Napoleonic Newsdesk

New Categories
of NA Membership

by Napoleonic Association


There. are a number of companies and trading organisations who have considerable commercial contact with many of our members and have supported our activities over recent years, who would welcome the opportunity to create closer ties. A number of requests have been put to us we have decided to provide a new Corporate Membership category.

Corporate Membership is restricted to a business or commercial operation.


    Copy of all issues of First Empire magazine and The Adjutant. (One copy per member)

    The right to set up a trade stand at any NA conference or event (subject to space availability and sponsors agreements). A reasonable rent will be requested dependent upon the site and scale of the event. Any such stands must de displayed within the areas allocated by the Associations event manager.

    The display of and distribution of members's literature at NA events wherever possible.


At a very advantageous price the NA will rovide the opportunity for Corporate members to place inserts in First Empire magazine, providing access to the 3000 suscribers which of course includes all NA members. The current cost (February 1999) for this service is from £ 195.00 per insert subject to size and weight.

In addition the Association can despatch mailings to all NA registered members on behalf of corporate members . Quotations upon application.

Free single page (mono) advertisement space in annual Handbook (1999 value - #163 75) commencing with the Associations "25 year anniversary " 2000 issue.

Free copy of Annual handbook (One per member


£ 120 per annum (Subject to annual reviews)


Corporate membership will be subject to the following conditions:

Individuals within or associated to the business or employees of it, will not be entitled to obtain any Individual or Family membership rights and benefits.

Corporate Membership is open to Bona Fide trading companies involved in Napoleonic activities as well as other groups providing allied services.

Corporate Memberships are subject to approval by the Associations committee who will satisfy themselves that such organisations are acceptable to the Association.

Corporate members will be subject to the same codes of conduct applied to any other membership and are reminded that commercial intrusion must not compromise the credibility of any re-renactment activities.

Corporate members will enjoy the same constitutional right to vote on Associations affairs (only one vote per membership) as per individual members.


There are a number of organisations and associations (many overseas) who have expressed an interest in becoming members of the NA but for reasons that are either commercial or logistical it makes little sense to them to become corporate members. An Associate membership category has been established to provide such organisations with the opportunity of becoming a part of the NA movement.

These are likely to include the following types of organisations.

    Overseas re-enactment Associations
    Overseas Re-Enactment regiments or units
    Museums, Research associations, voluntary societies
    Venues and management of historical site and other venues
    Tourist boards or Associations

Associate membership benefits to members

    Copy of all issues of First Empire magazie and the Adjutant (1 copy per member)
    Free copy of NA handbook (I copy per member)
    Contact name and address featured in NA Handbook (commencing with the 2000 issue)
    Contact name and address featured on Associations web site

Cost of membership (Subject to annual re views)

£ 20 per annum (UK members)
£ 25 per annum (Overseas members)

With regard to the membership fees, these may me waived by discretion of the Association's executive committee if some form of reciprocal arrangement can be made or can provide sufficient Associate benefits to NA members.


Associate membership will be subject to the following conditions:

Associate membership is not open to any individual or family.

Individuals or families who are members, employees of or in any way associated to the Associate Member will not be entitled to obtain any Individual or Family membership rights and benefits.

Associate members will have no voting rights regarding the Associations' affairs.

Associate Memberships are subject to approval.

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