by Jim Purky
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8. Firing Line Miniatures 25mm AWI Dragoons: Steve Phillips sent me some samples of his new range of 25mm American mounted and dismounted dragoons for the American Revolution. These are truly beautiful castings with fine details such as sword knots, button holes, buckles on the saddle bags, etc. to name but a few details. 'Me figures remind me a little bit of RSM figures in size, but with a greater degree of animation. They work well with the current Old Glory range. The current offerings include dismounted: standing firing carbine, standing loading carbine, standing holding a pistol upright, and an officer/horseholder figure. Mounted figures include a trumpeter, a trooper [with 2 arm variants: one aiming pistol with sword dangling from the wrist; the other with sword pointing straight ahead for that final charge to contact]. There are three horses of which two are galloping and one is standing at the halt. As a nice extra touch, you can purchase spare saddles so that you have an empty saddled horse standing to use for your horseholder stands. Simply brilliant! Why hasn't anyone else done this before. Each figure requires the assembly of a separate head (3 helmet variants plus a tricorne hat) while the mounted trooper has two arm variants that have to be assembled. The trumpeter only requires a head. Assembly may be daunting to you if you haven't tried this before, but let me tell you that the end result is well worth the effort. I painted my samples as Bland's Dragoons and quickly ordered more to create a 15 figure regiment of mounted figures plus 12 dismount- ed and 3 horse holders. Wow, great looking figures! Steve informs me that he plans to add a mounted trooper in hunting shirt for the Southern Theatre. Future releases may include British infantry in campaign uniforms and Continentals and South Carolina state troops. For more information contact Steve Phillips at 4761 N. Bear Canyon, Tucson, AZ 85749. Phone: (520) 749-0703/ FAX: (520) 299-0141 or e-mail at " . More SYWA News: Wargaming Figures and Accessories
Dixon 25mm AWI Cavalry Bataillenfeur Games 20mm French, British & Hanoverians SYW figures The Foundry SYW Future Releases Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal Vol. X No. 3 Table of Contents Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by James E. Purky This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |