By Jim Purky
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1. The 10th Annual SYWA Convention was held in Harvey, Illinois on March 19 - 20, 1993. More than fifty people pre-registered for the wargame sessions and the banquet and there appeared to be a respectable amount of walk-in traffic. A "feu de joie" should be fired in honor of Brian Vizek, who did an oustanding job of organizing the games, the banquet and in securing the venue. There were fifteen wargames spread over two days; three events on Friday night and the balance of the games running over three sessions on Saturday. I don't think that I've ever seen as much variety in terms of theaters of action as I saw at this convention. There were games covering the SYW in India, the Jacobite Rebellion, Ottoman Turks vs. Russians, the F & I Wars, the SYW in Europe, and even several American Revolution games. The overall quality and visual appeal of every game was as high as it has ever been at this convention. Dean West's 15mm rendition of Sandershausen was so life-like that one had the impression of viewing the actual site from an airplane. Perhaps the most intriguing game was the "Marquis of Granby's Cup", an individual cross-country horse race hosted by Bart Redmon. The players had to race about the countryside and avoid unpleasant encounters with highwaymen, French irregulars, stampeding livestock and wayward women. It looked like great fun and a number of us were wishing that we had participated in the race. Duke Seiffried entertained the audience with an after-dinner speech about the French & Indian War; then Duke led us all back to the game room, where he had set up a stunningly lifelike terrain board of the North American wilderness. There the lecture continued with an inter-active demo game, complete with stage lights and sound effects. A good time was had by all. I'd like to thank all the participants, especially the game judges and the vendors (RSM Ltd., EHQ, Wargames, Inc., The Reiter, Elite Miniatures, and HG Walls.) and would encourage everyone to attend next year's convention, hosted by Herb Gundt in South Bend, Indiana. 2. HMGS Midwest will hold its annual Little Wars convention on April 8th - 10th, 1993 at the Woodfield Hilton in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Contact Tom Harris at (708) 369-0840 for details. The convention runs from noon on thursday through saturday afternoon, allowing everyone sufficient time to get home before Easter. 3. Saint Joseph Valley Gamers will hold their annual convention in South Bend, Indiana on June 18 - 19, 1993 at the IUSB Campus. Write to the St. Joe Valley Gainers at 121 W. Colfax, South Bend, Indiana 46601 for additional details. This is a nice regional convention and Tod Kershner has been known to frequent this show along with his hoards of Screaming He-Devils from Calcutta and Dean West will undoubtedly attempt to prove the superiority of French arms over the British in one of his "Final Arguement of Kings" games. 4. Plans are underway to hold a SYWA mini-convention at the Emperor's Headquarters (in Chicago) in October. Please contact Jim Purky or John Brewster at EHQ if you are interested in hosting a game. We need approximately 6 to 8 events for this show. Watch this column for additional details. 7YWA Newsletter
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