By Dick Bryant
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TACTICA Author Tackles Napoleonics, Arty Coniffe, author of Tactica, has designed a Napoleonic game he expects to publish in late spring. It is intended to permit large battles to be fought using battalions and regiments as the basic fighting units, so as to retain the individuality of these units. The game is to have a strong emphasis on the battle management of Divisions and on fast-play mechanics. It will contain numerous line drawings and diagrams in black and white and sell for $10-$12 (with dedication to Dick Bryant!) EMPIRE GAMES provides addenda of new optional rules which can be placed into their binders for Empire Napoleonic Rules and Ancient Empires to those customers who send in the reply cards registering their ownership of these products. LAN ENTERPRISES is no longer importing Willie and Tradition figures. Ian has been unable to get the rights to manufacture the figures in the US, so it was impossible to reduce prices to compete with pirates who have been hurting sales. While existing stocks last, the figures are being sold at $1.50 per foot figure, $3.00 mounted. Interested parties should contact David Clayton, PO Box 5101, Hudson, FL 34674-5101, tel (813) 8488020. Include your phone no. for a quick response. XENOPHON imprints is a series of unpublished military records reformatted, indexed, and presented for current research. The first documents are drawn from the Foreign Military Studies manuscripts prepared by high ranking German officers under the sponsorship of the US Army at the end of WWII, and European Theatre of Operations General Board Reports, prepared by the ETO forces to document an analysis of WWII in that theatre. The series begins with Comprehensive Indices to the ETO General Board Reports ($12), ETO Combat Interviews ($5.25), and Misc. Records of the Adjutant Genral's Office relating to the ETO($7). These indices will be followed by imprints on US Field Artillery (ETO reports 58-67), US Armor (ETO reports 48-53), US Tactical Air (ETO reports 54-57), and German Experiences in Desert Warfare (FMS manuscript P-129). later imprints will be chosen in response to questionnaires distributed with the indices. Xenophon Group, 5218 Landgrave Lane, Springfield, VA 2215 1. MILITARY TOURS OF RUSSIA for Summer 1993 are being set up, ranging from a two-week detailed seminar on the Battle of Kursk to a general tour of locations of military interest in western Russia. There are tours focussing on WWII armor, aviation history, naval history, the Napoleonic wars, and the Crimean War. Each tour features professional lectures by Russian military officers acting as guides and hosts. Xenophon Group, 5218 Landgrave Lane, Springfield, VA 22151. GHQ has a new address: they are now at 28 100 Woodside Rd, Shorewood, MN 55331, same old phone numbers: (612) 374-2693 for questions, (800) BUY-1945 for orders. Among the new items you will be able to order this spring are winter versions of the German W W 1115 cm sIG33 Pz IB,towed 37 mm. Flak gun, and towed quad 2 cm Flak gun inmicroarmor. New 1:2400 WWII ships include the USN vessels DE Butler, and DDs Farragut and Mahan, RN CL Manchester and CV Illustrious, the Japanese AV Chitose, CA Myoko, and CV Akagi, as well as the Italian CL Duca dAosta, DD Turbine, and DE Cidone. 'Mere is one new 1:1200 Napoleonic ship, the 74 gun El Montanes. SIGNIFER. has a number of new flag sets out. They are now producing 15 mm ACW flags, with 4 versions of the Union National Colors, standard issue Regimental Colors, Cavalry guidons, and the Regimental flags of the Iron Brigade. On the Confederate side, there are 12 sets drawn from patterns used in the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of Tennessee. Franco-Prussian War flags are now available in 25 mm. For the French, there are the colors of Ducrot's and Douay's Divisions, the Imperial Guard Infantry, Line Cavalry, and a pack of generic Infantry colors without regimental numbers or battle honors. The Prussians have packs for Line Infantry, Guard Grenadiers, and Cavalry. Note that some of the Infantry regiments were still using colors of the pre-1815 patterns, and these could be used for your 25 mm Napoleonics. Catalog $2 from Signifer, 3419 Westminster Ste. 243, Dallas TX 75205, tel (214) 8217746. LYZARD'S GRIN It was not all that many years ago when we were worrying that manufacturers would soon be producing nothing but 1815 French and British line figures. Now here is Richard Houston with Maoris and Tibetans! His new Colonial releases in 25 mm include sets of Abyssinians of 1868, Tibetans with muskets, swords, and shields, Maoris with rifles and axes, and Sikh infantry and cavalry from 1845. Sets contain 20-100 figures of several types in a variety of poses, priced at somewhere around 50 (!) per figure. PO Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK 731130522. OLD GLORY is now producing a line of 25 mm French and Indian War figures, packaged in bags of 30 figures for $21. There are six different bags of Indians, with three each of French, British, and frontiersmen. There are at least 100 different poses for the Indians alone. They have also continued to augment the 15 mm Napoleonic line, this time with Russians: Grenadiers, Dragoons, Cuirassiers, and artillerymen. Infantry are packed 100 to the bag for $18.50. Box 20, Acme, PA 15610. WARGAME FOUNDRY has been adding to their Late Roman Empire line in 25 trim, with an Aquilifer and a batch of Auxilia, a cheiroballista and crew, and 16 or so Saxons of all sorts afoot. They have also issued a number of new special poses in 25 mm Napoleonics, including Austrian prisoners and a French guard, figures under fire, and some casual camp poses. Available from Pendragon Miniatures, 1549 Marview Dr, Westlake, OH 44145. REDOUBT ENTERPRISES has produced a new line of British Infantry in Egypt, 1882-85. Wearing the 1872 uniforms, these figures are also suitable for the Zulu and early Boer wars. They include 15 infantry, 5 Highlanders, 3 Riflemen, 6 sailors, plus command figures of each type and a mounted officer, all in 25 mm. Egyptian, Mahdist, and Arab troops plus guns and equipment are due next. Available from Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge #163, Yuba City, CA 95993, tel (916) 673-5169. WAYNE'S WOOD PRODUCTS supplies some 30 models of decorative walnut and glass display cases, many of them suitable for stashing miniatures in various sizes. 7771 S. Cassel Rd, Vandalia, OH 45377. More Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby.
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