Written and designed by Christopher Parker
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IMPETUOUS ADVANCES: Mounted Knights (other than trained) that find (at the beginning of their charge phase) that they are within 15” of a visible, formed enemy unit in their forward move zone, that is not in obstacle terrain, and not blocked by more than two ranks of formed friends will charge. If the personality that commands the knights wants to hold them back he must command them to do so with a maneuver command. PROCEDURE: Start with the unit’s morale grade value (6-18). Draw a randomizer card, check for other modifiers it and compare it to the MODIFIER DEFINITIONS+10 SUPPORTED : A unit is supported when two or more, friendly, formed units in good order and/or friendly terrain features not occupied by the testing unit are within 3” (of the unit making the morale check). Hidden units may not support. +5 FRIENDLY TERRAIN FEATURES: Friendly terrain feature is one that is within 3” and has no visible enemy units within it. -5 THREATENED: A unit is threatened when a visible enemy unit is within 15” of its flank or rear. Facing of either unit’s is unimportant. A unit cannot be threatened on a flank that has a friend in good order or a friendly terrain feature within 3”. +5 IN THE BATTLE LINE OR BANNER UNIT: In order for a unit other than the banner unit to be in the battle line the banner unit must itself be in good order. Disordered banner units are themselves still in the battle line. -10 FOOT VS. FORMED CAVALRY: Foot except ordered Sp or Pk vs. formed cavalry: Any formed infantry (except ordered Sp or Pk) being charged by or in contact with (before or during a melee) formed cavalry that are themselves in good order and in the open. This simulates the foot unit may falter before or as they are contacted by formed cavalry. +/-5 RETREATING UNITS: Any formed friend moving to the rear: -5, Enemy moving to the rear: +5. A unit (friend or foe) counts as moving to the rear if it made such movement over 3” and came within 15” during the current turn of the testing unit or the last turn of his enemy. MORALE CHECK RESULTS
8 or more : Pass 7 or less : Fail PASS: CARRY ON: morale check passes. Troops were not affected by the morale check and continue play as normal. FAIL: Morale check failed. Reference to the event triggering the check on the Morale Check Results and act accordingly. RETIRE MOVES: Troops that retire are doing so with some level of control left. They are simply trying to remove themselves from a particular situation that they perceived as dangerous to them. A retire move is the same as a move listed on the army domain but at full speed. Such movement is straight back but facing the event that caused the move. Retiring units must move directly to their rear. If formed troops lie in their path they will pass through disordering both. If they do not have enough movement to pass entirely through, the other unit is pushed back before them in disorder. Retiring units may move into area and obstacle terrain at half speed. This counts as the unit’s next maneuver. BREAK MOVES: Broken troops always run away from the event that caused the break. Such moves are a random distance to show the uncertainty of such troops. This counts as the unit’s next maneuver until rallied. Number cards equal their value in inches, face cards are 5”, an ace is 1”. Joker - Unit is destroyed and removed as lost.
Cavalry and skirmishers draw 4 cards. Artillery is destroyed and lost. GAPS BETWEEN UNITS and TERRAIN FEATURES: When possible, formed, broken (or breaking) troops will make every attempt to pass between friends and around terrain features that lie in their path. If a gap of 2” or more is available and movement to it would not bring them closer to an enemy stand and is still to their rear they will head for it. Otherwise they will pass through any friends in the way, disordering them as well. Movement into a terrain feature destroys the broken unit. Attached personalities are swept away with the unit (unless captured due to melee). ORDER and DISORDER: A unit is disordered when any of the following happens. Units suffering additional disorders while in disorder must make an additional morale check.
When called for by Strike Results Table. When moving through certain types of terrain. Due to passing through another unit. RALLY FROM BROKEN MORALE: Requires a unique command. To rally a broken unit a personality must be attached to the unit and then use the unique command. Once rallied, the unit may choose its facing and formation. The rallied unit is considered in good order but may not perform any other unique commands that turn.
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