Written and designed by Christopher Parker
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COMMANDCOMMAND DISTANCE: There is no fixed command radius or distance. A personality may issue a unique command to any unit under his command (started in his battle line) regardless of its current distance away. There is a penalty when commanding certain types of units that are more than one move from the BL. COMMAND CARDS: At the start of his turn, command phase (1) each personality on the active side makes an initiative check (SR+10). The result determines how many command cards he gets that turn. Roll 1D20; if the score is equal to or less than his modified initiative he will draw cards equal to his personality type. Leaders draw 3 cards, Warlords draw 5 (this differs from DoBII.) If a personality rolls a 1 he draws a bonus card. If he rolls over his initiative he loses a card, and for every 5 points over (or part thereof) he loses another. INITIATIVE MODIFIERS
-5 personality is wounded. -1 for each (-) uncontrolled action he currently has. A personality may save cards from turn to turn. He may never have more cards than his personality type allows (Leaders 3, Warlords 5) at any time unless he rolled a 1 for his initiative check. Each time a 1 is rolled the personality gains one command card, regardless of how many he currently holds. He may discard any and all cards in his hand at the end of his command phase. ISSUING UNIQUE COMMANDS: When a personality issues a command he will play one or more randomizer cards. Each card is used for or towards one or more unique commands. Card point values may not be split between units but may be split between different unique commands on the same unit in the same turn and in succession. There are three unique commands. A unit may perform each unique command once each turn. Each is a separate action and must be carried out to its end before the same personality may issue another. This completion rule includes any automatic reactions that occur. UNIQUE COMMAND TYPES
SHOOT MISSILES REORDER FROM DISORDER - RALLY FROM BREAK 1. MANEUVER This unique command allows a unit to do any ONE of these (See Uncontrolled Advance, Morale.) Unit that impetuously charged, retired or broke are considered to have already maneuver in their next turn. Charge movement or maneuver movement, including forward and non-forward movement or hold back an impetuous advance. Change ranks deep frontage. Skirmish move (skirmishers may shoot and move, or move and shoot. 2. SHOOT MISSILES If the target can shoot back it will do so automatically. 3. Rally from Break - Reorder from Disorder This unique command allows a unit to rally from broken morale (which includes reordering from disorder) or reorder from disorder. A personality must be attached to the unit for the unit to be given the command “rally”. The unit is then rallied and reordered from disorder. Disordered units reorder immediately when commanded. COMMAND COSTS Cards may be combined to issue a unique command that costs more command points. Partial CPs from a command card may not be carried forward into the next game turn. Commands can cost zero CP.
+1CP W/CLOSE PROXIMITY: (ignore if Sk, Lc, Ha or trained), added to the basic cost of a unit that is not going to charge or fire. +1CP IN DISORDER OR BROKEN: added to the basic cost to command a unit that is in disorder or is broken and being rallied. -1CP WARLORD IS ATTACHED: subtracted from the basic cost of a unique command once per turn. BATTLE LINE COMMANDS (BL) When a Warlord or Leader is attached to his banner unit he may issue a battle line command to the entire battle line. Units may not participate in a BL command if they have already performed the same unique command individually or have rallied from broken this turn. When given this command, all the units in the BL must perform the command while maintaining the BL integrity as determined by the Banner Unit, those not able to do so are left behind. BL commands include any maneuver, fire, and reorder. Maneuver allows only forward movement. BL charges require that the slowest unit be able to reach the target. BL missile fire must be directed at the closest enemy unit to each firing stand’s front or the last one that fired upon it. Units then fire one at a time, with the results applied before the next (if more than one) fires. BL commands cannot be used to rally a unit that is broken. TRANSFERRING COMMAND CARDS: During his initiative phase, a WL may transfer 1 card to EACH personality he commands. These cards may not bring Leaders cards above 3. TERRAINLINE OF SIGHT & ELEVATIONS (LOS): Personalities and units have LOS 360 degrees around them, extending over the entire table, unless interrupted by obstacle or hill terrain features. To see a personality or stand of figures, the observing unit must be able to trace an unobstructed LOS from any part of its stand to any part of the target stand. Use a straight edge such as a ruler, or a piece of taut string to establish the line. No unit may trace LOS through obstacle terrain, hill, slope, or impassable terrain so designated. Units and personalities do not block LOS, though unit stands do block shooting.
