Table of Contents
Vol. 1 Issue 3


The Second Battle of St Albans, 1461

    John Barratt examines the 17th February battle, starting with the campaign, then to the battle, and then to simulating it on the tabletop.

Isneauville Junction, 1940

    Mark Bevis profiles the 8th June battle, where the BEF was involved in more actions than just Dunkirk.

The Battle of El-Hamad, 1807

    Mark Bevis chronicles the British expedition to Egypt in 1807--one of the lesser known British disasters of the Napoleonic period.

Marathon, 490 BC

    Ernest Mortimer tackles one of the "simple" battles of antiquity with a new interpretation.

Restore Hope - The Prequel, 1935

    John Barratt offers an alternative 1930s scenario for solo play set in French Somaliland.

Beamis Heights, 1777

    Roger Williams postulates a 'what if' scenario based on actual events during the American Revolution.

Fontenoy part 2, 1745

    Peter Lenders presents the British attack on the French flank, which in conjunction with the Dutch attack, was to pave the way for the grand, 'battle winning' attack in the centre.

Haunch of Venison, 1644

    English Civil War skirmish from Paul Jeune.



    Editor Ben Wilkins discusses article submissions.

Wargaming Forum

    Derek Henderson examines the role of the wargamer--who are we trying to simulate?

On the Other Side of the Hill

    Readers sound off in letters to the editor: re-enactment and morale, cards and scenarios, and a few suggestions.

Large Cover (very slow: 92K download)

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