by Don Lowry
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Players were assigned roles with some eye to how their personalities and experience would fit the parts they were to play. The American player placed his forces on the table under the eyes of the judge and these were then noted on the scale map, and all forces that would not be immediately visible to the approaching Germans were removed. The Germans, of course, would move first. TASK FORCE RICE (CCA/U.S. 1st Armd. Div/II Corps)
ANTI-TANK: 1 T-12 tank destroyer and 2 37m AT guns, with jeeps INFANTRY: 2 squads (each with "bazooka," BAR, & M3 APC - each having a .50 cal. HMG (one dismountable) SITUATION: Yesterdav our forces were thrown out of Gotcha, by the 15th Pz. Div., and out of Fade Pass, by the 10th Pz. This makes it necessary to withdraw completely from the Eastern Dorsal and establish a new line on the Western Dorsal. Therefore ... MISSION: You are to conduct a delaying action to buy time for establishment of the new position and to allow for all units to reach it safely. Specifically, you are ordered to hold the crossroads called Sidi Bou Bou through today and withdraw, tonight to Vaseline Pass. Your left will be supported by forces from the British 26th Armored Brigade Group, at Sbeattle. APPRECIATION: The German attacks yesterday were expertly executed, and caused mass confusion among our inexperienced troops and great loss of material. The German dive-bombers were very damaging. It is expected that the 15th Pz, and perhaps other elements of Rommel's Army, will advance from Gotcha to Sidi Bou Bou, while 10th Pz and/or other parts of Arnim's forces advance from Fade Pass to Sbeattle and link up. They can then advance on either Sbooby or Vaseline Pass, or both. At least advanced units of both forces could reach the Sidi Bou Bou-Sbeattle area by early morning. SET-UP: Dispose your forces however you like anywhere west of the large dry river bed (wadi). East of that is British territory and responsibility. The American player's (Pete Rice) instructions were worded in such a way as to try to get him to feel and act like a green commander who knows he's up against superior force. For this reason the player with the least experience with these rules was chosen to be the American. The mention of dive bombers participating in "yesterday's" attack was also part of the pyschological build up. For all he knew he might be bombed at any time, though he never was. At one point in the game I even told him a squadron of Stukas could be seen circling overhead. I DIDN'T tell him they had already expended their bomb loads elsewhere. Finally, with his eastern flank supposedly covered by the British, he began to worry quite a bit when no British were to be seen on the board the first few turns.
INFANTRY/RECON: 2 "jeeps" (1 with .30" MMG) with 3 men each. ANTI-TANK: 1 Bren gun carrier with 6 pdr. SITUATION: The Yanks, to our right, seem to have had a bit of a row with the Jerries, and are falling back to the Western Dorsal. To avoid being out-flanked we are forced to do likewise. A new line will be formed along the Western Dorsal, but it is necessary to slow the German advance and maintain contact with our American cousins. MISSION: You shall proceed to the vicinity of Sbeattle where you are to watch the road coming in from Fade Pass and maintain contact with the Yanks at Sidi Bou Bou. If faced with overwhelming odds you will retire towards Sboobie, trading space for time. APPRECIATION: Jerry is out in force and advancing with his usual audacity. Gave the Yanks quite a drubbing actually. Keep a stiff upper, and watch your flanks. SET UP: Come on along road from Sboobie on turn 3. SURVIVORS/FADEFORCE (British 1st Army)
INFANTRY: equivalent of 2 squads, walking ARTILLERY: 1 25 pdr., with "quad" truck SITUATION: These are remnants of the force defeated yesterday at Fade Pass. They were retreating toward Sbeattle when overtaken early this morning by a strong German force of armor and mechanized infantry. They fought gallantly but were overpowered by superior numbers backed by heavy tanks and swarms of dive bombers. Most of this force has been overrun and are now being mopped up by the German infantry and recon forces. These few survivors have, so far, outrun the German pursuit. MISSION: Escape. APPRECIATION: Look out! Here they come -- right behind. SET UP: Come from direction of Fade Pass on Turn 8. Will come under command of Ham force the turn AFTER arrival. My intention had been for the British to be commanded by Richard Hamblin, who had quite a bit of experience with our WW II rules. And his instructions were worded in such a way as would, I hoped, lead to some confusion and mistrust between he and the American. It would be interesting to see if he sat calmly on his side of the wadi unopposed while a large German force shot up the Americans - or would he overstep the letter of his instructions and go to the aid of his allies, possibly leaving his own sector unprepared for a second German attack in HIS sector? Unfortunately Richard couldn't make it that day. (This is the kind of thing that you'd better be prepared for when devising a situation.) So I kept the British under my own control (as judge) and put them strictly on the defensive until the American called for help. KAMPFGRUPPE VON EATON (15th Panzer Div./Afrika Korps)
PANZERS: 2 Panzer IV ausf F2 (long 75) and 1 Panzer IV ausf F1 (short 75) PZ-JAGER: 1 50mm PAK with "Boxer" truck PZ-GRENADIERS: 2 squads (1 LMG, 1 SMG & 7 rifles, each) with Hanomag 251/1 armored halftracks SITUATION: Yesterday 15th Pz. Div. drove the Americans out of Gotcha and drove them in confusion into the plains between the Eastern and Western Dorsal to avoid being out-flanked. MISSION: You will be the advanced guard of 15th Pz and are to press the Americans so as to prevent their recovering their balance before our whole division can get up (gasoline supply has been delayed). You are to seize the vital crossroads at Sidi Bou Bou, and interpose your force between the Americans in the Vaseline Pass and the British at Sboobie. 10th Panzer should advance to Sbeattle today. Try not to lose those panzers, they're hard to get! SET-UP: Start off the board between Sidi Bon Bon and Gotcha. Come on along the road and/or anywhere within 12", on either side, of the road. KAMPFGRUPPE VON EDGAR (10th Panzer Div./5th Panzer Army)
PANZERS: 1 Pz VI "Tiger" and 2 Panzer IV ausf G PZ-GRENADIERS: 1 squad (1 LMG, 2SMG & 5 rifles) with Hanomag 251 APC SITUATION: While the 15th Panzer on your left advanced unopposed from Gotcha, your advance from Fade Pass was delayed by a British Infantry force backed by infantry tanks and field arillery, part of the force defeated yesterday at the pass. After tough fighting their position was finally over run - remnants fleeing before you towards Sbeattle. MISSION: As the advance guard of 10th Pz. Div (& the 5th Pz. Army) you are to advance as fast as possible to Sbeattle, drive all enemy forces out of that area, and link up with 15th Pz. Div. between Sbeattle and Sidi Bou Bou. Most of your infantry, light vehicles and light weapons have been left behind to mop up on the force just overrun but should catch up before dawn tomorrow. APPRECIATION: It is expected the British will have a small armored force at Sbeattle and the Americans one at Sidi Bou Bou. Push ahead boldly but try to minimize tank losses. Above all, don't lose that Tiger! SET UP: Come on along, or within 6" of, the road from Fade Pass on turn 9. Ed Eaton, our group's real WW II buff, who provides most of the men and vehicles for these battles, was selected to be the German commander, because of his presumed superior familiarity with the rules and tactics. Notice that neither side is given any indirect fire capability. This is because artillery would dominate such open terrain and take the fun out of the game, and because we were trying out a new system for tank/anti-tank fire which I wanted to concentrate on. Ed was not shown, the following second German force (which he would also command since no other player showed up that day) until time for their arrival. It came on just in time, because the Americans, aided by the British Crusaders firing across the wadi, had by then pretty thoroughly shot up the first German force -- though suffering severe losses themselves. More WWII Delaying Actions Back to Table of Contents -- Panzerfaust #62 To Panzerfaust/Campaign List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1974 by Donald S. Lowry This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |