German Situation Report
by Michael Reese
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7th June, 1944, near Franqueville, FranceSITUATION: 7 June, 1944. The allies landed yesterday. 12SS Hitler Jugend (HJ) was released to advance to the front late in the evening of 6 June, 1944. The division is to join 21st Panzer and Panzer Lehr Division in a three division attack to crush the British beach head on 7th June, 1944 at 1600 hours. 12SS HJ is moving to its assembly area southwest of CAEN. 25th PGR is in place with II Pz Battalion, which just arrived. 26th PGR and I Pz Battalion (Panthers) is still moving up. MISSION: Counter-attack. II and III PG Battalion 25th PGR and II Panzer Battalion 12 PR will attack Northwest at 1600 hours this afternoon as part of the Corps attack. III Battalion, 25th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 12th SS HJ has just reported to Regiment the battalion has moved into its assembly area near Franqueville. III Battalion has contacted elements of the 716th Infantry Division to its front. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd batteries of 12SS HJ Flak Battalion are in the area. II Panzer Battalion has just arrived and is servicing its vehicles. It is located to the south and east. II PG Battalion has reported it is in position to the east and has elements of 12th SS Panzerjager Battalion in support. Elements of 716th Infantry Division and 21st Panzer Division are to your front. AT START: III/25th: All units may be deployed in the area anywhere 2 feet (2400 meters) north of the south table edge and west of Ardenne. II/25th is located on the right flank of III/25th and north of III/25th (because they deployed earlier). 2nd Coy 12 SS Panzerjager Battalion is attached. The II/25th and all detatchments may deploy up to 4 feet north of the south table edge and east of Ardenne. St Contest is in the II/25th PGB sector. II Panzer Battalion may attached/cross-attached or located with either grenadier battalion. HOWEVER, when deployed it may not be deployed more then 2 feet from the south table edge (it arrived just as the Canadian attack began). If attached to II/25th and that battalion HQ is more then the allowed 12" command control distance from the II PB units, then those units MUST get within command control of the II/25th BN HQ before taking any other action. 12th Flak Battalion is located in the northern part of the deployment areas of both grenadier battalions and will be deployed by the judge. It is an independent Battalion unit at the start of the game. You may use a Command if your BN HQ is within 12" of any units of 12th Flak to attach those units to your battalion. The III Artillery Battalion 12SS Panzer Artillery Regiment, is deployed in the south center of the table. An FO from this unit is to be attached to one of your combat battalions to provide support fires for the attack. See below. ALL OF YOUR UNITS ARE IN "RESERVE" at the start of the game. NO FLANK MARCHES SUPPORT: III Artillery Battalion (Reg)(4 batteries) is located in the vicinity of Cussy and Ardemins.(South-Center of table). 1 FO Stand and KW (kubelwagon or light car) which can direct all four batteries. (1x105mm FG Battery, and 3x150mm FH batteries). Each battery has six turns of fire. The battery consists of (models) 1 105mm FG, 3 150mm FH, and 4 Sdz 7 tractors. 1 105mm; 3 150mm; 2 150mm; 4 150mm each with 6 units of AMMO UNITS
3xInfantry Companies each: 3xRifle Stands 1xHvy Weapon Coy: 1x75mm IG Std, 1 Truck; 1xSdz 10/4 SP 20mm AA gun, 1xPak 40, 1xSdz 11/Truck Attached: 2/12 PJ: 2xPanzerjager IV/L48 4 3-ton Maultier "ammo" trucks III Panzer Grenadier Btn, 25th PGR (III/25 PGR)(Regulars)
3xInfantry Coys each: 3xRifle Stands 1xHvy Weapon Coy: 1x75mm IG Std, 1 Sdz 10; 1xSdz 10/4 SP 20mm AA gun, 1xPak 40, 1xSdz 11/Truck 4 3-ton Maultier "ammo" trucks II Panzer Btn, 12SS Panzer Rgt (II/12 PR)(Regulars)
Recon: 1 Pz IV/H Engr: 1 Engr Std w/Flame-throwers, 1 251/7 half-track Flak: 1 Whirlwind Quad 20mm AA Tank 5xPanzer Coys total 8xMark IV/H 4 3-ton Maultier "ammo" trucks, 6 3- ton Opel "fuel" truck From 25th PGR
13th Company: 1x150mm IG, 1xSdz 11 14th Company: 2x20mm Flak Guns, 2xTrucks 15th Company: 3xRifle Std (Recon), 3xKW, 1xPak 40, 1x251/4 16th Company: 3xEngr Std (Flame/Rifle), 3xTrucks 15th Company must start deployed 24 inches north of the Battalion HQ it is attached to. 12SS FLAK BATTLIONThis unit is a separate BN in position at the start of the Game. Orders are DEFEND. It is positioned by the judge. The 1-3rd Battery are dug-in and camouflaged (in game turns consider them as in cover even if placed in the open. See 6.0 SPOTTING). BN HQ is NE of Franqueville, positioned so all three batteries below are in command control. (NOTE: for game purposes the Command Zone of this battalion is 12" even though it only has 4 platoons. 3.13 COMMAND ZONE "CZ". This is to allow it to be historically deployed.) BN HQ: 1 HQ Std in Truck
8 "ammo" counters (if BN moves, it has one "Maultier" or Opel "ammo" truck per ammo counter up to a maximum of FOUR vehicles). This unit is off the table to the south and may rejoin it's parent battalion 2 turns after enemy units are spotted by any 12SS unit. It arrives at the southern table edge. 4th Battery 2xSdz 7/2 37mm SP Flak More Caen 1944 Back to Table of Contents -- Courier #79 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |