by Jim Purky
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7. Last of the Mohicans, The Movie is still playing at outlying theaters and will probably be available on videotape next year. I had very low expectations for this film based on my conversations with SYWA members who participated in the movie as extras. I was pleasantly surprised by the results. The lush greenery of the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina provided an excellent substitute for 18th Century upper New York state, while the Albany and Fort William Henry sets give the viewer a real feel for 18th Century living conditions. The uniforms and civilian costumes appeared to be historically correct and the Indians looked authentic too. The battle scenes were a bit to bloody for my taste, but they did convey the terror and chaos of an ambush. A few scenes defy belief, such as the use of 24 pound siege guns against the fort, Hawkeye's feat of picking off three or four Hurons at several hundred yards in the twilight, and the usual Hollywood use of exploding shell in preACW battles. Despite these nitpicks, the movie is one of the better portrayals of 18th Century life and warfare, second perhaps to the BBC version of the same movie. It gets better with each viewing and so I give Last of the Mohicans a "thumbs up" rating. 8. The Chicago Tribune featured an article on French & Indian War sites in the USA and Canada in its Sunday travel section, November 8, 1992. 9. Habitants & Highlanders: The SYW in North America : SYWA member Bruce McFarlane has written an interesting set of rules, published by Keith Martens and the Canadian Wargamers Group, 207 Bernard Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, T3K 2136, Canada, This is a 72 page booklet (8.5" x I I") chock full of uniform and flag information, maps, tactics and wargaming rules. It includes I I scenarios suitable for a variety of rules, as well as a campaign game complete with pre-printed counters. Excellent graphic presentation and valuable reference material add up to good value, all at a cost of $16.00 ($17.00 overseas) postage paid. 10. England In Vie Seven Years Wa by Julian Corbett (2 vols.) is being reprinted by Greenhill Books / Lionel Leventhal Ltd, Park House, I Russell Gardens, London NW I I 9NN, UK. This classic study of English maritime strategy and land warfare from 1756 to 1763 will cost ;E25.00 per volume. The book will be distributed in the USA by Presidio Press, 505B San Marin Drive, Suite 300, Novato, CA 94945 at a cost of $50.00 per volume. Available in January or February 1993. 11. Articles of War, 8806 N. Bronx Avenue, Skokie, IL 60077, (708) 674-7445. Proprietor Bob Ruman informs me that he can obtain copies of the Prussian General Staff histories of the two Silesian Wars (3 vols. each) and the SYW (l3 vols.). These volumes are expensive, have German text, and are printed in hard-to-read fractile (Gothic) typeface, but if you want to obtain highly detailed battle field maps and orders of battle, then these might be worth the expense to you. I ordered the volume covering Minden and Maxen @ DM 170 and other volumes vary from DM 118 to DM 258. US prices will depend on the DM / $ exchange rates in effect at the time. Bob can also order you a copy of Westphalen's diaries (he was the aide-de- camp to Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick) or a three volume history of the SYW in Hannover, Hesse, and Westphalia. Again though, all works are German text. 12. "La Marine, The French Colonial Soldier in Canada, 17451761 " by Andrew Gallup and Donald Shaeffer is a new book available from Heritage Books, l504-E Pointer Ridge P1, Suite 301, Bowie, MD 207l6. The price is $25.00 postage paid. The flyer that I received states that this book draws on first hand and secondary sources to explaore the daily lives of the French Canadian Marines. 13. "18th Century Military Notes & Queries" covers warfare during the period 1660 to 1780 in a booklet / pamphlet format in 28 to 48 pages. Published by Dave Ryan and Partizan Press in the UK, it is also available through "On Military Matters", 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ. My sample copy featured articles on the American Revolution, Prince Eugene of Savoy, the Seige of Atli 1697, Spanish Army uniforms in 1705 and a section devoted to rcaders' questions and inqueries. 14. Nafziger Orders of Battle, 8801 Tammy Drive , West Chester, Ohio 45069. Whether your interest is in the SYW, ACW or Napoleonics, this is a valuable service at a reasonable price. George Nafziger provides orders of battles on computer printouts at a price of $0.25 per page. I use these OB's extensively when I research articles or embark on a new wargame period, in the later case, to help me build and organize wargarne armies. 15. Historical Gainer Magazine , 1863 S. Limestone, Lexington, KY 40503. Subscriptions (six issues) $25.00 USA; $30.00 Canada; and $36.00 Europe. Issue No. 13 October 1992 features an informative article about Prince Liechtenstein's reforms of the Austrian artillery in the mid 1700's, written by Ken MacLennan. This fine magazine frequently includes articles germane to the SYW period given editor Bill Biles' familiarity with the period. More 7YWA Newsletter Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal Vol. VI No. 2 Table of Contents Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1992 by James E. Purky This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |