by Keith Raynor
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The original manuscript copy of these instructions can be found in the Nottinghamshire Archives. The Instructions are, addressed to a Lieutenant Nathaniel Beldon and are dated with the day and month but no year. The Archives have dated the Instructions c. 1800. However, the, pay lists,submitted by a Captain Middleton for the Sea Fencibles, from the North Foreland to East Swail, list a Lieutenant Belden. From the records that still exist he is shown drawIng pay from July 1803 to July 1804 after which his name disappears. It is quite, possible that Nathaniel Beldon and Lieutenant Belden are 'one and the same person. if this is so, then the instructions transcribed below can be dated c. 1803 to 1804. Instructions for the Guidance of Lieutenant Nath. Peldon in the execution of the Sea: Fencible Service.
2nd. You are to be extremely careful on all occaions of Exercise or actual service to treat the men with proper attention;: and to avoid all harshness and unnecessary severity which may teach them to be dissatisfied with. the service they have engaged in that always recollecting that as it is a voluntary service quite new to them and different from anything to which they have been accustomed, it may require more than common attention to reconcile them to the degree of control that may be absolutely necessary. 3rd. you are to see, that the Pikes with which you may be supplied are deposited in such safe place, as the Mayor or Chief Magistrate of the Town shall point out, to be delivered to the men when going to exercise and returned by them when the exercise is over a particular account, being taken of those men of them be any who do riot, return them. 4th. If Gear Boats, Row boats, or other armed vessels intended to be manned as occasion may require by the Sea Fencibles -should be stationed under your Immediate direction, you are to see that their oars, sails arms, ammunition, etc. be carefully deposited in some place of safety from which they may be put on board the moment they may be wanted. 5th. You are to appoint two men well acquainted with the service of the boats, to have the charge of each boat - they are always to go in her when she goes to sea, and when on shore they are to be constantly near her by day, to prevent any stores that may be kept in her from being taken away, and are to see that every thing belonging to her is safely deposited in the place before night. They are to be paid one shilling a day for provisions, but they are to be made accountable for any of the stores which through their inattention may be lost or embezzled. 6th. You are to exercise the men under your command for three hours on that of the week which shall least interfere with their other occupations, and if on Sunday, at such time as may not interfere with Divine Service. You may exercise them altogether on one day, or by Divisions or different days, as you may find most proper, and their business work most convenient. If there be Cannon in your District (permission being obtained from the Officer under whose charge they are) the men are to be exercised alternately at them and at the Pike. They are to be drawn up in large Bodies, and in small taught to charge an enemy or to receive the charge of horse or foot, to storm Batteries and to defend them. 7th. You are to be very particular in keeping an account of the men who appear at exercise on the day appointed, and once every month to make out a list of them, marking each against each then number of days he has appeared, 'and the sum to' that is to be paid him, which you are to pay in the presence of the Chief Magistrate. Every man is to sign his name when paid in a column for that purpose, and the Chief Magistrate is to certify that he was present at the payment and to the amount of the whole sum paid, which is to be expressed in words written at length. 8th. When you shall become well enough acquainted with the men, so as to be able to deter mine which of them are best qualified to have direction of others, you are to select and appoint four men in every hundred to act as Petty Officers, who are to assist in assembling the men when called together in distributing arms, and in receiving and returning the arms into store. I They are to lead the parties to action, and to command gun boats, or other armed vessels in which there I$ not an Officer. You will select the men if possible from Masters of Coasters, River Officers, or persons of such other classes you deem necessary to employ in that capacity. The Petty Officers to be paid two shillings and sixpence a day when in exercise or service, if any of the men should be sent out in boats to attack an enemy, or to protect the trade from a Privateer on the coast or go beyond their district or the enemy's landing, they will be allowed one shilling a day to furnish themselves with provisions. Given under my hand,
More Sea Fencibles
2. The Sea Fencibles in Action 3. Instructions for the Sea Fencibles (Manuscript) 4. Notes and References Back to Age of Napoleon 27 Table of Contents Back to Age of Napoleon List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1998 by Partizan Press. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |