by Dick Bryant
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All American is a the second expansion set for the Face of Battle WWII skirmish rules. It covers the US Army with equipment lists, TO&Es, medic, event, and paratrooper cards, 7 linked airborne scenarios in Normandy and a Huertgen Forest scenario. Meramic Enterprises, Inc PO Box 40012, 2515 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1V 0W8,tel: (613) 294-2045, web: All Fronts Armor Depot makes gravity cast resin armor models, most assembled and painted. The models are in 1:48 and 1:72; while most of the fairly extensive line is for WWII, there are vehicles for Viet Nam and later as well. Joe Conejo, 1110 Cardinal Lane, Lantana, FL 33462, tel: (561) 585-4247, web: All About Games is a game store in Belfast, ME which has an upstairs room for gaming historical and non-historical miniatures. They have a program to keep kids off the streets by introducing them to wargaming. The Courier ran an article about them several issues back. The store is a great source for family games such as Axis and Allies, and Serenissima, chess sets and various hard-to-find strategy board games that are above the run-of the mill stuff found at Toys R Us. They have a great mail order service. Write for their catalog to: All About Games, 78 Main St., Belfast ME 04915. Alphacast has added a pack of Evzone Greek infantry charging to their 15mm Balkan Wars of 1912-13 line. Earlier releases include three packs of line infantry, foot command, and a field gun for each of the Greek, Bulgarian, and Turkish armies. they also have a 28 mm line for the same period with Greek, Bulgarian, Ottoman, Serbian, Rumanian, and Montenegran troops, and a substantial line of 15 mm Greek War of Independence figures. Available in the US from the Virtual Armchair General, 10208 Haverhill Place, Oklahoma City, OK 73120-3922 tel: (405) 752-2420, web: Artizan Designs is a new company producing 28 mm WWII figures sculpted by Mike Owens. Available so far are British 8th Army riflemen, Bren teams, command, Long Range Desert Group, and SAS; Afrka Korps riflemen, MG34 teams, SMG, Panzer grenadiers, and sentries. These are in packs of 4 or 8 figures, with two different packs available for many types. 5 Springwell, Mardy, Abergravenny, Monmouthshire NP7 6NW, United Kingdom, web: Aquilifer is an Italian line of 15 mm figures for the Seven Years War. The line is projected to include 800 poses, plus 100 poses of horses., of which the Prussian infantry, Guards, artillery, and personalities, and Austrian infantry, artillery, and personalities. Vaiale Guglliemo Marconi, 444-00146 Roma, Italy, tel: (+39) 338.7424286, web: Big Battles for Little Hands is meant for children interested in wargaming. It includes a set of rules for skirmish games and another for tactical-level games, adaptable for a variety of periods. There are instructions for constructing terrain, paper soldiers in case figures are not available, a painting tutorial, a short history of land warfare, some scenarios, an introduction to tactics, suggested reading, and notes to parents. By Buck Surdu and Rob Dean, the book (ISBN 1-889584-10-X) is available from Brigade Games ( and Chipco has published an additional three dozen army lists for their Age of Gunpowder rules, covering the period 1500-1700. Available from Saber’s Edge Hobbies and Games, Box 52086, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R2M 5P9, web: Copplestone Castings Germans are the latest additions to the 28 mm Darkest Africa line. These are marines, oficers, and East Kompanie Askaris. PO Box 9298, Birmingham B14 7PN, United Kingdom, web: The Crafter’s Hot Knife is a slickly engineered tool for cutting foam landscapes. It features a 6” x 5/8” rigid, stainless steel blade and elegant, hand carved wooden handle. The strong blade can cut curves in dense foam without bending, warping or breaking. Advantages include it’s light weight for easy use, long blade for cutting thick foam slabs, and the manuverability of a knife design for plunge cuts. . or Crusader Miniatures has additional poses of their 25 mm Dark Ages Norman spearmen and knights in chain with. The Seven Years War line has added Austrian Grez advancing variants, Dragoon command, and Cuirassier command. Available in the US from Brigade Games, Brigade Games & Hobby Supply, LLP, 35 Brookvale Road, Kinnelon, NJ 07405, tel: (973) 492-0347, Enduring Valor, a set of scenarios for Gettysburg in regimantal scale, should have the second volume out by the time this is published. Included in this set are scenarios for Rose Farm / Wheatfield, Cemetery Ridge, Brinkerhoff’s Ridge, East Cemetery Hill, Culp’s Hill, Pardee Field / Spangler’s Meadow, East Cavalry Field, Fairfield, Pickett’s Charge, South Cavalry Field, Farnsworth’s Charge, and Falling Waters. Available from Marek/Janci Design, 725 Ranch Rd, Wheaton, IL 60187-3656, tel: 630.752.9390, web: Grande Armee is a new set of Napoleonic rules for battles with corps or armies, which claims “You’ve never played a game like this before”. There is no figure scale; ground scale is 100 yds to the inch. Turn length is variable, as are movement rates, and such things as skirmishing, opportunity charges, and evasion are not controlled by the player. Command chits are played to exercise control over part of the battle. An integrated capaign system is included, along with four scenarios. Sam Mustafa, 100 Rock Rd., #105, Hawthorne, NJ 07506, web Minifigs USA has a swarm of new WWII stuff in 12 mm. These include a German Nebelwerfer, Flammwagen auf PzKpfw B-2(f), Kfz 60 Horsch car, and JgPz I, along with British Churchill and Cromwell fire support versions and a Russian JS-2. The American additions are a GMC Fuel Truck, Dodge 3/4 T WC51 “Beep”, Dodge 1-1/2 T WC62 Weapons Carrier, 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage T19, M8 75mm PAC Howitzer, M26 Pershing and three Sherman versions: an M4A3E2, USMC M4A3 flamethrower, and an M4A3 dozer. Game Figures Inc. 538 Unit E Olathe St, Aurora, CO 80011, tel: (303)361-6465, web: Musket Miniatures has released dismounted US Dragoons with their horses and US Irregulars which can be used for Doniphan’s Missourians or defenders of the Alamo. They’ve also got a variety of new WWII trenches, bunkers, and ruins. 7130 W 117 Ave, Unit D-3, Broomfield, CO 80020-0410, tel: (303) 439-9336, web: Old Glory has new packs of 25mm Waffen SS, with a rifle squad skirmishing, a section advancing, Pak 40 and crew, 81mm Mortars, and MG34 with crew. there are also a batch of new 15 mm Myceneans, including command, cavalry, heavy infantry, medium infantry, slingers and archers, javelinmen, and chariots. Available from Brookhurst Hobbies, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840, tel: (714) 636-3580, web: Paper Places is a collection of pdf files for constructing a 25 mm Wild West town (“Whitewash city’) from cardstock. Color, grey scale, and line art version of a building is included in each file, as are floor plans and a blank floor plan for your own interior decorating. Fifteen buildings are available now, with five more on the way. Produced by Eric Holtz, web: Peter Pig has a new batch of 15 mm WWII figures. notable among these are the British 14th Army in Burma, with rifles, SMG, Bren, Sten, HMG, 2” mortar, 3” mortar, commmand, crew, mule teams, and a sniper/PIAT/Flamethrower pack all ready to slog through the jungle. There are three German PZ III L versions: plain, with stowage, or destroyed. The US gets a new 75 mm pack howitzer. There is also a new Parthian army for ancient battles, with a variety of horse archer and cataphact packs, some cataphract camels, command, foot skirmishers, and casualties. Available in the US from Brookhurst Hobbies. Poleaxed Source Book is a two-volume guide to the War of the Roses from the publishers of the Poleaxe rule set. Volume I is now available. It covers the period from the first battle of St Albans in 1455 through to the battle of Towton in 1461, with orders of battle, maps, scenarios, biographies, heraldry, and battle histories. Available in the US from Bob Burke, 4726 Appaloosa Court, Antioch, California 94531, web: Pulp Figures has