by Jil Conway and Tim Morgereth
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Greetings friend Dragonslayers, and hail to thee. I, Melody ap Isildur, Elven Loremistress, having recently returned to my humble abode within the enchanted Silverwood after an extended sojourn among my kindred throughout the Realms, welcomed an unexpected guest, the master arrowsmith, Deldrache Sureshot, enjoying a lively discussion of the varied an oft useful merits of some interesting items related to the craft of bowyery, namely, enchanted arrows and two remarkable crossbows. Sureshot and I accompanied a gathering of curious onlookers to a convenient grassy knoll where he set up targets and provided models of these crossbows from his own collection. After several hours of testing these weapons, amidst cheers from the gathering for Sureshot's mastery and prowess, we retired to my tree home for some fresh baked sweetcakes and a jug of cider, once again bringing cheers of delight from the crowd of our kindred. I am sure you will find the items a worth addition to your arsenal if ever you chance encounter them during your travels. Enjoy! Until next we meet, may your hand be steady and your arrows ring true.... MAGIC ITEMSARROW OF COMMUNICATING This arrow of quality workmanship will radiate a dweomer of enchantment if detected for. It can be identified by the detachable arrowhead. The shaft of this arrow is hollow, and contained within are a small piece of parchment and a tiny silver stick capable of writing on the parchment a message of no more than 25 words. The silver stick crumbles to dust after writing the message. When the arrow is shot into the air it will disappear, instantly transporting itself to the feet of whomever the message is intended. The receiver's identity must be known by the sender or the magic is wasted. The arrow is only useable one time, crumbling to dust once the message has been delivered, leaving only the parchment lying in its place. ARROW OF ILLUMINATION These normal-appearing arrows will radiate a dweomer of abjuration if some type of magical detection is used. A wisiz, liniited wisit, or identity will reveal their full properties. The arrows have no pluses to hit or damage. When shot from a bow into the air, the arrow will explode either after three segments, or upon impact cause a burst of light to illuminate the area for 30 cubic feet. The effect will last for five to ten rounds (ld6+4) or until dispelled. ARROW OF LIFE GIVING This quality arrow may take one of two forms; a silver or a gold arrowhead; it will radiate a strong aura of necromantic and evocation if some type of magical detection is used. They are usable by any profession or class able to wield a bow, with 10% of these arrows being special bolts designed for a crossbow. The silver version of this arrow enables the wielder to affect undead creatures susceptible to attack by magical means. It will not function on an ethereal being unless the wielder has a means to attack so. A successful "to hit" roll is required for this item to strike the target and its magic to function. Upon a successful strike, the undead creature will be restored to a living state, with the skills powers he or she possessed prior to becoming one of the undead (i.e. a vampire would become the fighter, cleric, magic-user, etc., he or she was before being bitten or slain). This includes return to former alignment or beliefs the person had prior to becoming undead. Thus, a good or lawful being could be saved from damnation. This arrow is also effective on any type of lycanthrope with the same results. The gold version of this arrow will restore life to any human or demihuman slain up to a period of one week. Although it will not restore lost limbs, the slain person will be able to function fully in one turn, and be at full strength. All that is required with this type of arrow is to place the arrow against the flesh or bones of the slain person. Both of these types of arrow are usable but once. ARROW OF SMOKE These normal-appearing arrows of +1 enchantment to hit and damage radiate a moderate dweomer of enchantment. Upon impact, each arrow explodes, releasing a cloud of smoke for an area of thirty (30) square feet. All creatures within the area of effect of the cloud must make a saving throw versus breath weapon, or cough and wheeze for one (1) round. If a creature is struck by the arrow, it takes normal damage from a +1 arrow, plus the smoke cloud. ARROW OF TARGET LOCATION These arrows are always of +1 to hit and damage, and radiate a minor dweomer of alteration if some type of magical detection is used. A wish, linlited wish, or identify will reveal their properties. This arrow performs as any other +1 arrow with the following added capabilities. The arrow, when shot, illuminates and acts as a tracer. Thus the wielder and friendly forces will be able to determine the approximate area of enemy troops. The arrow will not illuminate until it has travelled a distance of 40' from where shot, thus deceiving enemy forces of the location of the archer. CROSSBOW OF DOUBLING This uniquely designed crossbow of +1 enchantment can easily be identified due to the fact that it houses two quarrels and has two triggers. The quarrels are aligned so that they will hit the same target approximately one inch apart. The crossbow is designed so that the quarrels can be loosed either separately or fired as a broadside simultaneously. Enchanted quarrels can be fired from the crossbow with enchantments cumulative to it. CROSSBOW OF RELOADING This magical crossbow appears to be no more than a normal weapon. It is enchanted at +1 to hit and damage. Upon closer inspection, the wielder will see a slot on the bottom side of the crossbow, which is a magical compartment (q.v. bag of holding) that will contain a maximum of 40 quarrels. Upon utterance of a command word or phrase, a quarrel from this compartment will magically appear cocked and loaded in the crossbow. It is capable of firing one time per round on normal initiative. The crossbow of reloading can be replenished by adding quarrels into the slot. It is important to note that should the last quarrel be used from the crossbow of reloading without being replenished before use, the crossbow will permanently lose this capability of magical reloading and be forevermore a +1 crossbow only. If magical quarrel are used, the bonus of the quarrel is cumulative with that of the magical crossbow. 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