Legion Franche Etrangere

Footnotes and Bibliography

by Geert van Uythoven, The Netherlands


[1] For more information about the background and the Prussian invasion of Holland in 1787, see my articles “The Prussian Campaign in Holland, 1787” which have appeared in First Empire No.44-47 (Bridgnorth UK, Jan/Feb 1999-Jul\Aug 1999).
[2] Valckenaer mentions for 5 September 1788 the amount of 2,500 refugeees in France (J.A. Sillem , Het Leven van Mr. Johan Valckenaer” I, p.95). Colenbrander argues a total amount of refugees of 5 to 6,000 (Colenbrander, “Gedenkstukken” I, p.XXXI-XXXIII).
[3] Although it should be more correct not to speak about ‘Belgium’ and ‘Belgians’, but about the Austrian Netherlands, Brabant and Luik/Liège, I still have decided to do so for simplicity reasons.
[4] Balthasar Elias Abbema, Benjamin baron van Boetzelaer, Van Hoey , Johannes Lambertus Huber, Johannus Conradus de Kock (died under the guillotine 24 March 1794), and Jan de Witt. These were the members of the Bataafsch Comité Revolutionnair (‘Batavian Revolutionary Committee’). In a nutshell, the goal of this committee was creating a Dutch Republic based on the revolutionary ideas. Van Hoey and Huber would serve with the legion as commissary. Van Hoey became also chirurgien en chef of the legion.
[5] The legion received the blue uniform of the French revolutionary volunteer battalions. Interesting detail: the 2,000 muskets which were necessary to arm the legion were supplied by the firm Daendels, Gelderman & Co.! Both men had raised a business office in France, which was chiefly engaged in importing muskets, and item which was of course in great demand after the declaration of war (Colenbrander, “Gedenkstukken” I, p.34).
[6] Although the French state paid all expenses for the legion, it was also stipulated that, whenever a Batavian Republic was created, everything would have to be paid back!
[7] Colenbrander, “Gedenkstukken” I, p.XXXV.
[8] For the officiële lijst, ‘official list’ of all officers of the legion during its presence in Breda and Geertruidenberg in February and March 1793, see: Anrooy, F. van…[et al.] “Herman Willem Daendels” (Utrecht 1991) p.39. On this list are many well-known names. Martuschewitz is missing however, because he was already prisoner of war on that moment. It is not clear to me why Chassé is not listed, as he should.
[9] This order of battle lists the following units: With the avant-garde (Berneron); 1er et 2e bataillons de la légion Batave, 1,057 présents sous les armes. Dragons bataves, 80 présents. With the reserve (Tilly); 3e bataillon légion batave, 527 presents. Source: Desbrière, Edouard & Sautai Maurice, “La Cavalerie pendant la Révolution, du 14 juillet 1789 au 26 juin 1794 – La Crise” (Paris/Nancy 1907) p.350-351. With the ‘dragons’ in this case the jagers te paard are mend. Such transpositions are regular in order of battles. Because of the fact that officers of the 4th battalion have participated in combat, and because the battalion is also listed on the officiële lijst (see note 7), I believe that in any case part of the 4th battalion has been incorporated in the other three battalions. I suspect that the jager companies as well were incorporated in the infantry battalions.
[10] For more information on Herman Willem Daendels, see my biography on him which has appeared in First Empire No.39 (Bridgnorth UK, Feb/Mar 1998) pp.4-11.
[11] Pierre Alexandre Dumont-Pigalle, patriot writer, joint founder of the Bataafsch Comité Revolutionnair.
[12] Colenbrander, “Gedenkstukken” I, p.62.
[13] Colenbrander, “Gedenkstukken” I, p.72.
[14] Letter of François Michel Xavier de Comps, French commissary of government with the Bataafsch Comité Revolutionnair , to Lebrun, French minister of foreign affairs (Colenbrander, “Gedenkstukken” I, p.75.
[15] Anrooy, F. van…[et al.] “Herman Willem Daendels” (Utrecht 1991) p.39; Colenbrander, “Gedenkstukken” I, p.XXXIII. The legion consists of 4 squadrons jagers te paard , 100 men each; 4 infantry battalions of 400 men each; 200 foot jagers, 200 artillerymen, and 50 artificers.
[16] For details about the capture of Klundert and the siege of Willemstad, see: Const. van Nispen, “Beleg en verdediging van Willemstad in 1793” (Willemstad 1993); G.C. van Uythoven, “Klundert and Willemstad, 1793” in First Empire No.62 (Bridgnorth UK, jan/feb 2002) pp.16-23 & “The Siege of Willemstad, 1793” in First Empire No. 63 (Bridgnorth UK, mar/apr 2002) pp.11-
[17] The garrison of Geertruidenberg consisted of the 3me bat/du Calvados, 19me(?) and 23me bataillon de la réserve, a battalion of the Légion franche étrangère, 40 hussars of the 8me Régiment d’Hussards, and an artillery company commanded by Captain Aubert. Source: Anon. : “Victoires, conquêtes, désastres” I, p.129.
[18] Van der Aa: “Geschiedenis van den oorlog” I, p.409-410.
[19] From ‘Relaas van de generaal Attaque, die de Franschen op alle onze Voorposten van Tourcoing af tot Commines gedaan hebben den 22 July 1793’, in: Geisweit van der Netten, “Officiële rapporten betrekkelijk de Krijgsverrichtingen”

Main Sources

Anon. Victoires, conquêtes, désastres, revers et guerres civiles des Français, de 1792 à 1815 (Paris 1817) Tome 1er

Aa, Cornelis van der Geschiedenis van den jongst-geëindigden oorlog (1793-1802), tot op het sluiten van den Vrede te Amiens, bijzonder met betrekking tot de Bataafsche Republiek: uit de beste authentique stukken, berichten, aanteekeningen en andere echte bronnen bijeengezameld en in order gebracht, 10 dln (Amsterdam 1802-1808) dl. 1-2

Anrooy, F. van…[et al.] Herman Willem Daendels, 1762-1818: Geldersman, patriot, Jacobijn, generaal, hereboer, maarschalk, gouverneur van Hattem naar St. George del Mina (Utrecht 1991)

Bas, F. de Prins Frederik der Nederlanden en zijn tijd (Schiedam 1887) dl. 1

Colenbrander, Dr. H.T. Gedenkstukken der Algemene Geschiedenis van Nederland van 1795 tot 1840 ('s Gravenhage 1907) dl. 1

Dumouriez Mémoires du Général Dumouriez (Hambourg et Leipzig 1794) Tome 2e

Fieffé, Eugène Histoire des troupes étrangères au service de France (Paris 1854)

Geisweit van der Netten, kol.Officiële Rapporten betrekkelijk de Krijgsverrichtingen der H. Troepen in de Veldtogten van 1793 tot 95 tegen de Franschen in de O. Nederlanden (s.l., s.d.)

Mendels, Dr. I Herman Willem Daendels, vóór zijne benoeming tot gouverneur-generaal van Oost-Indië (1762-1807) (’s-Gravenhage 1890)

Sillem, Mr. J.A. Het leven van mr. Johan Valckenaer, (1759-1821) (Amsterdam 1876) dl. 1

Legion Franche Etrangere 1792-1795

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