Noli Illegitimos

Napoleonic Naval Campaign

French Updates

by Paddy Griffith

Start of April: What Happened Before

Pichegru has occupied Holland, which becomes the (French run) Batavian Republic. The Dutch fleet was captured by a cavalry charge!

Feb 17th: Pacification of Lajaunye marks the end of the Vendee rising. Hugues has spread revolution to St Lucia, St Vincent, Grenada by freeing the slaves: British fail to make an adequate response and so these islands remain in dispute.

Start of May:
What Happened in April

Bread riots throughout France.

April 1st - 2nd: Rising of Gelminal

April 5th: The Treaty of Basle: Prussia leaves the coalition and makes concessions on the left bank of the Rhine Neutrality of North Germany.

April 10th: Disarmament of terrorists is decreed: effective in Palis but cannot be applied to Toulon, where all the sailors in the fleet are taken to help put down the trouble. FIFTY PER CENT of them join the terrorists or otherwise desert.

Start of June: What Happened in May

May 20th - 23rd: Rising of Prairial - suppressed by General Menou in Paris. Execution of the last remaining Montagnards.The French army has entered Spain and captured Figueras.

May 4th: Lyons prison massacre. General Gentili sends 10,000 men to Lyon from Toulon. General Scherer reports the Austrians are about to launch an attack on the coastal Comiche road and demands naval support there - ie (a) gunfire against the enemy; (b) food supplies to his own men. Fifteen Naval officers are hung from lamp posts in Toulon by the mob, accompanied by mutinous rumblings and loss of efficiency on some ships.

May 16th: Treaty of the Hague: Holland allied with France and cedes Dutch Flanders, Venloo, Maestlicht. Meanwhile Britain seizes Dutch colonies in Ceylon and the Cape: France seizes St Mautins and St Eustatius. You have heard that there are now - at last - some anti-British patriots active in Corsica.

Start of July : What Happened in June

St Lucia falls to France, but French attack on Dominica repulsed. Hugues distracted into privateering.

June 27th: Quiberon landings. Meanwhile naval combats of Belle Ile and Ile de Groix (Lorient) are French debacles. General Scherer has collected all Gentili's troops for the forthcoming attack on Italy: there are no more troops available for Corsica.

Start of Aug: What Happened in July

July 22nd: Treaty of Basel: Spain leaves the coalition and cedes San Domingo to France. But note that the Spanish government has shown no inclination whatsoever to join the war on the French side.

July 21st: Emigre invasion at Quiberon defeated by Hoche: British leave a garrison on the Ile de Yeu.

Start of Sept: What Happened in August

Maroon revolt in Jamaica There are rumours that there have been some revolutionary risings in Britain and Ireland.

Start of Oct: What Happened in September

September 21st: Discipline collapsed totally in French Armee Delant Mayence. Scherer postpones his attack in Italy until November.

September 23rd (Thermidorian): Constitution of the Year III: government is to be run by a Directory of five members.

More Noli

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