Raid on the French Coast 1760

French Briefing

by Robert McLean


The village is garrisoned by 2 battalions of militia. There are however reinforcements within marching distance which can be called upon.

Reveille is at 07.30 and it takes two full moves to move off. If the militia is alerted before that it takes 4 full moves. This is to represent the confusion.


The coast gun crews are stationed in the redoubt covering the harbour entrance.

Reveille is at 07.30 and the guns are normally manned at 08.00 i.e. two moves.

If alerted before then it takes 4 clear moves to man the guns. It takes 2 moves to load the first time (one move thereafter). Guns may fire 45 degrees to left or right. They may be swivelled (one move) but they must stay on the platform. They cannot be removed from the redoubt.


In addition there is a damaged pirate lugger tied up at the quay. This belongs to a rather unprincipled lot of French pirates under a particularly nasty character called Captain Crochet. Crochet is an ex gunner in the French Royal Navy who turned to smuggling as a more profitable business.

They are based in one of the warehouses and are tolerated by you because they give you a cut of the spoils in return for your protection. They are becoming unhappy with the current division, which is very much in your favour, so their loyalty might need some reinforcing.

Their lugger is currently tied up for repairs having being engaged the day before and successfully sunk a Royal Navy cutter. Their gun (medium) and cargo of gunpowder in unmarked barrels has been unloaded onto the dock to lighten the load so as to facilitate repairs.

The gun takes 4 men to pull it at 3" per move (1 1/2" uphill). The minimum crew is three men, one of whom must be a gunner.


Once you have ascertained what is going on you may send for reinforcements from the nearest area HQ. Consult with Umpire.

Raid on the French Coast 1760

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