by John Barratt
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An Alternative 1930s scenario for solo play set in French Somaliland, 1935. Suggested scale 6-20mm.
This is a battalion level attack-defence game, easily scaled down to company level for 20-25mm scale. Although written for solo play it is also suitable for multiple players (ED - either as two 'conventional teams or as an 'all against the umpire' scenario'). Suggested rules include Jim Webster's 'Kalishnikov Tribal', or even colonial rules such as 'The Sword and the Flame'. INTRODUCTION In October 1935 the Italians invaded Ethiopia, causing international outrage. Public opinion in America forced their government to try and persuade the Italians to halt the offensive. With reluctant French permission, a Marine Expeditionary force landed at Jibuti, and drove inland to set up forward bases for a larger offensive further inland. By late November however French and local opinion became affronted by the US presence, and soon sporadic sniping and looting broke out. Gradually as the rains eased, local forces gathered to attack the USMC at the end of their long and vulnerable supply line. It has rained recently so a surprising amount of greenery brightens the rocky landscape, and streams flow through the wadis and ditches. The air is hot and dry, tempered slightly by onshore breezes from the east. US (PLAYERS) FORCES AND BRIEFING You command elements of a reinforced Marine Battalion, stationed in village D3. You are in the process of refuelling and re-arming after a skirmish the previous day, in which you saw off several spear and sword armed natives who were trying to steal supplies from the village. All troops have good morale and above average training. All deploy in village D3, with the tanks and supply unit anywhere in C2 or C3. The tanks are being refuelled and re-armed at the start of turn one . Orders are to complete the re-equipping of the tanks, re-ammo the mortars and then send a strong patrol eastwards (of at least 1 tank and 2 other platoons) on patrol for belligerent forces in A3. Troops cannot be dug in due to the stony soil but can be in stone sangers or loopholed buildings. Virtually all of the local French colonial force has gathered in the hinterland to 'persuade' the Americans to go home. Already deployed on move, hidden on hill B5 are forces as below.
STOP!If you intend to play this solo or against the umpire, DO NOT READ ON until you have deployed etc.Colonial infantry have French officers, and local soldiers drilled in European style. These will lay in hiding overlooking the village until the feint force (see below) retires. Then they will advance in open line on the village at D3, covered by the MMG teams. Morale is Good, Training Poor.
All (above) are Average Morale, Bad Training. However, being native irregulars, they move in rough terrain as if it was clear and they melee as well as regulars. Orders are for the native force to advance on table on Move 1 with the camels leading (in skirmish formation). The guns and MMG are to set up on hill B2 and shoot up the village. Both companies are to halt upon seeing the Americans and blaze away for several moves, harassing the Americans until they are provoked into attacking. When this happens they will retire to the west, whereupon the Colonial Infantry will attack against C/D3 hopefully catching any advancing USMC in the flank. If any Americans make a run for it the camelry will pursue. The remainder will loot the town for 2D6 moves and then slowly advance to the east against the G/H-3/4 area. French forces have no radios or grenades. The 50mm mortars only have enough ammo for 1 salvo each. The Maxims may jam, use your own rules or every time one fires roll 1D6. On a '1' it jams (needing a 5-6 to be cleared). VICTORY Left to your discretion! You have your orders... GAME NOTES At the end of Move 1 the Americans roll 1D6. This is the number of moves of fuel and ammo the tanks have. Each additional move of uninterrupted resupplying adds an additional move to this total. If the ammo truck makes it to the mortars it takes 3 moves to resupply. After this roll 1D6 +3. This is the number of salvos the battery has. Normally the trucks, having delivered their supplies return to Jibuti(off table from H4). 65mm shells will penetrate the M1917 tank armour. Also sustained MMG hits may immobilise a tank (10% chance). The US lorries are old designs and cannot outrun galloping camels! If you feel the French need 'beefing up' then add a platoon of two FT-17 with 37mm guns. TERRAIN NOTES
The ditches, although full of water, may be used by infantry as trenches. They are impassable to vehicles. Hills and wadis are rocky and steep sided. They give cover to infantry but are impassable to vehicles. Buildings are bullet proof (mud/stone) but are vulnerable to HE hits. Scatter plenty of fields, ditches and 'hull down' ridges about. FIGURES For the USMC use early WW2 British (or if available c1941 USMC in British style helmets, the SMG is the Thompson and the MMG is water cooled and so looks similar to a Vickers). For the French 1918 or 1939 French figures will do (in Adrian helmets). For the Somalis use colonial 'Fuzzy-Wuzzy' Hadendowa or Beja tribesmen. If available mix in some Bedouin arabs in robes and keffayah. Back to Table of Contents -- Battlefields Volume 1 Issue 3 Back to Battlefields List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1996 by Battlefields. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |