Mongols is expected to be released by the time this is printed. Available from Outpost Wargame Services, The Coach House, 2 East Rossdhu Drive, Helensburgh, Argyll & Bute, G84 7ST, Scotland, web:

Dixon Miniatures has started issuing 28 mm figures for Marlborough’s army. The first 14 figures out, all in tricorn hats, are an officer, ensign, sergeant, drummer, and infantry with either socket or plug bayonets in a variety of poses. Available from Wargames.(see advt on inside cover for address and contact info - ED)

The Face of Modern Battle is a new set of 1:1 rules for 1950 to the present. Ground scale is 1” to 2 m. The rules cover infantry and vehicle combat, including helicopters, airstrikes, and night-fighting. 150 pages with cards and counter templates, reference sheets, three scenarios with maps and pre-filled squad and vehicle reference sheets. Gammazon Publishing, PO Box 39036, 2269 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1H 1A1, tel: (613) 327-0707, web:

Falcon (UK) has expanded their selection of 25 mm figures for the Polish army of the 1790’s by adding Lithuanian regular infantry and riflemen, and artillery, and Insurrection infantry with muskets, scythes or pikes. In 15 mm, there are new Bavarians for the Napoleonic wars, with line infantry, grenadiers, light infantry, artillery, and command. Available in the U.S. from The Quartermaster, 137 Lynnhaven Drive, Hampton, VA 23666, tel: (757) 838-3537,web:

Flames of War has published Desert Rats, an expansion handbook covering the British armored forces in North Africa. A variety of units are described, vehicle data provided, and new rules added. Painting guides and hints are supplied in the 66 pages. Available at retail or from

Front Rank has turned out some new 25 mm troops for the War of the Spanish Succession. There are ten poses of British musketeers, nine of grenadiers, nine of Foot Guards, a drummer, an oboist, and eight officers. The French are represented by ten poses of fusiliers, nine of grenadiers, four Swiss Guards, a drummer, a fifer, and seven officers. Available from the Miniature Service Center.

Grand Fleets is a ruleset for dreadnought-era naval warfare. It includes data cards for over 120 ships, 200 airplanes, and 20 airships and extensive weapons data, plus guidelines for converting any ship of the period to game values. There are eight scenarios from 1894 to 1939 with which to get started. Majestic 12 Games, 5335 S. Valentia Way #459,Greenwood Village, CO 80111-3129, web:

Gripping Beast have some new 25 mm Caesarian Roman infantry: 18 bags of Legionaries in a variety of poses, available with Montefortino or Coolus helmets. Republican Romans are also represented with 14 bags of Hastati, Princeps, Triari, Italian allies, and Velites. Three bags of Varangian Guards are the first figures issued in a new Byzantine line, and there are three bags of Seljuk Turk cavalry, another new line. Available from 19th Century Miniatures. web:

Hollywood Huts is a set of five generic structures in 25/28mm scale, hand-made of 1/4” foam-core with a textured finish, wooden doors, and windows. The basic elements are designed to be reconfigured into combinations of single story and double story Native dwellings and open walled courtyards. And That’s The Way It Was, 213 3rd Street NE, Hickory NC 28601-5124, tel: (828) 324-0751,

Invasion ‘40 - The Nazi Invasion of the Lowlands and France is Bruce McFarlane’s third guidebook to large scale battles in WW2. The 77 pages include the Great Battles of WW2 Rules (also available separately). French, Dutch, Belgian, and German 1940 history, organization, weapons, and tactics are covered. The rule use company stands and battalion-sized manoeuvre elements, with the intention of fighting multidivisional actions over several days. Scenarios for Fortress Holland, Eben Emael, Dinant, Sedan, and Arras are included. Provided as a PDF file via email. Saber’s Edge Hobbies and Games, web:

It Miniatures has released a pile of 20 mm figures for WWI in East Africa. They include German, Askari, King’s African Rifles, Nigerian Brigade, Gold Coast Regiment, Northern Rhodesian Regiment, East Africa cavalry, Masais, Belgian Force Publique, and Portuguese Askaris and Metropolitan Infantry, some 75 numbers in all. Available in the US from The Tin Dictator, 39 Adeline Street, Hampstead, NH 03841, tel: (603) 329-5695, web:

Mirliton has a new range of Etruscans in 15 mm, with more than a dozen packs of hoplites, infantry, bowmen, javelinmen, cavalry, command, chariots, and more. They also have some new 20 mm Italian WWII goodies, including a Solothurn on bogie with two gunners in continental uniform, artillery crew for 65/17 divisional cannon, in continental uniform, and Alpini in winter uniform. Available in the US from Mirliton USA, web:

Noseworthy’s Tactical Studies Series has issued a fifth booklet, Excerpts from the British Military Library on Practical Tactics, vols 1 & 2. This 60-page booklet reprints a series of articles on tactics written by British officers just prior to the Napoleonic Wars (originally published 1798-1801). Published by Ad Signa, 32 Dunluce Crescent, Mount Pearl, NL, A1N 5H8, Canada, web:

