By Dragonslayer Rick Emerich
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This magical item was crafted by elven enchanters and invokers of both the Forest of Fears and Silverwood for general use by their elite scouts and rangers. These soldiers often went out on patrols that led them into conflict with superior numbers of foes; the arrow of missiles was created to help offset physical superiority with magical assistance. The arrow of missiles appears no different than a normal sheaf arrow upon casual examination. However, upon close scrutiny, it is noted that the shaft is made not from common wood but of fancy or precious gemstone material, such as amber, alexandrite, jet, or tourmaline, and is usually fletched with uncommon or rare feathers. Depending upon the feather and enchantment, the arrows may have additional special powers. The arrow of missiles is fired like a normal arrow, but after it is shot the magic of the arrow is activated. There is a brief flash of pale light (the same color as the shaft material) as it leaves the bow, whereupon the single arrow of missiles becomes a spread of arrows expanding to cover a 30 foot long plane, with one arrow per foot (for a total of 30 arrows), after travelling 10' from the shooter. Each of these arrows is +1 "to hit," and also receives the "to hit" bonus of the bow, if magical, and the shooter, if he has a DEX bonus. Each arrow which hits does d10+4 points of damage. Since there is one arrow per foot, approaching creatures in the 30' long plane of fire will have a chance to be hit by at least one arrow, assuming that the shooter has fired at a level which can hit them. Wide and large creatures, such as giants, most beasts of burden, and similarly sized creatures will be able to be hit by up to six arrows depending upon their orientation to the shooter at the time firing. Very wide and large creatures, such as dragons, wyverns, titans, elephants, and the like, will probably have a chance to be affected by all 30 arrows, again depending upon the creature's orientation. There are several levels of power for the arrow of missiles. The most common type is made from the aforementioned fancy or precious gemstone materials and is fletched with uncommon creature feathers, such as from axe beaks, griffons, owlbears, rocs, or hippogriffs. These arrows have no extra special powers and are most common, being found 80% of the time. Some arrows with extra, special powers exist, and may sometimes be visually identified by the fletching used, though most often a successful identify spell must be used. These are encountered only 20% of the time, and of this 20%, the likelihood of an encounter is given as follows: Cockatrice fletching: Upon being hit by this special variety, the victim takes damage and must also save vs. petrification at +2 or be turned to stone. These are found about 30% of the time. Harpy fletching: Upon being hit by this special variety, the victim takes damage and must also save vs. spell at else be confused (as per 4th-level wizard spell, adjusted for WIS bonus). These are found about 50% of the time. Lammasu fletching: Lammasu are sometimes petitioned for their feathers, and when combined with the arrow of missiles, the magic item is made extremely powerful. If this type of arrow hits a creature of evil alignment, it does double damage, and if the victim then fails a save vs. spells, he is stunned (as described in the 7th-level wizard spell, power word, stun). This type of arrow is very rare, found only 10% of the time. Shedu fletching: Like lammasu, shedu occasionally bestow their precious feathers to the cause of good. If this fletching is used, the arrow inflicts double damage against victims of evil alignment, and if the victim fails a save vs. spells at -1, he is cursed (as per the reverse of the 1st-level priest bless spell). This type of arrow is rare, found only 5% of the time. Androsphinx fletching: Like lammasu and shedu, androsphinx occasionally allow their feathers to be used in the manufacture of an arrow of missiles. If this fletching is used, the arrow inflicts triple damage against creatures of evil alignment, and if the victim fails a save vs. wands/staves/rods at -2, he flees in fear (as per wand of fear), bleeding for 1d3 points of damage each round the victim spends in flight. Fleeing victims run at maximum MV directly away from the shooter of the arrow. This type of arrow is very rare, found only 5% of the time. The Magic Chest Back to Chainmail Issue #25 Table of Contents Back to Chainmail List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1992 by Dragonslayers Unlimited This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |