by Brian Train
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2.0 GAME COMPONENTS AND CONCEPTSThe game includes the following: a ad of 96 counters, a map of the downtown Seattle area, some charts and tables, and these rules Sorry, you will have to cod or the counters (or "units") in accordance with the Counter Manifest and mount them on cardboard. Players will also need two six-sided dice of differing size or color. (Abbreviations: 1d6 means the roll of one die, 2d6 means the sum of the roll of two dice.) 2.1 Units Counters are provided for the two sides in the game: the Protester player and the Authority player Each counter (unit) is rated for its Combat Factor (bottom left number on the counter) Made Factor (bottom middle), and Movement Factor bottom right Protester units an divided into two types: Groups (small groups of 25 - 50 activists) and Crowds (500-900 demonstrators). These can be told apart in that all Crowds have a Movement Factor of 1, and have representations of several people or icons on them. Or you could just remember that all Anarchist Radical and Yahoo units are Groups, while the red are Crowds. Authority units represent large platoons of 40-60 members of the Seattle Police Department (SPD) State Troopers, or National Guardsmen. 2.2 Map The map is a network of area connected by Transit Lines, superimposed over a representation of downtown Seattle. Each area in the "Downtown Core is hexagon-shaped and has an Exposure Value marked in its borders: this is important for the Protester player. Other areas as circle-shaped. Units move from one adjacent area to another, using the Transit Lines, during the Movement Phase.
Exposure Index (EI): The Exposure Index represents the amount of favorable publicity and 'map leverage" a side has received in a same, it is a measure of how close one player or another is to winning" die battle. Both the Protester and Authority players have their own Exposure Indices, maintained independently of each other, during the game. An Exposure Index may not go below zero: if a player must subtract man EI ponds than he has available, the points beyond zero' are added to the other playa's EI instead. Protester Factions: The people who demonstrated in the "Battle of Seattle" were united in their opposition to the WTO, but divided on almost everything else Therefore Protester units are colored in accordance with their allegiance to a (very approximate ideological position:
Authority Departments: Lap numbers of people from different government agencies became involved in the conflict All Authority units are colored blue, but they are, differentiated according to their origin:
2.4 Starting the Game The two Playas agree which ado as& will play. They ad their units up on the map in die order and method described by the scenario instructions. Play begins with the Morning, Nov 30 Game-turn and continues until end of the Afternoon, December bet 2 Game-turn at which pout victory is judged (or, by mutual agreement the players can extend the game to the end of the Afternoon, December 3 Game-turn - this was the historical end of the VITO conference). 3.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAYEach Game-turn represents four hours of daylight or twelve hours of night time activity In each Game-turn, there is a Random Events and Reinforcement Phase followed by two Player-turns (me for the Protester Player, who goes first in each Game-turn, and one for the Authority Player), and finally a Turn End Phase. 3.2 Random Events and Reinforcement Phase One player (it doesn't matter who) rolls two dice in succession, reads the result from to Random Events Table, and applies the result. Both players then simultaneously add any reinforcements they are due this turn. 3.3 Player-turn 3.31 Movement Phase. All Protester units move within the provisions of the rules governing movement (5.0). 3.32 Enemy Reaction Movement Phase. Some Authority units may, to a limited extent, move or appear on the map. 3.33 Combat Phase. Combat between units occupying the saw area takes place, within the provisions of the rules governing combat (6.0). This ends the Protester player-turn. The Author* player then moves his units, the Protester player does Reaction Movement and the Authority player conducts combat. During the Combat Phases of both player-turns, certain adjustments will be made to either side's Exposure Index 3.4 Turn End Phase Both players add or deduct Exposure Index points for various rose= (we the Exposure Index Adjustment Table). The Protester player then removes all Crowd units if the following Game turn is a Night turn. The next game turn then began with the Random Events and Reinforcement Phase. 4.0 RANDOM EVENTS AND REINFORCEMENT PHASE
4.2 Reinforcements During this phase, both players simultaneously receive reinforcements. Protester reinforcements are placed anywhere on the map except in arm when there me only Authority units. Authority reinforcements appear in the Reserve Pool and move from then to the map in the Reaction Movement Phase of the Protester player turn, or in their own Movement Phase. 4.21 Reinforcements Derived from the EL Both players look at the Reinforcement Chart and, depending on the current level oft heir Exposure Index, add or remove units as directed. The Protester player draws his Group and Crowd units randomly from the units available off-board, the Authority player may choose only SPI) units. Units that are removed due to a low or high EI are placed with the units available off-board: they are available to enter the game Ida if circumstances should change. If no units of the right type are available off-map, they are not received. A player may decline to add reinforcements units if be wishes, but be must remove units when directed to do so. Example: The Protester EI is 46 and the A Authority EI Is 28. The Protester player therefore draws two Group and three Crowd units at random, and will be able to move two units In the Reaction Movement Phase of the Authority Player-turn. The Authority player adds three SPD units and will be able to move one unit in the Reaction Movement Phase of the Protester Playerturn. 4.22 Authority Emergency Reinforcements. In this phase, after he has taken any reinforcements due him in 4.2 1, the Authority player may decide to receive emergency reinforcements. (These units an made up of Washington State Troopers, National Guardsmen, or ordinary policemen pulled in from other areas of the city.) He decides what and how many reinforcement units he wants (up to the limits of the counter mix) and pays an immediate EI penalty for each unit taken: we the EI Adjustment Chat SPI) emergency reinforcements am placed immediately in the Reserve Pool, while State Trooper and National Guard units take two turns to arrive: place them an the space of the Turn Record track two turns after the current Game turn (certain random events may speed up or delay their arrival). On the tam oft heir arrival, the units are placed in the Reserve Pool. 5.0 MOVEMENTDuring the Movement Phase of his player-turn, a player may move all, some or none of his units. A given unit may move from one area to another area connected to it by a Transit Line, up to a number of areas equal to its Movement Factor (therefore a Group unit starting in International District could move Kingdome - Pioneer Square -Waterfront, but no further). Units most stop when they enter an area with an enemy unit in it. A unit beginning the turn in an area with enemy units may leave the area, but must stop in the first area it enters that contains another enemy unit. Reserve Pool: In the Movement Phase of his player-turn, the Authority Player may move any number of his units to or from the Reserve Pool. They may be placed in any area on the map. 5.1 Enemy Reaction Movement Immediately after a player's Movement Phase comes the Reaction Movement Phase. The player whose player-turn it Isn't may move a number of units equal to his Reaction Movement Limit, related to his current Exposure Index and found on the Reinforcement Chart The Protester player may reaction move only his Group units, and each unit may move a maximum of one area The Authority player may reaction move his units that are currently on the a maximum of one area, or he may move a unit From the Reserve Pool to any area on the map. 5.2 Stacking Any number of units from either side may be present in a single area on the map with the following exceptions:
6.0 COMBAT6.1 Combat Procedure During the Combat Phasa of a player turn, a player may have combat with enemy units that are in the same area as his units. Combat is voluntary and simultaneous between units, and not all the units in an area need be involved. A given players units may be involved in only me combat in a given Combat Phase. To conduct combat, a player whom turn it is declares which of his units are attacking and which enemy units in the area are the target of his attack. He totals the adjusted Combat Factors (CF) of his attacking units, rolls 1d6 and cross-index the roll with the column on the Combat Results Table that corresponds with the total CF of his units. The player whose turn it isn't then by doing the reverse with those units that were just attacked. Both players then apply the specific combat results to them involved units. 6.2 Combat Factor (CF) Adjustments Special Munitions: The Authority player may declare in any combat that he is using special munitions (tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, baton rounds, stun grenades, attack hamsters, do. etc.). This doubles the CF of each Authority unit doing so, but then is an EI penalty for each unit Barricades: If Protester units are involved in combat in an area with a Barricade marker in it, the CF of both sides' units is halved (round up). See 7.2 for more on Barricades. Night: During night turn, the CF of both sides' units is halved (mind up) Random Events: The "Angry Woman" and 'Pointing Fingers' random events, when in effect, will double some units' CF in the proper circumstances: we the Random Events Table. Escalation: AH units double their CF if the Authority player decides to go to "Stage Three" escalation (see 7.3). Combat Factor adjustments are cumulative: do an the doubling first than the halving, rounding up each time you halve. 6.3 Combat Results N: No effect. Nothing happens. MC: Morale Check One enemy unit of the rolling players choice that was involved in the combat must make a Morale Check A: Arrest. If the Authority player rolled the die, one Protester unit of the Authority players choice that was involved in the combat is PERMANTLY removed from the game and all other Protester units that were involved in the combat must make a Morale Check. Then any EI penalty or reward is given (no the EI Adjustment Chart). If the Protester player rolled the die, one Authority =it dud was involved in the combat is temporarily removed to the Reserve Pool. X: Dispersal. If the Authority Player rolled the die, all Protester units that were involved in the combat are PERMANENTLY removed from the game If the Protester player rolled the die, all Authority units that were involved in the combat are temporarily removed to the Reserve Pool. (Note: at Step One escalation (7.3) "X" results are treated as "A" 6.4 Morale Checks A unit making a Morale Check rolls I d6. If the die roll is less than or equal to the units Morale Factor, the unit has passed the check and is unaffected. If the adjusted roll is greater than the checking units morale, then the unit is TEMPORARILY removed from the game. Protester units are removed to the appropriate off-map pile, while Authority units are removed to the Reserve Pool. Note that them is an EI change only when Protester units are permanently removed From the game due to arrests or Dispersals, or when Authority units are temporarily removed due to combat results. When the -Solidarity Forever- random event is in effect, all Protester units conduct Morale Checks as if their Monde Factor were one number higher (i.e. a 3 becomes a 4) Example of Combat:: It is the Authority player's turn, and in an area there are two SPD units, two 2-4-3 Protester Group units, a 1-3-1 Crowd unit and a Barricade. Te Authority player decides to attack both Group units with both of his SPD units, and to use Special Munitions. 4+4 - 8, doubled to 16for Special Munitions and halved to 8for the Barricades He rolls a 6, which on the 7-10 column of the CRT gives an "X"result. The Protester player counterattacks with his Group units. 2+2 = 4, halved for the Barricade is 2. He rolls a 5 which on the 2-3 column of the CRT gives an "MC. " Both sides then apply the combat results simultaneously. The Authority player permanently removes both Group units and adds four points to his EI, then deducts two points for the two units that used Special Munitions, for a net change of +2 Meanwhile, one of the SPD units must make a Morale Check. it rolls a 5 and fails, is removed to the Reserve Pool and the Protester player adds one to his EI. 7.0 SPECIAL RULES7.1 Night. After the end of the Afternoon Game-turn of each day, night falls. All Protester Crowd units are removed from the map and set aside. All units may continue to move and engage in but all Combat Factors are halved during night turns. In the Random Events and Reinforcement Phase of the Morning Game-turn of the following day, all Crowd units that wen removed at nightfall become available as reinforcements, plus any other Crowd units that may have entered the gum as reinforcements during the Night turn. 7.2 Barricades. Barricades may be built by Protester units at Stage Two or Three escalation (7.3). A Protester unit may, indeed of moving during the Movement Phase, declare that it is tying to build a barricade. Units attempt individually to build by rolling 1d6: Group units succeed if they roll a 1, Crowd units if they roll a 1 or 2. There may be only one Barricade marker in an area. A Barricade marker gives protection to all Protester units in its area. All units of both aides involved in combat in an area with a Barricade in it do so at half their Combat Factor (round up). If, at the and of any Combat Phase, a Barricade marker is in an area and there us no Protester units present, it is removed Authority units may never build or benefit from Barricades. 7.3 Escalation. During the game, the Authority Player may "up the ante- in his attempts to clear the streets quickly. Escalation takes place in three stages, and may only go up, not down. Stage One: The Authority Player may not use Special Munitions or take State Trooper or National Guard emergency reinforcements. no Protester player may not build Barricades. Treat all "X" combat results as "A" Stage Two: All conditions of Stage One an lifted. Stage Three: All units may double their Combat Factor Authority units my double it again if they use Special Munitions. Consider that Stage One is in effect at the dad of the game. The Authority Player may go to Stage Two at any point in the game after the first Authority unit has been removed due to a Morale Check, and must spend at least me complete Game-turn at Stage Two before going to Stage Three. If the Authority Player goes to Stage Three, he cannot win the gum - if he ends the game with a higher EI than the Prate", then the game is judged a Protester Marginal Victory. 8.0 VICTORYAt the end of the Afternoon, December 2 Game Turn, play stops and victory is judged. If both players agree, they may extend the game to the end of the Afternoon, December 3 Game-turn. Authority EI higher than Protester: Triumph for the Forces of Capitalist Darkness. The WTO talks go on unhindered. What's that noise outside? Here, have some more champagne.... Protester EI 0-30 points more than Authority: Protester Marginal Victory. The talks are somewhat disrupted; some delegates never make it out of their hotel suites. The Seattle PD takes a pasting in the papers. Protester 31-60 Points more than Authority: Protester Substantial Victory. The talks are seriously disrupted, forcing a delay or change of venue. Delegates run scared in the streets. The Chief of the SPD resigns. This was more or less the historical result. Protester 61+ points more than Authority: Protester Decisive Victory. The talks are completely canceled; the next mind will be hold in Novosibirsk or some other hard-to-reach place. The Mayor of Seattle is toast. DESIGNER'S NOTESA central concept in the game is the Exposure Index This is a reflection of many things: a side's relative freedom of movement or choice of options (the Reaction Move Limit); a perception of who is winning the day (the addition and subtraction of units - as the Protester EI goes up, their form become law radicalized and in= crowds join the ones in the streets but as the Authority EI goes up, patrol officers are released back to normal duties), and who ultimately wins, the image victory (the Protester player - bigger by getting a larger point spread, while the El deductions for taking Authority emergency reinforcements or fielding too many SPD units represents the backlash from stripping most of the city of normal police coverage as well as the "shame" of having to can in State-controlled police and National Guardsmen). When units in the game are temporarily removed due to Morale checks, it models confusion and distraction. A Crowd so removed is me that is temporarily scattered or stalled in the street; an Authority unit so removed is one that is temporarily ineffective and disorganized by chasing down vandals or carting off arrested people. Similarly, arrest or dispersal, results don't mean that all 500-800 people in a crowd are taken away in cuffs rather, it means the Authority have fired enough tear gas or arrested enough ringleaders that the rest of the crowd disperses for its own safety, and decides to go home and stay there. One more thing: although this game attempts to model some of what happened in Seattle, it is also partially a SATIRE on the events, perhaps best displayed by the irreverence of the Random Events Table. I remind readers that SATIRE is intended to be HUMOROUS, and should be taken as such. A note on the counter graphics. Many of these came from the Radical Image Archive on the Internet (, while others came from the shareware/ freeware dingbat fonts Kersplebedeb, Devo Ding bats and Bobco. "Mr. Natural" is of course O Robert Crumb. The "Goofy with M-16" image is taken from a cartoon by Andy Singer. The images used for the SPD units and several of the Anarchist and Radical counter images an from rubber stamps I have made. DESIGN CREDITS
COUNTER MANIFEST 96 Protester Units Faction (color) : Unit (factors) Anarchists (white/ black) 8 x 2-5-3.
Authority Units (all are blue)
Markers (white)
Roll 1d6 and find the column that corresponds with the adjusted total of attacking Combat Factors. Combat Factor Adjustments (cumulative): Combat Factor DOUBLED: Authority Special Munitions attack. "Angry Womyn" or "Pointing Fingers" random event; Stage Three escalation. Combat Factor HALVED: attacking or counterattacking with Barricade present, Night turn. Combat Results N: No effect Nothing happens.
SETUP INSTRUCTIONS Authority: Place 1 SPD unit in the Convention Centre. Place all remaining SPD, National Guard, and State Trooper units aside off-map. Set Exposure Index to 30. Protester: divide Group and Crowd units into two piles off map. Choose five Crowd units randomly and place them in any areas of the Downtown Core. Set Exposure Index to 0. More Battle for Seattle Back to Strategist Vol. XXX Issue 8 (336) Table of Contents Back to Strategist List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by SGS This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |