The Battle for
Dien Bien Phu

Part 2

VM Infantry Division Organisation

by Karim Van Overmeire

Both Karim and myself have had difficulty getting a lot of information regarding the TOE of VM divisions )the French are quite easy, the Osprey by Windrow & Braby having an especially clear example). Talking to Mark Bevis (editor of The Journal) about this he offered the Burnley Wargames Club Army List on this subject. An abbreviated version of this appears below:

Teeth Arm

Battalion HQ

    5 rifle/smg squads

3 companies, each of:

    CHQ: 2 rifle/smg squads (6)*
    2x PTRD41 AT rifles.
    3 platoons of PHQ (3)
    3 rifle squads (9)
    0-3 Img
    0-3 MAW**
    1 platoon 2 x 60mm Type 31 mortars
    2 Img.

1 support company:

    CHQ: 1 rifle squad (8)
    1 platoon 2-3 57mm M18
    1 x 75mm M20
    1-2 platoons of 3 MMG

1 mortar company:

    CHQ: 1 rifle squad (8)
    2-3 platoons 3 x 60mm or 81mm or 82mm mortars.

Regimental Support

Infantry regiment HQ of 8 rifle/carbine/smg squads and possible 1 Recce commpany of :

    CHQ: 1 rifle/smg squad (5)
    3 platoons 3 rifle/smg squads (8).

Divisional Support

    Up to:
    3 AA batteries of 6 x 37mm M39 or 12.7mm AAHMG backpacked or horses.

1 mortar company:

    CHQ: 1 rifle squad
    3 platoons 3 x 81mm or 82mm or 120mm M43 mortars, backpacked or packanimals.

1-2 MG companies:

    CHQ: 1 rifle squad
    3 platoons of 3 MMG or 12.7mm AAHMG

0-3 Artillery batteries:

    4 x 76mm M42 or 70mm Type 92 horses or pack mules.

0-3 Sapper companies:

    25 engineers with carbines, smg, explosives etc.

Army Support

1 Artillery division with:

    2 artillery battalions:
      BHQ: 4 rifle/smg squads
      2 batteries 6 x 75mm M116 pack howitzers.

12 engineer companies:

    CHQ: 1 rifle squad (6)
    3 platoons 3 rifle,
    engineer squads (5)

1 artillery battalion:

    BHQ: 4 rifle/smg squads
    3 batteries 5 x 75mm (Japanese)
    howitzers, horses

2 mortar battalions:

    BHQ: 6 rifle/smg squads
    5 batteries 4 x 120mm mortars,
    pack horses

2 artillery battalions:

    BHQ: 6 rifle/smg squads
    3 batteries 6 x 105mm Type 91
    howitzers, horses

2 mortar battalions:

    BHQ: 6 rifle/smg squads
    5 batteries 4 x 82mm M37
    mortars, pack horses

6 AA batteries:

    6 x 37mm aa, horses

5 AA companies:

    CHQ: 1 rifle squad (8)
    3 platoons 3 x 12.7mm AAHMG.

* Number in brackets refers to number of men in squad.
** MAW is 2.36" or 3.5" bazooka or equivalent.


  1. Fire control is considered to be obsolete.
  2. Radios in regimental HQ and above.
  3. Infantry have RPG 43 AT grenades or Molotovs or satchel charges.
  4. The 6 infantry divisions have 3 regiments, each of 3 battalions. By 1955 this had increased to 13 divisions and 20 plus independent regiments as well as 40 regional infantry battalions.

Finally, thanks to Karim for putting this article together in English (which is not his native tongue) not once but twice. I hope other continental readers will be encouraged to follow Karim and Peter (Fontenoy in the 2 previous issues) and send material to us here at Battlefields.

More Dien Bien Phu:

To Dien Bien Phu (Part 1 in Vol. 1 issue 4)

Back to Battlefields Vol. 1 Issue 5 Table of Contents
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