Old Glory 15 mm Ancients now include some 22 bags of Samurai. The Christian Samurai, female Samurai, and some command bags have a mix of mounted and foot figures, while the rest have the familiar 50 foot or 16 mounted. There is considerable variety, including dismounted Samurai and Samurai archers, mounted Samurai archers, Mounted Samurai with Katana or Naginata, Ashigaru Arquebus, heavy infantry, peasants, pikemen, Sashimono, Warrior Monks with various arms, and late Ashigaru, along with several command groups. 19th Century Miniatures. web:

Osprey’s recent titles include Fortress: Norman Stone Castles (2) Europe 950–1204; Battle Orders: US Armored Divisions – The European Theatre 1944–45; New Vanguard: Modern Israeli Tanks and Infantry Carriers 1985-2004, British Artillery 1914–1919 (1), and Spanish Galleon 1530-1690; Men at Arms: The Waffen SS (2) 6 to 10 Divisions; Warrior: Boer Commando 1876–1902, French Revolutionary Infantry, and Italian Arditi Elite Assault Troops 1917–1920; Campaign: D-Day 1944 (2) Utah Beach and the US airborne Landings, and finally Elite: Santa Anna’s Mexican Army 1821–1848 and Britain’s Air Defences 1939–1945.

Quality Castings has one new 15 mm WWII vehicle, the German Bison SdKfz 118/121 for North Africa. The resculpted versions of Russian and British personnel are now complete. The Russians have almost three dozen packs, with cavalry, NKVD, sailors, desanti, and vehicle riders and drivers among them, while the British now have a similar number of choices, including N. African infantry, Australians, and paras. 19th Century Miniatures. web:

Quick Reaction Force has added WWII Hungarian vehicles in 15 mm: Turan I, Turan II, Toldi I, Toldi II, Toldi III, Zyrini, Csaba Armored Car, and a Nimrod AA Vehicle. There are also some early war Germans, including a Jagd Panther, Pz38(t) Munitionschlepper, 15cm sIG33 auf 38t center mount, 15cm sIG33 auf 38t rear mount, Aufklarer 38t 20mm recon vehicle, Marder III M Pak 40 rear mount, 38t H Pak 40 center mount, Marder III Soviet 76.2, Flakpanzer 38t Ausf L 20mm, Fallschirmjager riflemen, SMG, command, LMG, and some collapsed parachutes and equipment containers. The British get a Marmon Herrington MK II and Humber Beaverette. Available from Wargames.

has released four new WWI aircraft in 1/144th scale: the Albatros C-III, Halberstadt D-II, Voisin L Type 3, and Fokker E-III. They also some new armed American sailors in 28 mm, suitable for Boxer Rebellion shore parties and other adventures. tel: (360) 537-0273,

Scenarios for NW Europe 1944-45 is now on sale.This 72 page book offers the Rapid Fire! player no less than 17 carefully researched historical scenarios in 5 sections: Introduction and beginners’ battle; D-Day and Normandy; France, Belgium and Holland; The Ardennes and German Border, and Germany and Northern Holland. Between them, the scenarios cover every month of the NW Europe Campaign and the whole range of troops, equipment and tactical situations, including beach landings, river crossings, airborne assaults and daring raids.

You’ll find a game–friendly layout, with new-look maps and special rules combined on the same page, backed up by historical background, game objectives and full orders of battle. Each scenario also has its own ‘Game Notes’ page, with information and hints on terrain, game design and tactics, plus all the key fighting vehicle and gun data you need to play.

The book also boasts 8 colour pages with 29 action shots of the models and figures used to game-test the scenarios: all of them close-up enough to double as painting and modelling guides.Finally, the book includes black and white photographs, maps, tactical diagrams and hints on painting and modelling. It’s the complete package for the W.W.II gamer and for other miniatures players who want to try something new. Cost is $30. Available from RLBPS, 4827 Treeview Terrace, Rockford IL 61109.

Thoroughbred Miniatures announces new product addition, SOJERS a new range of historical figures. The first releases - WW2 20mm US GIs and Germans (1943-45) - were introduced at Cold Wars 04 and were squad packs (12 figs) for each side as well as several team (2-man) packs of officers, drivers, and special weapons. Excellent detail, figure characterization, and quality design and casting. See photos and listing at their web site: They promise more historical ranges to follow. Contact: Toby Barrett 4106 Timberland Drive Portsmouth, VA 23703. Phone 757-686-1048 Email:

The Assault Group continues to expand their line of 28 mm figures for those who can stomach current events in miniature. The latest are a half-dozen packs each of U.S. Marines, Taliban & Afghans, Iraqis, and Rangers. Available in the U.S. from Brigade Games.

Victory Force Miniatures has released 28 mm WWII U.S. Infantry .50 and .30 caliber MG teams, and a US paratrooper 42 M1919A6 team. JLB Studios L.L.C, P.O. Box 3632, Lawrence, KS 66046-0632,

Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby.

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