by Dick Bryant
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Houston's Ships has released a veritable flotilla of new 1/1100 armored gun platforms. The Tsessarevich (1902) and Borodino (1904) are Russian battleships, while the Japanese have added the Yoshino (PC, 1897), and France the Rochambeau (ex-Dunderberg, 1870) along with the Durandal and Halle barbe(DDs, 1899). For the US, there are the Amphitrite (monitor, 1895), Arkansas (monitor, 1902), New Orleans (C, 1898), Atlanta (C, 1886), Olympia (C, 1895), Bainbridge (DD, 1901) and Oregon (BB, 1895). Spain now has the Cristobal Colon (AC, 1896) and the Isla de Luzon (PC, 1886) to oppose them. The Sachsen (Citadel ironclad, 1878) has been added to the German fleet, while Austria-Hungary has the Panther (PC, 1886) and the Kronzprinz Erzherzog Rudolf (barbette ship, 1889), and Turkey the Avni Illah (casemate ironclad, 1869). Prices from $4 to $9. There are also a number of additions to the Houston's Tracks line of 20 mm WWII figures. These include a German 75mm Regimental infantry howitzer and a limber with 4 horses and two riders. The French have an artillery half-track with driver, while the Japanese have added a limber with four horsesand two riders, with wooden wheels, the limber along with rubber wheels,and a caisson. There are forge wagons with two horses and a driver for theJapanese, Russians, and Germans, as well as a horse with radio on packsaddle, and four pack horses with two long boxes. Prices range from $2 to$5. Available from Lyzards Grin, PO Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK73113-0522, (405) 751-1827. Thoroughbred Figures has begun producing 20 mm WWII vehicles, either inkits or fully assembled. Current offerings include a jeep in plain, radio,and.50 MG flavors, a 3/4 ton Dodge truck, M3 half-track, and M3A1 half-track. Kits are priced from $6 to $12, assembled vehicles from $24 to$47.40 Thoroughbred has also begun offering a line of 1/600 ACW waterline ship models. Available to date are the CSS Virgina, Albemarle, and Arkansas, and the LISS Monitor and Cairo. Kits are $9.10 to $13.50, and assembled shipsrange from $22 to $35. Contact Thoroughbred Figures, 1212 Wilbur Avenue Chesapeake, VA 23324, tel (804) 545-6514. The Napoleonic Society of America has announced its sixth annual tour to France and Austria, Austria, leaving New York on May 9. Beginning with a reception at Les Invalides featuring curators of the major Napoleonic museurns and a variety of aristocrats, the group will tour Les Invalides, Malmaison, Versailles, Fontainebleau, the Louvre, the Museum of the Legion d'Honneur, Berthier's hunting lodge, the home of Bourrienne, and twolarge private collections. Flying to Vienna, the group will then proceed to visit the battle fields of Austerlitz and Wagram, then proceed to visit the battle fields of Austerlitz and Wagram, the Schonnbrunn palace, the Hofberg, the Belvedere palace, Musee de l'Armee, and the Imperial Crypt. Contact the Napoleonic Society of America, 11 15T Ponce de Leon Blvd, Clearwater, FL 34616, tel (813)586-1779. Uniform cards for the Russian army of 1812 are the subject of a letter from Sovietologist Mark Rhodes. He has recently completed collecting a set ofthe four packets (infantry, cavalry, irregular units, and equipment/accoutrements), each of 32 cards printed in Moscow by "Isskusstvo." He reports that they are of "excellent quality, with very good illustrations and color, with text in Russian on the back," and cover many unusual uniforms and units, along with such tidbits as a list of hussar generals and their regiments. He suggests searching local Russian bookstores his came from Paris, Moscow, Leningrad, and Tashkent Flex Terrain - 3611 Quaill Ridge Lane has just release his 6/10mm dirt roadset along with expanding his line to include lakes, ponds and river banks. TCS Distributors, Suite 155, 545 Newport Ave., Pawtucket RI 02861 has added to their extensive line of "Game Table Accessories" a series of town rubble works, road barricades, and cheval de frise in 15 and 25mm. Matchlock Miniatures are now being produced in the US by Falcon Miniatures. PO Box 444 Medford MA 02155. French and Indian War is the first line to be available. Falcon will be available in England from Matchlock. Stone Mountain Miniatures announce that David and Rosemary Babb have bought out their former partners, and are now sole owners of Stone Mountain. Dave and Rosemary have have managed Stone Mountain since its inception and David is one of the company's chief designers. Stone Mountain continues to produce all its popular lines, including 15mm ACW, 15mm Colonial, 1/1200 ACW Houston's Ships, and buildings, terrain and accessories. Stone Mountain also holds the North American license for several British lines, including Adler 6mm Napoeonics and ACW; Chariot 15mm Ancients and Napoleonics: Hovels buildings and 15mm PonyWars; and Denizen and Fantasy Forge 25mm Science fiction figures, vehicles, and buildings. Expansion in all lines, and the introduction of new lines and periods, is planned for 1992. A complete catalog is available for $4 from PO Box 594, Bloomfield, CO 80020. Courier Dispatch News
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