First Battle of Biberach
2 October 1796

Orders of Battle

by Jens-Florian Ebert and Roland Kessinger, Germany

The Austrian Army

Commander-in-chief: FZM Latour

Left Wing: FML Mercantin

GM Bolza
CR 13 Modena Chevauxlegers (6 sqdns, 911)
CR 32 Erzherzog Ferdinand Hussars (2 sqdns, 221)
CR 39 Waldeck Dragoons (2 sqdns,?)
IR49 Pellegrini (1st & 2nd batts, 862)
IR3 Erzherzog Karl (1 batt, 300)
2. Slavonia District Grenzer (combined battalion) (630)

Emigre Corps Condé: Duc d’Enghien
Infanterie noble (1 1/2 batts)
Hohenlohe Infantry (1 batt)
Legion Mirabeau (1 batt)
Cavallerie noble (4 sqdns)
Chevalier de la Couronne (4 sqdns)
Escadron de la Dauphin (1 sqdn)

Strength: 7 1/2 bat, 19 sqdns

Centre: FML Baillet

GM Hegel
CR32 Erzherzog Ferdinand Hussars (8 sqdns, 829)
CR6 Kaiser Karabiniers (2 sqdns [Chevauxleger Division], 261)
CR26 Erzherzog Johann Dragoons (2 sqdns, 277)
Szekler Grenzer kB (3 cos, ?)
IR 35 Wenkheim (2 batts, 1,332)
IR 23 Toscana (2 batts, 919)
IR 7 K. Schröder (2 batts, 1,347)

Strength: 6 1/2 bat, 12 sqdns

Reserve: FZM Latour

FML Fürstenberg
CR26 Erzherzog Johann Dragoons(2 sqdns, 256)
IR3 Erzherzog Karl (2 batts, 1,583)
IR12 Hohenlohe (1 batt, 976)

Strength: 3 batts, 2 sqdns

Right Wing: FML Kospoth

GM Zopf
CR39 Waldeck Dragoons (4 sqdns, ?)
CR3 Kaiser Dragoons (2 sqdns, ?)
IR1 Kaiser (3rd Battalion, 1,089)
IR11 M. Wallis (1st Battalion, 759)
IR21 Gemmingen (1 batt, 1,040)
IR56 W. Colloredo (3rd Battaion, 986)
Bavarian Contingent (2 batts, 906)

Detachement Oberst (Colonel) Nostitz
CR 1 Kaiser Dragoons (4 sqdns, ?)
Szekler Grenzer (Combined battalion) (3 cos, ?)
Strength: 6 1/2 bat, 8 sqdns

(Note: The unit strengths refer to the strength at the beginning of October, probably after the battle)

The French Army of the Rhine and Moselle

Commander-in-Chief: GD Moreau
Chief of staff: GB Reynier
Commander of the Artillery: GB Eblé
Commander of the technical troops: Chef de Brigade Chambarhillac

Left wing corps: GD Desaix

Division GD Beaupuy
GB Decaen

    10e légère
    10e Demi-Brigade
    4e Chasseurs a Cheval

GB Joba
    62e Demi-Brigade
    103e Demi-Brigade

GB Fauconnet
    8e Chasseurs a Cheval
    6e Dragons

Division GD Ste. Suzanne
GB Frimont

    16e légère
    50e Demi-Brigade
    7e Hussards

GB Eickenmayer
    97e Demi-brigade
    10e Dragons
    17e Dragons

Strength: 21 bat, 24 sqdns (16,500)

Centre Corps: GD St. Cyr

Division GB Vandamme
GB Girard-dit-Vieux

    21e légère
    26e légère
    9e Hussards (2 sqdns)
    2e Chasseurs a Cheval

GB Vandamme
    100e Demi-Brigade
    11e Hussards (1 sqdn)
    20e Chasseurs a Cheval

Division GD Taponier
44e Demi-Brigade under Mainoni
GB Lecourbe

    84e Demi-Brigade
    106e Demi-Brigade

GB Laboissiére
    17e Demi-Brigade
    31e Demi-Brigade

Reserve: GD Bourcier

Chef de Brigade Nansouty

    2e Cavalerie de bataille Regt
    9e Cavalerie de bataille Regt

GB Forest

    1er Carabiniers
    2e Carabiniers

Strength (Centre and Reserve): 24 bat, 28 sqdns (19,300)

(Note: While the Austrian OB is definite, the French OB had been reconstructed from many sources. There are detailed French OBs from the beginning of the campaign in various printed sources, but none are available for October 1796)

Selected Sources

To the best of our knowledge, aside from the general account in Phipps: Armies of the First French republic Volume II, there are no accounts of the battle available in English. Therefore the following list only contains some French (a) and German (b and c) sources.

a) Gouvion Saint-Cyr; Memoires sur les campagnes des Armées du Rhine et de Rhine-et-Moselle de 1792-1797; Paris 1829, chapt. 13.
b) Moritz Edlen von Angeli: Erzherzog Karl als Feldherr; Wien und Leipzig, 1896.
c) Karl von Martens: Geschichte der innerhalb der gegenwärtigen Grenzen des Königreich Württemberg vorgefallenen kriegerischen Ereignisse; Stuttgart, 1847.


The authors thank Dave Hollins for some fruitful discussions and the assistance in translating the manuscript.

First Battle of Biberach 2 October 1796

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