by Dick Bryant
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Reviresco is producing 1/144 metal aircraft model kits for WWI games. Currently available are the Albatros D-II and D-III, Sopwith Camel, S.E. 5a, Fokker Dr-I, D-VIII, D-VII and D-VI, Pfalz D-III and D-XII, Roland C-II, and Junkers J-1. The Junkers is $8, the others $6. They also provide Fighter Pilot rules and flight stands. For those who prefer their bloodshed on land, they have a 1/72nd scale French 1917 St.Chamond tank in both the Mark I and Mark II versions. The kits are constructed from over 25 white metal pieces and can be constructed with door and hatches open or closed. They are also expecting to release 4 new 1/87th scale M-3 and variant kits. AB Figures has added Russian foot artillery, heavy and light limbers, and teams in both 1805 and 1812 versions, as well as Prussian 1806 Dragoons charging and Kurassiers at rest to their Napoleonic line. E-mail Architectural Heritage has released a batch of new buildings. These include, in 15 mm, Weinstuben Bernkastel-Kues, Carriage Shed, Timber Barn and Eckhaus for Napoleonics in Prussia, and for 25 mm in the American Southwest, Pueblo Style Hacienda and Outbuilding, and an Adobe Hovel with Porch. Available from Grandiosity, Inc, P.O. Box 750992, Dayton, OH,45475.Phone:(937)439-2488, Thouroughbred Figures has two new releases: TS51 Floating Battery with two types of gun shileds - one armored like the Charlston, SC harbor battery that fired at Sumpter and a lighter version. Choose one for $10. His newly released Virginia II ($12.60) rounds out all the Confederate capital ships in the James River Squadron. in 1/600 scale Thoroughbred has also moved to a larger facility. The new address is Toby Barrett, 4106 Timberland Drive, Portmouth VA, 23703. Phone and Fax is 747 686-1048. E-Mail is Toby will send a free listing of his ship model kits to anyone sending him an SASE. Cheval Design Studios is now producing 15mm AWI figures. Initial releases include Continental Line Infantry and Light Infantry, Minute Men, Continental Dragoons, Continental Light and Medium Guns and Command; British Line and Light Infantry, Grenadiers, Highlanders, Dragoons, Light and Medium Guns, and Command, and Hessian Musketeers and Grenadiers. The $8 packs contain 50 infantry, 16 cavalry, or 6 guns and crew. Charles Street, Vestal NY 13850. The Foundry is changing their distribution method. Effective April 0l, 1998 Pendragon USA will be distributing the Foundry Line of figures to North America. Items available for resale through hobby shops will be the blister carded releases only - no loose figures will be handled for distribution. As each range is converted to blister cards they will then be offered for distribution through retail stores. Currently available for distribution: ACW, Old West, Plains Wars, Early Imperial Romans Available for distribution shortly: Napoleonics, SYW VNS, and most of the smaller ranges. The Foundry Ltd, 1549 Marview Drive, Westlake, Ohio 44145, tel: (440) 871-4587. There are a swarm of new Foundry releases, including 25 mm ACW, with 30 figures of infantry in kepi and sack coats, another 18 in greatcoat and kepi, and 41 wild Confederates in hats. A number of these poses have 8 variants, supplied at random. There are also a dozen artillerists and five types of guns. Moving forward a few years to the period of the Indian Wars, there is a new line of Custer's men, four groups of about a half dozen figures, each provided both mounted and on foot. More Mexicans, a gatling gun, and a 'mule' gun are on the way. Guns of Liberty is a new set of wargame rules for the American Revolution by Eric Burgess. Described as fun, fast, and inexpensive, they are available exclusively from Musket Miniatures for $12.95, which includes their complete catalog ($3.00 refundable with an order). P.O. Box 1976, Broomfield, CO 80038, e-mail Merrimack Miniatures has added the following new ships to their 15 mm ACW line: Steam Launch, Tug and Fire Barge, Subs. Huntley and David, and the USS Hartford complete with 22 guns, resin details, and dowel masts. They are also producing a 17th Century 36 gun Galley, with two pivot guns, masks, and crows nest. Merrimack Miniatures is also working with Complete Brigadier to bring out a line of ships for the Great Lakes during the American Revolution in 20mm scale, beginning with the Philidelphia and the Detroit class. 1524 Lois Dr, Shoreview, Mn. 55126, e-mail Mini-Figs has begun packaging their 15 mm Napoleonic figures in Army Packs, with. over 120 figures in a bag, for $19.95. These are the re-sculpted figures. Available so far are French line, French Lt. Cavalry, French Hvy. Cavalry, British line in Belgic shako or stovepipe shako, British Cavalry, Prussian line, Prussian Landwehr, and Prussian cavalry. Old Glory continues to churn out new figures in new periods. Recent additions include a War of the Roses line in 25 mm, with 14 mounted packs, 16 foot packs, 26 packs of lords and personalities, and a variety of artillery from organ guns to heavy bombards. Further East, the Mongols in Europe range has an initial release of some 23 packs, including Mongols, German knights, Russians, Polish, Lithuanians, and Hungarians. There is also a huge number of new 25 mm Napoleonic figures, consisting of 22 packs of infantry and (one of artillery) of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, some French commanders, 10 packs of Austrian colonels and landwehr, seven packs of Bavarian artillery, cavalry, and dragoons, seven packs of British Rifles, Fusiliers, Lights, and commanders, Prussian command, 22 packs of Russian infantry and commanders one of Russian Hussars, four packs of Saxon infantry, Saxon and Wurttemburg artillery, 3 packs of Wuttemburg infantry, and some Wurttemberg Leger in early uniform. The Texas War of Independence range (also 25 mm) has added 15 packs of Mexicans, including some cavalry and artillery, as well as 12 packs of Texans and allies. Related Old West figures include a buckboard and crew and a country doctor with buggy. The Jacobite rebellion can be fought with a new line which has kicked off with 6 types of guns, 4 packs of British infantry, packs of Highlanders with muskets, axes, or swords, Lowland infantry, and artillery crews for each side. In 15mm, the SYW line has added Hanoverian infantry, Legion Britannique, Dragoons, Horse, Artillery, and a pack of Luckners Hussars, Freytags Jaegers, and Mounted Grenadiers. The AWI line has 6 new packs of Continental infantry, and the first five packs of British, including Line, Grenadiers, Highlanders and Artillery. The WWII line of 15 mm vehicles produced by Skytrex for Old Glory has added a number of Italian machines, including L3/33 Light Tanks , M11/39 and M15/42 Med. Tanks and M13/40 Command/O.P. Tanks. The American vehicles include M5 and M5A1 (early and late versions) Light Tanks, M8 HMC, and the White Scout Car. The new German vehicles are: Panther A, Panther G, Sdkfz 250/9 Recce, and Sdkfz 250/9 Neu Recce. Old Glory figures for this line now include German 120mm Mortar, German infantry in greatcoats, Japanese Heavy Mortars, and a Russian 120mm Mortar. Finally, of course, there is the customary expansion of the 15 mm Napoleonic line, with 7 packs of British infantry in stovepipe shakos and 5 packs of French line infantry of 1815. Osprey has released the following titles in their Men at Arms series: Late Imperial Chinese armies 1520-1840, Louis XV's Army (4): Special and Light, The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia 1935 - 1936, German Medieval Armies 1000-1300, and The German Army 1939-45(1): Blitzkreig. The Campaign series has expanded with the addition of Yorktown 1781, Salamanca 1812, and Mons 1914. Outland Games is producing some 15mm WWII figures for North Africa under the Outcast Figures label. These are squad packs with a dozen assorted figures. Available so far are Italian infantry and support, German infantry and support, British infantry, and Australian infantry. Chris Fahnestock has also launched a fast-play set of rules for 25mm ACW, AWI, and Napoleonics called Fast and Furious. They are short: two sets of Charts and seven pages long, intended be suitable for the newcomer yet a challenge to the veteran. 1061 Bertram Ave, Dayton, OH 45406, tel (937) 276-2336, e-mail:, web Bloodaxe Miniatures has also been adding WWII 15 mm figures. Recent additions are Italian infantry, Bersaglieri, HMG, mortar, cavalry, motorcycle, M13/40 tank, M11/39 tank, and a Semovente. There are an 88 flak gun and Pak 75 with Falschirmjager crew for the Germans, an American M3 halftrack, and a generic medium-sized cab-over truck with canopy. Lance Runolfsson, 31 Lewis Street, Medford OR 97501 , tel: (541) 772-2439, e-mail:, web: Scenic Effects has some new painted latex river in blue/green or mud/green in 1" or 4" widths. These come in 92" rolls for $75, and sets with short or long curves are available. Available from Grandiosity, P.O. Box 750992, Dayton, OH 45475-0992, tel: 937-439-2488, e-mail, web: Thoroughbred Figures has two new 1/600 ACW ships. First is a Floating Battery with two types of gun shields. One of these is armored like the harbor battery that fired at Ft.Sumter, the second is a second lighter variation. ($10.00). The second ship is the CSS Virginia II ($12.60. Thoroughbred now makes all the Confederate capital ships in the James River Squadron. They have also changed addresses, and can now be contacted at Toby Barrett, Thoroughbred Figures, 4106 Timberland Drive, Portmouth, VA 23703. SASE for kit list. Signifer has a new batch of flags out, including an expanded 20 mm ACW line, a new 6mm ACW range, and additions to the 25 mm ACW range. Battle flags for the Army of Tennessee have been added in 15mm and several of the out-of-print sets in that range have now been reprinted. In the Napoleonic ranges, Saxon infantry colors have been added in 15 mm and 25 mm, while the French Guard Infantry in 25 mm now have the 1811 pattern colors. There are also 25 mm British and French regimental colors for units in the French and Indian Wars, and Burgundian, Holy Roman Empire, Papal troops, and Swiss Confederation colors for 25mm and 15 mm Renaissance units are now available. 2001 East Lohman, Suite 149 Las Cruces, NM 88001, tel: (505) 525-2378, e-mail:, web: Irregular Miniatures is releasing 15 mm Japanese artillery of 1900-1945 in their Really Useful Guns line. These include the 37mm Type 11, 37mm type 94 , 70mm type 92, Krupp 7cm Light Field Gun, Krupp 7.5cm Mountaingun, Meiji 41, 75mm Type 41, 75mm Type 90 Osaka/Schneider, 75mm (Pack) Type 94, 75mm Type 95 (Osaka), 47mm Type M1 AT Gun, 105mm Type 91 Osaka/Schneider, 15cm Howitzer Type 4, 15cm Howitzer Type 96, 15cm Gun type 89, and 105mm Field Gun. Type 92. There are also a passel of AAA guns: 20mm Type 98, 25mm Navy Type 96 Machine Cannon (sled or pedestal mount),75mm type 88, 100mm (3.9") type 98 (Navy) twin mount, 120mm (4.7") Type 10 (Navy) on pedestal, 127mm (5") Type 89 (Navy) twin coastal mounting. A few guns from other nations have been added to fill out the line, including the British 4.5" Howiter, Mk1, 4.5" Howitzer Mk2 on field carriage 1PA, German 10.5cm FH98/09 and 10.5cm FH16, and a French Canon d'Infantrie de37mle 1916TRP. Irregular Miniatures, USA, P.O. Box 5125, Warren, MI 48090 Gripping Beast has added Christian warriors of the First Crusade and 10th/11th century Byzantines in 25mm. More than 40 new figures include Varangian Guard, Kataphractoi, and both foot and mounted early Crusaders. Available from Brookhurst Hobbies, 12188 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove, CA 92840, tel: (714) 636-3580, email: Battle Honors has a new line of WWII 25 mm figures, packaged in groups of 15, with a mix of figures in each pack. Amongst the 14 new packs are British paratroopers and paratroop hvy weapons, German Waffen SS in helmet, field cap, or side cap, Russian infantry in summer gear, winter gear, helmets, field caps, or winter caps and some NKVD infantry. Battle Honors USA, 346 River St, Coopersville, MI, tel: (616) 837-7045. Quality Castings has finished completely resculpting their entire German line of 15 mm WWII vehicles, and is well on the way to finishing up the other nationalities. Among their recent releases are German Sdkfz 233 armored car in basic, 7.5 cm, and radio (bedspring antenna) versions, Sdkfz 265 Pz I command vehicle, Pz I ammo carrier, Pz I 15 mm SP gun, Pz I tank, PzJag I 4.7 cm, Pz IIF tank, Marder II, and a Wespe SP gun. There are Japanese Dai Hatsu and Toku Dai Hatsu landing craft (in resin), Type 95 light tank and Type 89B medium tank, Russian T70 and JS III tanks, and engineers, and American M4, M4A1 cast hull, and M4A2 Shermans. The new 40 mm Bofors AAA gun can be assembled in either firing or travel position, elevates and traverses and is available with British, US, or Russian crew. Finally there are new British, German, Japanese, Italian, and French infantry poses. Australian infantry, a Kangaroo APC, and an LCM are on the way, perhaps by next quarter. PO Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312, tel: (703) 354-5469, e-mail:, web: Battlegroup Figures has issued 25 mm American infantry figures for WWII. They include an officer, sergeant, walkie talkie operator, and 13 infantrymen, some with three head variants. Running and charging figures and a jeep with half a dozen variants are in development. Available from Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge #163, Yuba City, CA 95993. tel: (916) 673-5169. Redoubt is churning out a large number of figures in its ACW line of large 25 mm figures. These are produced in a dozen infantry poses at last count, each with half a dozen variants. Each pose is available in shirts, shell jacket, sack coat, or frock coat, with your choice of at least eight different types of separate heads (kepis, slouch hats, etc.), each head type with half a dozen variants. These are supplied in groups of six figures for $9.00. For the artillerist, there is a limber with an opening box and a rammer. Available from Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge #163, Yuba City, CA 95993. tel: (916) 673-5169. Change of Command is a painting service for wargamers and collectors. Their new web site at has a gallery of their work for inspection. 223 Water St, Bath, ME 04530 tel:(207) 443-3711. More Dispatch Back to Table of Contents -- Courier #74 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |