Napoleonic Association
Events Diary

Napoleonic Newsdesk

By Dave Watkins

When I sat down to write the last Events Diary I had just returned from Fritton Lake via a small affair in Belgium, thinking things would quieten down. A quiet trip to Boulogne to watch and take part in someone else’s event seemed the way to unwind. Dominating the site outside Boulogne where the Grande Armée was encamped, is a tall column surmounted with a statue of the Emperor marking the spot where Napoleon issued the first awards of the Legion d’Honneur. Half way up this column I wondered why I had got the urge to go to the top, but there was no turning back with a Company of French Infantry in pursuit. Exhausted I reached the top and surveyed the quite magnificent panorama of the French coastline, imagining the Grande Armée ranged below, and Frigates of the Royal Navy cruising in the Channel whilst secretly clinging to the railings for grim death hoping the wind wouldn’t get up and whisk me away to oblivion. Looking around the veterans of many campaigns alongside me it was only slightly comforting to notice they were all doing precisely the same.

The Boulogne event as guests of the Grande Armée is a delight, the hospitality excellent, and the companionship of our hosts and the townspeople of Boulogne is very warm. If you haven’t been to this event yet don’t miss the next one, same time next year. I would like to extend a very big thank you to Michel Lamesche of the 4ème Legere, and Regis Surmont of the 18ème de Ligne for making this their best yet, and for supporting us by bringing their units to Norfolk. It was difficult when partaking of a glass of wine with Regis that he said to me - “you will come to Chateauroux, we are depending on your coming.” Well I knew it would be difficult there had been only a small response to the event information - it just seemed to be one event too many. Funding was available, the sponsor was introduced, but there were still a lot of undecided faces when Regis inspired played his trump cards, “Billets pour un Boisson”.

Glen Robinson, and Derek Saunders agreed to organise buses, and thanks to their efforts, and those of Tom Greenshields, Howard Adams, John Lander, and Mike Grove the show was on. I have just arrived back from the event and can honestly say it ranked amongst the best I have been to. It was the first time an event had been put together in Central France and the hospitality was overwhelming. The French had to confront a Redcoat line formed from the Guards, the 42nd and the 71st Highlanders, whilst both our Chasseur a Cheval Units combined with the 15th Hussars to put on a superb mounted display with the Garde Chasseurs of the Grande Armée. Mike Grove’s “Elite Company” supported the thin red line by taking the field in the guise of British heavy dragoons, but the threat of the knife being sharpened by the Surgeon McDonald was too much and they scurried back to the French side minus their red cloaks and dressed again as Chasseurs, or where they still in disguise? No one had told the Garde the script it would seem, and not taking chances they first shot and then attempted to sabre our hero whose pleas (the polite term) of I’m on your .... side, were ignored by the Garde, and greeted with amusement by the watching infantry as the entire French drill manual was rewritten.

My enduring memory of the event, and one from which we can all learn was the way units and nationalities intermingled and joined in the songs of the period around the campfire with the public looking on. The Musique de la Garde joined in with the Pipes and Drums of the 42nd Highlanders to create a very special atmosphere long into the night. To Jean-Michel Petit and Regis Surmont again a very sincere thank you for all the work you put in, and to Eric Masse and Existence the sponsors a thank you for the invitation and your excellent hospitality.

Stop Press Event:

Saturday 21st October - Fort Amherst, Chatham, Kent.

The Fort trustees and the NA are putting together a Napoleonic Tattoo. Short notice this one, and final details not confirmed but will be sent to all Unit Commanders. None re-enactors wanting further information should contact the Fort direct at the address above or Tom Greenshield on 0181 397 4423.

Annual General Meeting of the Napoleonic Association - Saturday 18th November.

    Venue - The Ossington Hotel,
    Newark, Notts. Start 2pm.

    Full details will be sent to all members. Any nominations for Committee posts, Agenda Items, or changes of Rule should be sent to Mike Freeman as Chairman (the Secretary is not standing for re-election.) by Sunday 22nd October 1995.

Austerlitz: 1st / 3rd December 1995

Places are still available on this trip. Cost is £200 (£50 deposit required with booking). Coach will depart from the UK overnight 29th/30th November, returning to the UK for Tuesday evening 5th December. Price includes 5 nights B&B.

Booking forms, and or requests for further information on the Napoleonic Association to

    Mike Freeman, 5 Thingwall Drive, Irby, Wirral, Merseyside L61 3XN
    Mike Freeman
First Empire has moved.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE note that our address has changed, to 1st Floor, 21 Whitburn Street, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4QN. I stress this point because even though we operated our of 75a High Street, for 2½ years, we still get mail addressed to the old Beech Street address. Phone number remains unchanged.

GJM Figurines

Ged Cronin of GJM is now operating from 74 Crofton Road, Orpington, Kent. BR6 8HY with immediate effect so all enquiries to the above address please or phone 01689 828474

Horse and Musket Studies

There will be a series of one day conferences held at the Tower of London Education centre from November 1195 onwards. Subjects covered will be Great Campaigns of the Emperor, Wellington as Peninsular Commander, Aspects of Peninsular War and Waterloo; as well from an earlier period Wolfe and Marlborough. The lectures will be delivered by a team of experienced lecturers. For further details please send a stamp addressed envelope:

Horse and Musket Studies,

5 Victoria Court,

Cartwright Street,


E1 8LZ

Havoc XII

Havoc XII - April 19-21, 1996, Royal Plaza Hotel, Marlborough, Mass. BGBBoston inc.’s 12th annual miniatures and historical gaming convention. For general information, contact: Rob Geurden, 43 Lexington Street., Belmont, MA 02178 (617) 484 9402. For dealer information, contact Mark Brown, 29 Thornton Road, Waltham, MA 02154 (617) 819 9518. To run a game as Game Master, contact Jorge Chavier, 26 Grant Avenue, Watertown, MA 02172 (617) 926 0774

Mr Huddlestone where are you

Would Mr Huddlestone who wrote to the editor for some back issues please contact him as soon as possible.

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