released the latest in their 28 mm early 20th Century adventurer series. These include General Cappy Boyd & expatriate mercenaries, U.S. Naval Lewis gun team, German Seebataillon troops, and a Seebataillon Maxim with crew. P.O. Box 28037, Preston Postal Outlet, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, N3H 5M2, web: Renegade Miniatures have a new line of 28 mm ACW figures, starting off with four packs of infantry in shell jackets and slouch hats. They’ve also started a WWI line with the realease of three or four packs each of German, British, and French riflemen, and a groupd of Celts with two packs each of archers, warriors with swords and warriors with javelins. Available in the US from Brigade Games. Reviresco has just released a highly detailed 1915 Model T Touring Car in 1/64th 28mm Scale (2.5 x .9 x 1.4 inches in size). This multi use kit is compatible with Model Railroading 'S' gage, and 28mm figures. 15 piece kit includes 28mm driver. See it at While you are there check out their new Chinese irregulars with muskets. S&G Miniatures, a new company in Ohio, has released the first of a line of 28 mm Samurai. These are six poses of arquebusiers, six archers, and five spearmen. Available from the Tin Soldier, 44 Westpark Rd, Centerville, Ohio 45459, tel: (937) 433-3898, web: Skytrex has added the Britsh ships Warspite, Attacker (escort carrier), Aristocrat (paddle steamer & escort), Kelly (destroyer leader), Javelin (destroyer), Enchanter (rescue tug), Sheffield (cruiser), German Siebel ferry (also in an escort variant), I-lighter and merchant raider in the Triton 1/600 line. Studio 33 is selling “Buffalo Chip”, a Wild West town of cardstock buildings with acetate windows in 25 mm. The 20 buildings are sold individually or in sets. More recently released is “B’hoys’ Town”, with 15 blocks of buildings suitable for New York in 1840-1860. Blocks are 2” deep and 9 or 10 inches long, and contain building fronts, sidewalks, and streets. Intended for “Gangs of New York” street fights. Available from the Virtual Armchair General. Table Top Towns is a new business started by George Johnson of GAJO fame. George is offering painted buildings and a painting service for special buildings. Based on the experience with George and GAJO we can expect a high quality service. Table Top Towns, 930 Mellish drive, Lapeer MI, 48446 810-664-5655. The Sun Never Sets, a campaign system for use with The Sword and the Flame, includes a rule book, maps, counters, and cards, all updated, reformatted, and generally spiffified. The Sword in North Africa variant is also newly updated from the 1986 version for use with TSATF/20 to handle battles of the French Foreign Legion against the desert tribes. Includes the new D20 Morale Tables, some minor adjustments to the Firing and Close-Combat Values, and the Addendum and Options Page. The publishers have decided to issue subsets of their large scenario collection, organized by period. These are: Pathans 1878, Zulus 1879, Boers 1880, Dervishes 1884, African Exploration (TSIAfrica), and Egyptians 1882. And That’s The Way It Was, 213 3rd Street NE, Hickory NC 28601-5124, tel (828) 324-0751, web: Vendal has a new line of Macedonians in 28 mm, with four ranks of phalangites, phalangites with vertical pikes, command, and Companions in a variety of bronze and linen cuirasses. There are also some Persian unarmored horse archers with hats and Greek cavalry with hats or helmets, spears and shields, musicians, and archers, both bare-headed and hatted. Available in the US from Brookhurst Hobbies. Vis Bellica is a new set of ancients rules, using orders and command pips. Armies have a command structure, and pips can be passed down the chain of command. The rules are intended for an average of about 120 figures a side. Twelve army lists covering the period from New Kingdom Egyptians to the Hundred Years War. Some additional lists are available on line, and three volumes of lists are planned for publication. web: Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby.
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