STREAMS and RIVERS: Enter and exit the battlefield on different table edges. Area features may be streams, which impede movement but do not block LOS. Obstacle features may be streams. In which case they block LOS as well as delay movement. Impassable features may be rivers. These must have a bridge or ford that allows the crossing of a unit 1 stand wide. They may block (LOS.) ELEVATIONS: Troops on slope terrain (gentle or steep slopes) may not see over or be seen ove terrain features that block LOS regardless of height. They may see over units and personalities on the table for visibility sake. There is no overhead fire of any kind! They may not fire missiles over troops that are at a lower elevation and between them and a desired target. CONCEALMENT and HIDDEN UNITS: Concealment is being in or behind a terrain feature that blocks LOS. If you can see over half of a stand of a unit, the unit isn’t concealed from view. Partial concealment can modify a combat roll. Any shooting that can be legally directed upon unconcealed stands is treated as in the open. Any stand in obstacle terrain and engaged in melee gains any cover benefits. Units that have over half of their stands concealed qualify for any morale bonus that may apply during a morale check. MOVEMENTMovement Rates: The distance listed as move on the army domain of a unit or personality is the distance in inches. Terrain, charging, retreating, breaking, and other circumstances can modify the movement rate. Movement Direction: Movement that is directly forward with no side deviation is at the full movement rate, that is 1” for 1”, and is called forward movement (FM). Movement in any other direction is called non-forward movement (NFM) and costs 2” for every inch or fractions thereof moved. Terrain: Area, and obstacle terrain cost double to move through. For each inch or fraction thereof, the unit pays 2” of its movement allowance. The unit continues to pay this double rate as long as any part of any stand in the unit is in the terrain. Charge Movement: Distance is three moves as listed on domain. Skirmish troops divide their movement by 1/3rd and may charge up to three of these to contact. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE (SOI): Opposing units may not come within 3” of one another except when charging, being charged, or in melee. This is reduced in the charge reaction section of the rules. CHANGING FORMATION: Troops may change formation by adjusting the number of ranks it is deployed in. Trained troops change ranks in a half a turn. Knights and untrained troops change ranks in a full move. When a unit changes formation no part of it can come closer to the enemy and it may not change it’s facing. FACE TO THE REAR: A unit may face about to the rear once per turn. This is a maneuver unique command and costs a unit half of its move in inches. It may not be combined with a charge or a charge reaction. SHRINKING UNITS: As a unit takes figure casualties it must shrink in such away as to retain its current depth in stands. PASSING THROUGH FRIENDS: Units may pass through one another with the following restrictions. If both units begin their turn within 3” of each other and are in good order, one may pass through the other, and neither unit will be disordered. Units that pass through other units become disordered if: Either unit is already in disorder. The unit passing through is more than 3” away. The stationary unit has already “maneuvered” during its most recent command phase. PROXIMITY MOVEMENTCharging units, skirmishers, and personalities do not use proximity movement! Proximity movement determines how far a unit may move in a turn depending on how near the enemy is. The closer the enemy is the slower (more cautious) the movement. Conversely, the further away the enemy is, the faster (more bold) the move.
15-30”: Double the above movement. 30.1” or more: Triples movement. DISTANCE BANDS: Measure the distance to the closest enemy unit in sight. This will determine the proximity to the enemy and the movement. Hidden units do not affect enemy units and their proximity movement. CROSSING DISTANCE BANDS: When crossing from one band to another any remaining movement will be affected. If the new band is closer to the enemy, halve what remains of the original move. If moving away from the enemy, double the remaining move. More Warlord Medieval Rules Back to Table of Contents -- Courier # 83 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2002 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |