Table of Contents
Vol. 1 Issue 5

Noli Illigitimos 1799

    Paddy Griffith examines Napoleonic naval actions and offers up a campaign map game in the area around Cape Noli.

Stand To

    Kenn Hart's devilishly clever gaming scenario rules for American Civil War thickens the fog of war.

The Battle of Cannae 216BC

    Daniel Burkley brings us the second of four great ancients battles involving Hannibal and his Carthaginian army against the Romans in the Second Punic War. Burkley uses De Bellis Antiquitatus rules, with some clever modifications and novel ideas, to recreate Hannibal's greatest victory for multi-player tabletop battles.

Dien Bien Phu 1953/1954

    Karim Van Overmeire brings part 2 of the French struggle to hold an isolated base in Vietnam. Includes maps, order of battle, and VM Infantry Division TO&E.

The Battle of Madrid 1936

    Charles Esdaile provides the history of the battle, from the march on Madrid through the influx of foreign units and equipment, to the final push into the city.



    Editor Ben Wilkins discusses gaming inspiration from novels, movies, and other media.

Wargaming Forum

    Sean Sweeney examines the idea that troop loyalty--and offers a few rules modifications.

On the Other Side of the Hill

    Readers sound off in letters to the editor: Tabletop recon, DBR, suspect troop loyalties, and Route 66 variation.

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