by Dick Bryant
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A.I.M. 200 is a new line of 1/200 figures (about 10 mm) from Matchlock, cast in pewter. Currently available are Macedonians, Archaemenid Persians, late Greeks, Carthaginians, Republican Romans, Palmyrans, and ACW infantry and artillery. Prices are 1.00 per pack of 20 foot, 10 cavalry, or 4 guns, plus 6.00 airmail to the US. 26 Cliffsea Grove, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 1NQ United Kingdom. REDOUBT ENTERPRISES has added more than 30 figures to their line of 25mm Zulu Wars figures. These include British mounted infantry, Natal Mounted Police or Carabiniers, Frontier Light Horse, and Boers, all fighting on foot, as well as mounted versions of these, plus Mngs Dragoons and 17th Lancers. There are also British soldiers dragging ammo boxes and handing out ammunition, and a Natalese trooper firing from behind a dead horse. The new additions to the Sudan Range are mostly specialty figures. These include General Gordon, Col, Barnaby, the 'Mad Mahdi', Osman Digna, British civilians, Mahdist drummer, screw gun and crew, Krupp field gun, a British heliograph and crew, and camels kneeling with or without loads, Camel Corps Soldier, or even in a group of four loaded with screw gun parts and ammo. There are also Camel Corps infantry on foot, mounted infantry fighting on foot, mounted British and Indian cavalry, and Egyptian dragoons and Bashi-Bazouk. Finally, for a mere $195, there is a Sudan paddle steamer, 14 inches long, of metal and resin, with a crew of six, two guns with crews, and a dozen soldiers and sailors. Available from Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge #163, Yuba City, CA 95993, tel. (916) 673-5169. XENO GAMES is publishing Tank War Expansions. The first will include vehicle data cards on A American AFVs, some British and some Germans, while the second willl include all early Germans, with some additional mid and late war Germans, and the third will include the bulk of the Russians. Later expansions will finish the British, and address the French, Italians, Hungarians, Rumanians, and other minor countries. PO Box 7130, Jacksonville, FL 32238-7130. LANGTON MINIATURES produces a line of 1:1200 Napoleonic naval miniatures, offering 14 British, 6 French, and 6 Spanish hulls, ranging from a bomb vessel to First Rates. There are 8 choices of sail , ordered separately, for each size of hull, from bare poles to studdingsail. There are also brigs, topsail schooners, xebecs, gunboats, luggers, cutters, pinnaccs, launches, floating batteries, shore batteries, a Martello tower, a signal station, a telegraph station, and assorted other goodies. These smaller vessels come with sails. Available from The Ship and Soldier Shop, 58 Maryland Ave, Annapolis, MD, tel. (410) 268-1141. STONE MOUNTAIN MINIATURES is introducing a new line of 25 mm figures for Wild West games. These are character figures sold in packs of four, with screen heros, legendary figures, and assorted other riff-raff to populate the streets, bars, and corrals of your games. $5.95 per pack from Stone Mountain, PO Box 594, Broomfield, CO 80038, tel. (303) 465-4246. SOLDIERS AND SWORDS has released a new line of 15 mm AWI miniatures. The initial figures include Continental line and light infantry, command, mounted light dragoons, minutemen, and light and medium artillery. British troops include line, light, grenadiers, highlanders, command, mounted light dragoons, and light and medium artillery. Packs sell for $6.75, And contain 24 infantry in two poses, 12 cavalry and horses, 16 command figures or 2 guns, limber, 2 limber riders, and 4 gun crew. They expect to add Hessians, French, and specific units this summer, and to publish Washington's Wars rules in July. 25 Fayette St, Binghamton, NY 13901, tel. (607) 723-4556. DAVEY JONES LOCKER is a set of rules intended to be a simple way to fight naval and land battles from the 1580's to the 1850's using 15 mm figures. There are actually two sets of rules included, one each for naval and land battles, along with a variety of optional rules. Written by Daniel Fox and published by Sutton Hoo, they are available from SIMTAC, 20 Attawan Rd, Niantic, CT 06357. ELAN ENTERPRISES is now selling 20 mm Hinton Hunt figures in bulk. Bags of fiures, priced at $20, contain 60-80 infantry with command, 12-16 cavalry, or 4 guns and 24 artillerists. The Hinton Hunt line includes Napoleonics, ACW, ECW, Medievals, Normans and Saxons, Crimean War and British Colonials. A SASE will get you a listing of the 'Battalions by the Bag,' while $5 will get a complete Hinton Hunt catalog. There is a 10% discount on regular Hinton Hunt orders for' HMGS, NASMW, and USP&SF members. David Clayton/ elan enterprises,PO Box 5101, Hudson, FL34674-5101. SIMTAC has announced new releases in the 1/285 Scotia line of armour. These include modern US, Russian, South African, French, German, and Yugoslavian vehicles, and a re- rclease of the WWII Polish range, improved from the original figures. Packs of WWII Polish cavalry and infantry are also available. They expect 150 new releases in 1993, with an average pack of 5 vehicles selling for $4.50. 20 Attawan Rd, Niantic, CT 06357. JACOBITE MINIATURES has added seige equipment with crews to their Ancient, Feudal, and Renaissance ranges (as well as that dwarf hang glider you've been waiting for), all to be available in July from SIMTAC, 20 Attawan Rd, Niantic, CT 06357. TINY TERRAIN now offers soft vinyl casualty caps in green, yellow, white, black, red, and blue. They are sold 50 to a pack for $3.50. They are also producing a range of pre-cut metal bases for use with Ancient Empires. Available from SIMTAC, 20 Attawan Rd, Niantic, CT 06357. DISPLAY CASES- John Fox writes to say that he has been pleased with a case built for him of acrylic plastic, with a thick a crylic mirror back to display his 25mm ACW figures. Built to his specifications, the 4x4 case cost about $100 including shipping. Standard cases are somewhat less. Contact J.G. Fabricating, 203 Harvey St, Struthers, OH 44471, tel. (216) 755- 2949. QUALITY CASTINGS has a number of new 15mm WWII figures out. These include a LCVP with coxswain, US 37 min AT gun, Japanese 70 min battalion gun, French 47 mm AT gun, and German 15 cm towed infantry gun. There are 5 packs of German paratroops, as well as a paratroop platoon and Waffen SS platoon. Finally, there are a variety of sandbag constructions front and side armor for Sherman tanks, 'U' shaped emplacements for MG and AT guns, and a circular mortar emplacement. PO Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312. HOSTILE AIRCRAFT is a set of rules for use with 1:285 or 1:300 aircraft, covering the period from 1915 to 1920. Goblintooth Enterprises plans to bring out an updated version, which will include 12 aircraft models and stands, various play aids, a painting guide, charts and counters. The release date and price are not yet fixed. Brian Reddington-Wilde, 46 Highland St, Reading, MA 0 1867, tel. (617) 944-5883. MODELERS MART is carrying several British lines newly available in the US. Among these is Eagle Miniatures, who produce 25mm SYW, 100 Years War, Napoleonic, and ACW as well as 15 mm Napoleonic figures. Chariot Miniatures has a new range of 10 min ACW figures, and The Drum has extensive line of buildings and terrain in both 15 mm and 25 mm. Pewter Craft produces a line of 15 mm ACW figures and accessories, while Drew's Militia has a variety of 20 mm WWII figures and equipment. 1183 Cedar St, Safety Harbor, FL 34695, tel. (813) 725-5168. CARNAGE AND GLORY is a computerized rule system produced by Carnot Enterprises. Battles are fought using either a tactical (Napoleonic or ACW available) or grand tactical (Napoleonic only) system, which can then report the result to a campaign module (available for both Napoleonic and ACW), where scouting, fatigue, supply, partisan activity, and seiges are handled. An optional map location function automatically keeps track of the location of individual march units. Scenario disks are available for tactical, grand tactical, and strategic level play. The programs run on DOS machines, and come with 50 page manuals, unit and officer number tags, and charts. Tactical, Grand Tactical, and Strategic modules are $49.95 each, and scena-rio disks are $20 apiece. 8711-102 Six Forks Station, #215, Raleigh, NC 27615. OLD GLORY has new packs of 15 mm figures out. There a-re ACW melee infantry and energetic infantry, SYW Prussian musketeers, fusiliers, and grenadiers, and Jacobite clansmen charging. In the Napoleonic range, they have added Don, Ural, and Peasant cossacks, Bashkirs, Russian dragoons, cuirassiers, hussars, and Uhlans, and a bag of figures for the Tyrolean revolt. The dragoons, cuirassiers and hussars are available in reserve or charging, with separate bags of command figures. Each bag costs $18.50. Available from The Emperor's Headquarters, 5744 W. Irving park Rd, Chicago, IL 60634. Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier # 61 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1993 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |