
Product News

Skytrex has released more 15mm WWII vehicles in their cooperative line with Old Glory. The bulk of these are Sdkfz 251 variants - light support weapons, bridging, flamethrower, 75 mm gun, Pak 40, rocket, radio, ambulance and AAA. There are also a Hetzer tank destroyer, GMC 2 1/2 ton truck, M13/40 tank, and "Dingo" scout car, all in packs of three vehicles. Available in the US from The Emperor's Headquarters, 5744 West Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60634, tel. (312) 777-7307.

Skytrex 1/3000 naval lines for WWI, WWII, and modern eras are now available in the US from Elite Group, 2525 Forest Glen, Riverwoods, IL 60015, tel. (847) 940-7617. Elite also stocks the 1/300 air range and 20 mm AFVs.

Dixon has added more infantry to their ACW offerings in 25 mm. These include 6 poses in shell jacket, two in frock coat, a standard bearer, an officer waving his hat, a charging zouave, two Iron Brigade casualties, and a vignette figure of a man of the 8th Wisconsin with "Old Abe" the eagle. Most figures are available in a variaety of headgear. Available from Wargames, Box 278, Tridelpia, WV 26059-0278, tel. (304) 547-0000.

Scenario books for Eastern Front WWII using Spearhead rules ($17.95) and for Eastern ACW battles using Fire and Fury rules are also just out and available from Wargames.

Donnington Miniatures has turned out a batch of Maccabean Jewish figures, including phalanx men, javelinmen, archers, slingers, standard bearers, a trumpeter, an officer, mounted javelinmen, lancer with cuirass, and a general. 15 Cromwell Rd, Shaw, Newbury, Berks RG14 2HP, UK, tel. 01635 46627.

Old Glory has released the first French figures in 15 mm for the Seven Years Wars, three bags of musketeers, including grenadiers and command. In 25 mm there are a number of new figures which should be out by November, including both French Prussian Dragoons, Cuirassiers, Hussars, artillery, and generals, along with some Bosniak lancers for the Prussians.

In 15 mm Napoleonics the new releases are all Prussian cavalry. There are Dragoons (charging or reserve), Hussars (charging or reserve), charging Death's Head Hussars, Cuirassiers in reserve, Line Lancers, and Landwehr Lancers with Silesian caps or British shakos, all with command. Waterloo British should be out by the time this makes it to print, beginning with infantry and artillery. There is also a new line of 25 mm Western range that Old Glory is calling War Paint figures. So far, these include mounted and dismounted Plains warriors in war bonnets, buffalo heads or simple feathers, villagers, Plains villagers and chieftains, mounted and dismounted Apaches, and some tepees. The US Cavalry is available advancing, charging, or dismounted, and there are a stage coach, Conestoga wagon, and settlers to defend. The Emperor's Headquarters, 5744 West Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60634, tel. (312) 777-7307.

Waterloo card buildings, full color prints for cut-and-paste, are ready for your 15 mm battlefield. Produced by Pireme Publishing, Hougoumont takes up 13 sheets, La Haie Sainte six, and la Belle Alliance and a small farm, five. Available in the US from Wargames, Box 278, Tridelpia, WV 26059-0278, tel. (304) 547-0000.

Empire Miniatures is once again in production under new ownership. The 15 mm Confederettes, Napoleonettes, and Classics (Punic Wars) lines were designed by Stan Glazer and Duke Seifried and have been manufactured by Custom Cast, Heritage, and Empire. Contact Joe O'Malley at Empire Miniatures, 1100 Canyon Ridge Dr, DeSoto, TX 75115.

GTD has a new range of Aztecs, including Eagle knights, Jaguar knights, Arrow knights, Otomi, warrior priests, Quachics, warriors, slingers, archers, and command group. Most type of figures are available with different weapon options and each pack has several variants. Yonan Badal/GTD, 2421 N. Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL 60614. Imperial Miniatures has released more 15 mm Napoleonic figures sculpted by Tony Barton. This batch includes French Guard Grenadiers, Chasseurs, Fusilier-Grenadiers, Fusilier Chasseurs, and Grenadiers a Cheval, with command sets for the Old Guard infantry. There are also earlier (1800-1808) French Hussars (1806 shako), charging Cuirassiers, Horse artillerymen, and an 8 pdr gun. The British now have infantry casualties and 9 pdr guns, while the Russians now include Kurassiers (reserve or charging), Hussars, Hussar-lancers, and horse artillerymen. The Russian artillery is supplied in packs of 6 pdr guns and 10 pdr licornes or 12 pdr guns and 20 pdr licornes, to form the "light" and position batteries. The 1806 Prussians have been expanded with Fusilier and Grenadier casulaties, Dragoons in reserve, Kurassiers charging, Hussars with shakos, 12 pdr guns and 7 pdr howitzers. Available from The Emperor's Headquarters.

Combined Books, in addition to the 250 new British and French titles they are distributing, is bringing out American editions of The Roman War Machine byJohn Peddie and The Medieval Warhorse by Ann Hyland, both heavily illustrated. The former includes color photos of renactors demonstrating Roman operations. 151 East 10th Ave, Conshohocken, PA 19428, tel. (610) 828-2595.

