
25mm Napoleonic

Review By Dave Watkins

Bicorne Miniatures
40 Church Road, Uppermill, Saddleworth, Oldham, OL3 6EL.
0457 870646
Foot & Cavalry 37p, Horses 45p, Personalities £ 1.00, Limbers £ 1.00, Cannon £ 2.00. Catalogue with sample available for £ 1.00

A handful of samples were received from Brian Holland for the editors perusal, in fact a colour piccy appearedon the front of issue 4, showing an excellent French Artillery piece and crew. I have only reviewed the figures that I could identify by code, so here goes.

BN6 British Line Infantry Advancing Centre Coy, Belgic Shako.

A well proportioned figure. The detail is clean, accurate and easy to paint. An average figure.

BN45 British Rifleman loading.

An excellent figure. Complete with dead rabbit slung across his pack, patches on his trousers and a really mournful expression . This is a very evocative figure. The expression, pose and general demeanour of the figure had me visualising him saying... "If I had quid for every time I've loaded this bloody rifle.." or "..only two more days to Corunna, they ain't gettin me rabbit..". Nice one Brian, love it.

BN17 Highlander Advancing.

Another nice figure. Nicely detailed bonnet with good engraving on the Ostrich feathers. The sporran is also nicely engraved. The facial detail again makes this figure for me. He has that look of contempt for the enemy that I associate with the Scottish Regiments of the era.

New Release SN2 Spanish Grenadero.

Tall and thin. the figure is the same height as the other supplied. He just looks tall and thin. Uniform detail is adequate. But it didn't do anything for me. Although I appreciated the effort put into the engraving on the bearskin cloth patch.

FN6 French Grenadier Bicorne. Advancing.

A nice figure that had me thinking what he could be used for. Always a good pointer with me. Uniform is hard to fault and the large epaulets when painted would give a good `elite feel'. The figure has a queue and could be used as Line elite or Guard, or even mixed in with a few bearskins to give variety in the unit. The figure is looking hard right, but I found that with finger and thumb pressure the entire head and neck could be twisted to any position between the original and straight ahead with no damage and minimal distortion. I found that this figure looked even more impressive facing forward. I don't know if Bicorne do a variant in that position, but if they don't perhaps they should.

FN13 French Infantry Officer, Shako advancing.

Yet another nice figure that could find itself at home in any French unit. Looks a bit like a member of the cast of `The Duelists', quite aristocratic. Must be Old Guard on attachment!

From the samples I have received I would say that the Bicorne range contains a few average figures, and to be fair I must say that I know these to be the older models, pre 1988. The later pieces, however, for the most part, I full of character. I could assign personalities to the figures even in their unpainted state. At 37p a figure, this is an extensive range that deserves some serious support from you!

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