A Matter of Honour

The British Army Arrives
in the Sudan

Fort Baker

by Grayde Bowen

British Forces Available

Arriving from Suez (except as noted)

    10th Hussars
    19th Hussars
    2 Batteries Royal Artillery
    3rd battalion 60th King's Royal Rifles
    42nd Royal Highlanders (Black Watch)
    75th Gordon Highlanders
    65th York and Lancaster Regiment (from Aden)
    89th Royal Irish Fusiliers (from India)
    26th Company of the Royal Engineers
    100 Mounted Infantry
    Detachments of Marines (at least 360 strong)

Egyptian garrison of Souakim

1,500 men not present at Trinkitat and 2,000 survivors of Baker Pasha's army, provisionally organised in 3 Battalions (1 Black, 1 Egyptian, 1 Turkish). These troops disregarded the bugle calls for assembly and refused to man the trenches at Souakim.

On February 26th, the Hussars, Mounted Infantry, Gordon Highlanders and Royal Irish Fusiliers occupied Fort Baker. 2,000 Mahdists were reported in the area but these fell back before the British. The 27th and 28th were spent in transporting supplies for 3 days from Souakim to Fort Baker and the bulk of the force disembarked on the afternoon of February 28th.

The force at Trinkitat was commanded by General Graham. The Cavalry Brigade (General Stewart) of 10th Hussars (328 men), 19th Hussars (410) and the Mounted Infantry (126), six 7 pounder guns, 10 brass guns and 4 Krupps (126 crew); the Naval Brigade (Commander Rolfe) of two 9 pounders, 3 Gatlings, 3 Gardners. 1st Brigade was under General Redvers Buller: The Rifles (610), Gordon Highlanders (751), Royal Irish Rifles (334); the 2nd under General Davis: Black Watch (761), Royal Marine Infantry (361), York and Lancaster Regiment (500) and Engineers (100). The force took 600 camels and 350 mules for supplies and a further 100 camels for ambulance work. 150 men were left at Trinkitat and another 300 at Fort Baker.

On the 27th February the British planted a white flag on a hill 2 miles from their lines. A letter was attached asking the Mahdists to disperse and send delegates to Gordon in Khartoum to discuss their grievances. The flag and letter were collected by Mahdists but no reply was sent.

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