Redoubt Enterprises has produced more unusual models: ships for the Trojan Wars in 25 mm. Both ships come complete with oars, rails, mast, furled sails, and storage yokes. The 14" fighting ship sells for $69.95, $115 with crew, while the 13" transport costs $79.95, $125 with crew. The armies fighting on the beach have also been reinforced. There are three new packs of spearmen in Dendra armor, two of swordsmen, and a pack of casualties. There are also portrait figures of Aneas, Antilochus, Glaucus, Polydamus, and a subchief (at $4.50 apiece). Groupings priced at $10.50 include Hector standing over a fallen enemy, Menelaus dragging Paris by the helmet crest, and Ajax and Odysseus protecting the mortally wounded Achilles. The first figures of their new Peninsular War figures are now out, beginning with British Riflemen. There are 9 poses of riflemen, plus a casualty, a bugler, an officer, and "Sharpe" and "Harper" figures. The Zulu range now has a gatling gun, 7 infantry in poses intended for the defense of Rorke's Drift, mounted Edendale and Sikiali Horse, Chelmsford, Durnsford, a Zulu chief, and several others. Diorama-type figures also make up the bulk of the new ECW releases, with a mortar and crew, hospital set, plough set, and gibbet set being joined by 10 villagers and a couple of generals. Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge #163,. Yuba City, CA 95993-8611.

Imperialist Enterprises is planning an August release expanding their 25 mm War of the Spanish Succession offerings. Most will be French, including 7 officers and foot, and 5 cavalry and dragoons, but a few Austrians will appear as well. Foot are now priced at .85 each, with officers and grenadiers higher. Catalog free at their new address, 229 N. 2d St. Apt C, Elkhart, IN 46516-3024.

First Corps has released 25 mm ACW Zouaves, NY Fire Zouaves, and Marines, all with command packs, a well as a 6" Dahlgren gun on a casemate carriage. They have 6/8 lb field guns for both the US and Mexicans for the 1846 affair, and 6 more British WWII paratrooper pairs (Bren, Piat, and mortar, moving or firing), also in 25 mm with packs of Jerry cans, boxes and some light stowage to boot. Available from Brookhurst Hobbies,12188 Brookhurst St, Garden Grove, CA 92640, tel. (714) 636-3580.

Peter Pig has also turned out some new WWII figures, these in 15 mm. There are 7 Afrika Korps infantry, German NCO and riflemen, and British (3 in) and German (81 mm) mortars firing. There are a number of additions to their 15 mm American West line, including 3 mounted Indians, 9 Mexicans, some mounted, 7 Cavalry, Crow scouts mounted and afoot, and an assortment of other characters. A number of these are packaged as mounted, dismounted, and dead poses of the same figure. Available from Brookhurst Hobbies.

History Live produces reproduction Napoleonic medals, flags, and jewelry, and carries a selection of Napoleonic-related videos and prints. You can buy more than two dozen decorations, from a French Legion of Honor to the Polish Order of the White Eagle, as well as a selection of medals intended for wargamers, jewelry based on the decorations, or a full size Tricolour of the Grenadiers a Pied and a gold-painted resin Eagle to go with it. Prices range from $10 to $1800. 460 South Mosshill Dr, Bountiful, UT 84010, tel. (801) 295-5575. Quality Castingsœ has released more 15 mm WWII vehicles. Leading the way are an Italian L6 lt. tank and Semovente L40 da 47mm/L32 SP gun. The Panzer III's have been upgraded, with new versions of the IIIE 37mm, IIIJ 5cm/L42, IIIJ 5cm/L50, IIIM 5cm/L60 with skirts, and IIIN 7.5 cm/L24, III Beob. and a flamethrower version. The Pzkw IIIF 5cm/L42 and IIIL 5cm/L60 are brand new, while the StuG IIIG 7.5cm/L48 and 10.5 cm howitzer versions have been redone. The omnipresent 251D halftracks are now available in /1, /2, /7, and /10 variants. Finally, some 20 new poses of Russian infantry appear in SMG platoon and Desanti packs. PO Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312, tel. (703) 354-5469 eves.

Firebase Games has some new resin scenery out in several periods. There is a mine-damaged M113 on a base in 20 mm and 15 mm for Viet Nam, a German bunker & trench built under a wrecked T-34 in 15 mm for WWII, pieces for a 15 mm Roman military marching fort including whilte metal palisades, and some 15 mm ACW houses and works. Available from Brookhurst Hobbies,12188 Brookhurst St, Garden Grove, CA 92640, tel. (714) 636-3580.

GHQ has turned out Russian 36 mm AA guns with trucks and German Feld kanone M18 in WWII Microarmor, along with Modern M1A2's, 152 mm SPH's and Fox armored cars. Their 1/2400 Naval line now has the WWI S53 class TBD, HMS King Edward (BB) and the WWII H-39 class (BB). There is also a 1/1200 Baltimore privateer for the Age of Sail.

Falcon Miniatures Box 444, Medford MA 02155 (617)391-9944, has a line of 15mm ACW figures which is sold in bags of 24 for infantry and 8 for cavalry. They also sell Brigade packs with 80 figures for $35. They also carry a line of 1/285 aircraft for WWII. New releases add to their 20mm Korean war infantry line.

Warrior Kingsa set of rules for Ancient and Medieval battles including tactical rules, grand tactical pursuit, and campaign rules suitable for all basing systems. The initial release includes army lists and three campaigns. Published by Cherry Creek Games. Contact Ed Teixeira, tel. (206) 303-7859.

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